News - How To Get Epic Aether Tool, Refined Aetherium Crystal, And Elemental Pop Call Of Duty Warzone 2 Zombie


If you guys want to know how you can unlock more schematics in the Tier 3 Zone, like getting the refin ethereum crystal here, make sure you watch until the end of the article so I can show you the best way to get these schematics. Tizzle is here, bringing you another YouTube article. In today's article.

I will show you the best strategy to unlock the ray gun Tombstone, refin ethereum, or double Pack-a-Punch Crystal Elemental Pop and Epic Ether schematic so that you will be able to craft these perks and Pack-a-Punch crystals every time in Modern Warfare 3 zombies. It would mean the world to me if you guys would subscribe, and with that, let's go ahead and hop right into the tutorial.

So the very first thing we're going to want to do is go over our loadout for your primary weapon. It really is not important unless you have an epic or legendary ether tool to use. If you guys do not have an epic or legendary ether tool, we're definitely going to want to pick up a gun off the wall in the Tier 3 Zone, which I'll show you guys how to do in the article.


But if you do have an epic or legendary ether tool make sure you throw on whatever your favorite gun is for me that is the tyr, and this is the loadout I'm going to be using on this if you guys want to copy that, from there you want to put on the decoy grenade for your Tactical just because it is the best tactical in the game it acts like a monkey bomb the lethal I have really been enjoying the throwing knife it's very useful in tier three when them pesky dogs are chasing you can just turn around and throwing knife them, if you are playing solo I definitely recommend throwing on ether shroud it is the best field upgrade when solo, but if you're playing with a team I'd probably use healing Aura.

And then, like I said, I'm going to be using the Epic ether tool on my Tyr. I'm going to use a refin ethereum crystal on my tire to double-pack and punch it. I'm going to use shatter blast because, to me, it is the best ammo mod in the game, and then the perks I recommend bringing in are Deadshot Daquiri Juggernog, PhD Speed Cola, and Salmon Up.

But if you guys don't have these things readily available to bring into the game with you, that is okay. I will show you the best strategy for getting these items before going to Tier 3. All right, so let's hop right into this one. The very first thing you guys are going to want to do is, if you came into the game with anything, just go ahead and use all of that right now.

If you came in with all the items that I came in with, you guys are going to be good to go ahead and go to the Tier 3 Zone. But let's say you guys didn't come in with anything, and you have absolutely nothing. You need to get all your perks. You need to get a decent gun. You need to get a pack-a-punch, and then the very first thing that you are going to want to do is just pull up your mini map and then go to the nearest vehicle.

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From here, you're just going to want to spam tier one and tier 2 contracts to build up your essence as quick as you can because, as we all know, we have a limited time window inside of this game, so everything needs to be done as quickly as possible, so you need to get up to about 10, 000 Essence in order to get all of the perks, and then another 5, 000.

It's essential to buy a decent gun, so I'm going to go ahead and show you where you're going to find a decent gun and what gun you are going to be looking for. So before we purchase our gun, I'm going to go ahead and do a delivery cargo contract just because I believe it is by far the easiest contract to do in the game, and it's really not even close.

You don't have to shoot your gun, so you can go ahead and go to Tier 2 and do a bunch of delivery cargo contracts back to back before you even have any perks or decent guns to make things extremely easy for you. And not only that, it's super easy to do; it's going to be very helpful because it's going to give you one of the best vehicles in the game, which is going to be pretty helpful.

So if you guys came into the game you didn't have a ton of essence you didn't have the perks or a gun I would just do a bunch of deliver cargo contracts back to back in the tier 2 Zone to build that Essence up get up to your 10, 000 Essence for the perks and then another 5, 000 Essence to buy your gun so the very next thing we're going to need to do and this is going to be for the people that did not come into the game with a decent gun you're going to get to your 5, 000 Essence and you're just going to pull up on the mini map and you're going to go to a wallby that is in the tier three zone so it doesn't really matter what wall bu you go to it's going to be randomized every single game so the gun I find at my specific location won't be the gun you find at yours and what you are looking for is going to be an AR or an lmg.

That is gold-level rarity, and it's because rarity in this game is a lot more important than people realize. A gold-level rarity pack-a-punch once is going to be more powerful than a triple pack-a-punch common weapon, so you definitely want to get a gold gun. So just like that, the very first one I marked is going to be the DG58.

LSW that is gold you guys would want to buy that if you did not come into the game with a decent gun but since I came into the game with the tyr, and it's already purple Rarity I do not need that so I'm not going to pick it up and then once you guys buy that gun if you do not have enough money to Pack-A-Punch or don't have your perks you're probably just going to want to get out of the tier three Zone and then go do a few more tier one and tier 2 contracts to build up your essence to get the recommended perks and to Get Your Gun to at least Pack-a-Punch two, and then from here in order to get the schematics, all you guys are going to need to do is just a bunch of tier three contracts I'm going to show you the ones that I recommend doing that are the easiest to me inside of this game.

And the first one that we're going to do is going to be the Spore Control Contract, just because it was on the map for us. None of the easier ones were there yet, and I'll show you guys what it looks like and kind of what I do here. You really do not need to have or shoot your gun at any zombies if you do this properly, just because you can just kind of train them up and then just run around the zombies as much as you can and avoid them the best you can.

So, right here, I didn't even hear this dog coming up on me. We'll get him off of us, and then we'll sow all these inhibitors really quick, and then we're just going to run around and throw the inhibitors on these little. Egg-type deals are real. So just like that. I went through and threw all the inhibitors down on every single one, and all I'm doing is turning around whenever I hear a dog chasing me because those guys can be pretty annoying to deal with, but other than that.

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