News - Top 5 "meta" Primary Loadouts Warzone 2. Warzone 2 Best Class Setups - Mw2

40 round mag

We have the 40-round magazine, which is actually the biggest magazine size you can get on the cast-off 762; you definitely don't want the 20-round magazine, and you don't want the default 30-round magazine, so I think this is by far the best option. And then for the tuning on the muzzle. I tuned for ads speed and bolt velocity; on the barrel.

best 2 loadout

I tuned in for recoil steadiness and damage range; on the optic. I tuned it for ads speed and close; and then for the phase 3 grip on our underbarrel. I tuned it for recoil stabilization and aiming idle stability, but overall, that is my full build for the cast-off 762. I'm telling you. I'll probably drop another updated list because we are going to get some weapon balancing, but as of right now for the current meta, those are my top five primaries, so of course go through and give every, **

Best Warzone 2 Loadout Best Warzone 2. 0 Class Setup. TOP 5 META PRIMARY LOADOUTS in WARZONE 2! Warzone 2 Best Class Setups - MW2.
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