News - Top 5 New Meta Loadouts Warzone 3. Warzone Best Loadouts - Warzone 2

best assault rifle

So I got to give you guys the new top five best loadouts in War Zone 3 because one of my favorite SMGs in the game my new favorite SMG is the ram 9 got nerfed, so I have to give you guys something better, so we are going to start out with the AR9. Instead of the Ram 9 throwing on the Nimbus 5 integrated suppressor for being undetectable, the radar bullet velocity and range at the cost of sprint to fire speed and aim down sight speed are not a big deal.

Next throw on the x10 Phantom 5 hand stop for Sprint to fire speed, aim down sight speed, vertical recoil, and gun kick control at the cost of horizontal recoil and hipfire intact stance spread. Trust me, this is the best possible choice I've gone through. All of them next put on the 50-round mag.

I just don't see anything better. I mean, 100 is just not worth it. It's too much, in my opinion; it's too many cons next, but on the Wolf Hound Carbine Stock for gun kit control and reco control at the cost of aim-down sight speed and this last one's personal preference, in fact. I would say that the Nider is actually better than the Slate, so it's completely up to you whether you want to use a slate, the ner, or anything along these ranges.

best gun

It's one of the most lethal guns in the game, and in my opinion, it actually gets the job done easier than a lot of the other SMGs, just because it has damage from all distances, versus like some of the SMGs are good close range and some of the SMGs are pretty decent mid-range; this is decent every single range long, medium, and short range, so this is definitely the ideal SMG to have on here, and here's the entire class set up for the AM9.

Make sure you guys are copying this down, taking a screenshot, or whatever you guys have to do. In fact, the only other alternative I would recommend if you guys didn't want the Nimbus 6 for whatever reason is still, in my opinion, the best barrel. It comes with an integrated suppressor, and you can actually use the tectonic micro-integral suppressor.

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I've heard a lot of good things about this; it's not really my cup of tea, but if you guys want to use it, feel free. I mean, you can throw this on there, and it'll actually give you some, basically, some more movement. And like I said, some people say that it's worth it, some say it's not, so if you guys want to give this a try.

best loadout

I mean, it's basically just a faster version of the previous build that I gave you guys with less bullet velocity, so you guys kind of have to weigh your pros and cons. I mean, I don't know if you don't want that as well. You can also throw on the Sonic suppressors that help BL aot in damage range.

I think that's pretty ideal, too. I mean i mean, probably what one bullet left. Yeah, this thing is absolutely necessary, so there are a bunch of other options. You guys can actually choose. Next is the RAM 7even, and there's only one class setup I can give you guys for this, and it just works perfectly.

I'm surprised that people haven't used this more often, especially this class setup, because I don't change it, and people just think that I'm cheating when I'm using it because I have no recoil. Now the number one thing is just throwing cass's break like this. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the only thing you need, but I'm going to show you guys the entire class up just throwing on the cass as a break for horizontal recoil firing aim stability.

best loadouts 3

You do lose some aim-non-sight speed, but not a big deal at all just for stability. I mean, put on the Brun heavy support grip for gun kick control, aiming out way horizontal recoil, and fireing aim stability. You do lose some vertical recoil and aim-down sight speed, but that's not a big deal. In fact, these are the only two things I would suggest to actually make it have no recoil; everything else kind of helps with bull of velocity and the amount of bullets, and all that next throw the Cronin headwind long for Bel of velocity and range aiming out sway firing aim stability.

You do lose with a fire attack stand spread aim walking speed spread to fire speed, but that's not really a big deal. I don't really recommend anything else; they're just not really as optimal. As this thing right here just because the bull of velocity and range makes it so, good. The next one is given the 60-round drum.

best smg

I mean, if you're playing quads, trios, or even, in fact, any game mode except maybe solos, this is what you need to have. For solos. I mean. I'll be okay with using 40 just because. I mean, one-on-one engagement is not really a big deal, but if you're playing trios and quads, then make sure you have 60, and then the hvs 3.4 pad for gun kick control and recoil control at the cost of sprint speed and sprint to fire speed.

Like I said, these recoil control things are really the essential things that make this have no recoil, and I can't wait to show you how powerful they are. Watch this, so this thing is absolutely busted. It does not take much effort to use things, and I'm surprised that people say, My Ram doesn't do that.

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My Ram has a whole lot of recoil, and I'm just like. Well, just throw this attachment on there, like it's really that simple. I remember streaming literally just yesterday; in fact, if you guys are watching this right now. I'm most likely live. I remember streaming this just yesterday, and people were just like, Well, what's your RAM class because my Ram doesn't shoot like that and you must have a Cron?


It's just like, No, it's really just this class right here. If you don't have this class, if you haven't tried this class, then you're missing out a lot. This is a very easy Ram 7 class to use; you'll have no recoil. Next is HRM 9. This is basically the best SMG in the game, so I had to make a class setup for you guys and make it very easy for you.

On the z35, compensated flash ches, the radar ping, vertical recoil, horizontal recoil, and firing aim stability help a lot. Now you do lose some bullet velocity and aim-down sight speed, but I honestly recommend it. If you don't want to use this, then this is the only alternative I really would recommend.

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It's kind of risky, but with the monolithic suppressor, if you guys don't want to deal with that, then you guys can go all the way over here and then use the LR flasher. I think that's really the best alternative; otherwise, if you don't want to lose any sort of bullet velocity. I don't think that you guys are going to notice the bullet velocity that much, so I think you guys should keep this next.

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