News - Top 5 Best Meta Loadouts Warzone 3. Warzone Best Loadouts - Warzone 2

I'm most likely alive. I remember streaming this just yesterday, and people were just like, Well, what's your RAM class because my Ram doesn't shoot like that and you must have a cronis? It's just like, It's really just this class right here. If you don't have this class or if you haven't tried this class, then you're missing out a lot.


This is a very easy Ram 7 class to use; you'll have no recoil. Next is HRM 9. This is basically the best SMG in the game, so I had to make a class setup for you guys and make it very easy for you to throw on the ZON 35 compensated flash IR ches. A radar ping, vertical recoil, horizontal recoil, and aim stability help a lot.

Now you do lose some bullet velocity and aim-down sight speed, but I honestly so highly recommend it. If you don't want to use this, then the only alternative I really would recommend is It's kind of risky, but the monolithic suppressor—if you guys don't want to deal with that, then you guys can go all out, the way over here, and then use the LR flash hider.

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I think that's really the best alternative; otherwise, if you don't want to lose any sort of bullet velocity. I don't think that you guys are going to notice the bullet velocity that much, so I think you guys should keep this next. You're going to want to have the DR6 handstyle for aim walking speed, sprint to fire speed, aim downside speed, and movement speed.

top 5 loadouts

You do lose some aim walking stus and hire attack stance spread, but I just don't think it matters, because if you put on the 90 barrel, you get hit fire attack stand spread aim down s side speed Sprint to fire speed and Sprint speed, and just lose a little bit of aiming out and recoil control, which you're not going to notice.

Next, make sure you put on the 50-round drum, just because, I mean, there's really no better option if you put on 20; you're just going to run bullets way too fast. This is the best possible choice, and the last thing is the folding stock for recoil control, gunk control, and firing aim stability.

You do lose some aim-down side speed, but everything we put on there is literally the most perfectly balanced SMG. This SMG range Supreme at basically all ranges except long range is just a little bit of a challenge just because it does have an initial jump before it actually settles, like you guys see, there is a little bit of a jump and then you guys kind of get the shot on point, so if you guys can control that shot on point in the beginning, then I would say that it's lethal in every single range.


Just be careful. I mean, what situation do you really want to put yourself in where you have to shoot from 30 R, like 30 m? I just don't really recommend that. I think that you guys should stick to the 10 to 20 meters and you'll be good to go, but here's the entire class set of HRM 9. Make sure you guys copy this down because this is basically met and everyone's using a bit of competition.

Along with the ram 7, if you guys want a meta loadout, it's a ram 7 and HRM 9, so make sure you guys are copying this part down for the new loadout that everyone's been using, as well as the S SOA subverter. This thing is incredibly easy to use, so I have to give you guys this build just because it gets the job done very easily, throwing the cast's break.

warzone 3

L helps with horizontal recoil and firing stability. You do lose some aim downside speed, but nobody cares when it comes to battle rifles and ARS. Next, on the Dozer 90 long barrel for bullet velocity and range firing aim stability gun kyck control and reco control, you do lose some aim walking speed.

Sprint to fire speed, aim walking speed, and on-sight speed, but trust me, the tradeoff is worth it. It's just so, amazingly, broken. Next, put on the Brun heavy support grip for gun kick control, aiming out way, and recall firing aim stability. You do lose some vertical recall and aim-down sight speed, but the trade-off is once again worth it.

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You're going to have a laser. This is a 50-round drum. I don't recommend the 30-round mag; if you want to use it, make sure you're using it in solos; otherwise, just stick with the 50-round drum. The very last thing is the Motion V2 heavy stock for recoil control and gun kick control at the cost of aim-down sight speed and sprint-to-fire speed.

warzone 3 best loadouts

If you want something very similar to The Ram, where you can just shoot people out in the air from miles away, then this is exactly what you need. Like, this takes no effort at all; it's actually insane. I'll be honest when I say that this is the only competitor to the ram. I can't think of any other weapon that competes so easily with the ram as this.

This actually acts, if I can compare it to anything else, more like the MW3 ACR. So here's the entire class. Make sure you guys copy it down, and you will absolutely fry. The final gun I want to show you guys is the WASP 9 because it's just such an amazing SMG, especially when you pick it up off the ground.

This is the only weapon I can actually trust with ground loot that I can easily shred no matter what the enemy has on Zone 35. A compensated flasher shortens radar ping and vertical recoil. horizontal recoil firing aim stability You do lose some bullet velocity and aim down side speed, but trust me, that's completely fine.

warzone 3 best weapons

Next, put on the Dr6 hand stop for aim walking speed and aim down side speed. Sprint to fire speed and movement speed at the cost of a hit-and-fly attack Spread and aim for walking steadiness. Put on the 9mm, high-grain rounds for maximum velocity and damage range at the cost of recoil control. The only reason I chose this is because I wanted as much bullet velocity as possible, and despite whatever I do with the recoil control, it just really doesn't seem to make a difference, so I just chose something that was kind of optimal.

With a little bit of recoil control for this entire setup, I chose a 40-round mag. Now some people can choose 50; it's completely up to you. You've got to weigh the pros and cons. I just don't think that it's really necessary to have 50. I like the 40, but if you want to use 50, feel free. And the last thing I put on there is the NER Model 2023.

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This is just my personal preference. If you guys want to use the iron sight, then just throw another attachment on it.

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