News - Top 5 Guns And Best Loadouts Warzone 2 Zombies


Make sure you guys check to the end of the article. I'll show you a few of the metal loadouts currently in zombies that will help you the most out whenever trying to survive in their higher threat zones. I'm bringing you another YouTube article. In today's article, I want to go over what I believe to be the top five best weapons in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 zombies.

This article will exclude all Wonder Weapons because I want this list to only include guns you can spawn in every single game. I will also be going over what the metal loots are for each of the guns, so you can use my exact setup in your own gameplay. The number five gun on the list is going to be the RGL.

The rgl is extremely good at this game, not only at taking out large hordes of zombies, but this gun is really going to shine whenever you start doing ether nest or trying to take down infested strongholds. There's not a gun in the game quite like the RGL that allows you to just jump into one of these strongholds or ether nests and start spamming rockets in tight corridors, killing everything in its path while also blowing up the cyst you can see on screen here.


Just how quickly and effectively I'm taking down some of these ether nets that I'm jumping into. I would say the only downside to the RGL is that it doesn't have a lot of ammo, so you're going to have to be a little bit careful with the shots you're shooting. And the other thing is, you're going to have to run PhD floppers.

The reason you're going to need a PhD flopper is so you can no longer take explosive damage. If you don't run PhD Flopper with this gun, you are going to be downing yourself over and over again, and that's just not something you're going to want to do. But other than taking out all these ether nets like you saw on screen here, we're going to go ahead and display how good this gun is at taking out some of the special zombies you saw right there.

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I just two-shot a mangler. That one took about three shots to kill this mangler, and then it just absolutely destroys any trains of zombies that you guys may have, so this gun is absolutely amazing; it's really good at taking out the ether nest and really good at taking out fors of zombies. So the number four gun on the list is going to be the 26th.

This gun is extremely versatile and is seen everywhere on the map. You can bring this gun into the game with you as your insured slot, or you can fight it on the wall in the Tier 1, Tier 2, or even Tier 3 zones, which makes this gun that much better and more useful. If you guys have seen my article on how to get the best set up in zombies, you will know this is the gun that I'm looking for when going to the Tier 3 zone so that I can get this gun as a gold rarity because it is just that good.

My favorite thing about this gun is just how versatile it really is. This is technically a light machine gun that has very good mobility, which allows you to maneuver in and out of zombies quickly. It also has really good handling, so it's easier to hit your shots when the zombies are further away or when going against the giant worm boss when you complete the story mission.

The damage output of this gun is also just amazing; you can quickly take down hordes of zombies when you are using this weapon. You can see on screen here just how well this gun mows down hordes of zombies, which is extremely useful when playing in this game mode. So due to the fact that you can get a gold rarity version of this gun every single game by traveling to the Tier 3 Zone, which has a ton of ammo, and the overall damage output and mobility of this gun, it has earned itself a number four spot on this list.

So this is the build you're going to want to use on the 26. For the barrel, I recommend putting on the hold on your factory barrel; this is going to increase the bullet velocity and range, increasing the damage output of the weapon. For the under barrel, I love the XRK Edge BW4 or hand stop to increase my movement speed and strafe speed when aiming down sight.

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For the magazine, I'd recommend putting on the 100-round drum just to have the maximum amount of ammo you possibly can. The optic comes down to personal preference, but I personally love the Slate reflector, and finally, for the stock, I would recommend the RB assault stock just so you can have a better gun kit.

Control the number three gun on this list is going to be the only gun from Modern Warfare 2. This gun is going to be the PDSW, otherwise known as the P90. The gun is overall extremely amazing, but where it really shines is when you pack and punch the gun. As soon as you pack and punch this weapon, it gets a crazy 400-round magazine without reducing the mobility of the gun, which is truly unreal.

This gun will hold more ammunition and have a bigger magazine than almost all light machine guns while still keeping the same crazy fast mobility of an SMG. Outside of the magazine size, this gun is also extremely versatile. It won't be as good at rain because it is still an SMG, but if you are up close and have a lot of zombies, you are almost guaranteed to kill the entire horde because of the 400-round magazine.

Whenever you factor in the 400-round magazine along with the damage and fire rate of the gun, it makes it almost overpowered. This weapon is also really good at taking out these special zombies, but again, like I said, where it really shines is its really fast mobility combined with a 400-round magazine that has an extremely high damage output, which has earned this gun a number three spot on this list.

This is the build I recommend putting on the PDSW 528, so for the muzzle, I'm going to put on the Breu pendulum. This is really going to help with gun kick control and the vertical recoil. For the barrel, I'm going to put on the Ftag Series I 14.5, which is really going to help with the damage range and movement speed of the weapon.

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For the laser, I recommend the Accu, shot at 5 m. This is just going to help with aim-down sight time and overall mobility. For the optic, it comes down to personal preference, but I like the Cronin Mini Pro, and then for the stock. I recommend the hollow extended stock, which is going to increase aim walking speed and sprint speed.

The number two gun on this list is going to be the wsp. Swarm, and I know what you guys are already thinking this gun, it makes it absolutely horrible which you guys would be right but go ahead and hear me out whenever you combine the akimbo attachment on this gun it makes it absolutely crazy and practically doubles the damage output of the weapon on top of that you can combine it with a 200-round magazine which will turn into a 200 round magazine when Pack-a-Punch, which allows you to just spray and prey, taking out large hordes of zombies.

In this video I go over what the top 5 guns are in call of duty modern warfare three zombies.
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