News - Top 5 Meta Loadouts Warzone Season 6. Warzone 2 Best Loadouts - Mw2

You can use whatever one you want to max out the far distance, which did not change the weight for number four. I want to show you guys the ISO 9 mm because I still think this is an amazing SMG. Despite them trying to make this weaker, this build right here is still overpowered, but on the x0 R40 for sound suppression bullet velocity damage range of recoil smoothness at the cost of aim down side speed and aiming stability for the bullet velocity set it to 71 in and the aim down sight speed to 77.

modern warfare 2

O put on a 9 in PTX trainer for damage range hip fire accuracy movement speed and bullet velocity at the cost aim downside speed hip recoil control and recoil control for the damage range set it to 30 inches The recoil sits at 47 lb; beyond that, it does not get better in this optimal setup right here.

I put on the VK laser 7mw for aim downside speed aiming stability and Sprint the fire speed at the cost of the laser being visible in ads, so just keep yourself aware of that. If you're just going to constantly show ads, you're most likely going to be taken out because they're going to know where the laser's at for the tuning I set the feet to.

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2468 ft for aim down side speed inrent to fire speed to NE23. O for sprint to fire speed now. I put on the rest of the stock for Sprint Speed. Crouch mve speed, aim walking speed, and aim down sight speed at the cost of aiming stability and recoil control. I don't want to use the collapse; I just don't think it's a good idea.


I think it's going to do more harm than good. Look at the cons versus this right here. This is very minimal. This is major, so make sure you have the right two. It's just a much better choice for the tuning, which has set the aiming out stability to 1.94 and the aim down SI speed to negative 1.94.

So the same thing on each side. It's going to be pretty hard, and if you get it, I'm going to be very impressed. Last but not least, I put on the 50-round drum, just because that's honestly optimal. 20 is not enough; it's going to fly through it. base is not enough. 50 is the best possible choice, and the final thing I'm going to show you guys is that I'm sorry to anybody who is not going to expect this, but the loquid 300 is still a one-shot, and it still gets the job done.

In fact, this is going to make it have as much range as it did previously, so put on the GW Max 99 for S suppression bullet velocity damage range and recoil smoothness at the cost of aim down side speed, aiming stability, and aim walking speed. It's not a big deal, trust me. Everything else is going to help with this.


Set the bullet velocity of 68 in and the aim-down sight speed to netive 1.40. Put on the MATC 812 barrel for damage range, bullet velocity, recoil control, and tighter pellet spread at the cost of aim downside speed and movement speed. Trust me, everything we're putting on this is going to give it the most range and is also going to give it the best possible movement and aim-down sight speed, so you'll be good to go.

Set the tuning to damage range 22 in and do not change the weight; it's just not necessary, and neither of these are going to help you. Put on the VK laser (7 mW) for aim downside speed, aiming stability, and sprint to fire speed at the cost of the laser, which are visible in ads.

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TOP 5 META Loadouts in Warzone Season 6! Warzone 2 Best Loadouts - MW2.
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