News - Top 5 Guns And Best Loadouts Warzone 2 Zombies

Another really important aspect of this gun is just how fast it reloads, with speed cola equipped this gun will be fully reloaded in less than 1 second which could be the difference of life or death if you find yourself in one of them sticky situations if you're cornered by a zombie in a small Corridor, on top of all of that this gun is still an SMG which means it has a very good Mobility, which will allow you to maneuver in and around zombies without taking damage or going down, the only real downside of this gun is that since you are running a Kimbo you do have to get up close and personal with the special zombies which could cause you to go down.

This gun will still efficiently take down special zombies, but you do have to get close to them, which can get a little tricky. Like I said, guys, this gun really shines when taking down large hordes of zombies because of its 200-round mag and really fast reload time, which has earned this gun a number two spot on this list, on the WSB swarm.

So the first thing you're going to want to do is go over the conversion kit and put on the WSP Aikimbo Brace Stock. The next item you're going to want to put on is the Hip Shot L20 Laser to help with that hip recoil control. For the barrel, you're going to want to put on the WSP Reckless 90-long barrel to help damage output at range.

For the ammunition, I recommend the high-grain round; this is also just going to help with damage output. And then for the magazine, you're going to want to put on the 100-round drum to maximize the amount of ammo you have in the weapon. So by far the best gun in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 zombies is the tyr, and if you guys primarily play multiplayer and are looking for a good zombie loadout and just so happen to stumble upon my article, this may come as a surprise considering how bad this gun is in multiplayer, but in Zombies this is by far the most broken gun in the game because it has the ability to one-hot special zombies, which is just absolutely broken.

You can spam big game Bounty contracts all in the Tier 3 Zone while using this gun and kill the Bounty with absolutely no issue, this gun is also extremely good at taking out the mega Abomination as you guys seen in the first clip this gun has very good Mobility since it is a pistol and is really good at also taking out larger hordes of zombies but similar to the wsp Swarm this gun's only real downside is since you are running a Kimbo and the snake shot round you do have to get close to the zombies but since this gun has the ability to One-Shot any zombies that issue is basically irrelevant.

What I like to do with this weapon is use it as my secondary, whose primary function will be to take out special zombies when they come up, and then I will use one of the other primary guns mentioned on this list as my main gun for taking out hordes of zombies, so due to this gun being able to one-shot zombies, it has rightfully earned itself the number one spot on this list.

This is the build I recommend putting on the tire, so for the laser, you're going to put on the CS15, a scarlet-mounted laser to help your Sprint fire speed. For the barrel you're going to want to put on the ziu, 16 heavy, long barrels will help increase the damage output at range. The ammunition is the most important thing you have to put on the snake-shot round; that's what makes this gun so powerful and capable of one-shotting the special zombies.

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For the trigger action, you're going to want to put on the fury; this is going to increase the fire rate, and then, as you've seen in the game play, you're going to want to put on the kimbo attachment, and again, this is what's going to help your gun hit the special zombies.

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In this video I go over what the top 5 guns are in call of duty modern warfare three zombies.
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