News - Top 5 Assault Rifles And Best Loadouts Warzone 2 Zombies. Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Three


In today's article, we are going to go over the top five assault rifles in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 zombies, so you can take your zombie gameplay to the next level using the best Max Damage rifles in the entire game. Title: Bringing You Another YouTube Video In today's article, we are going to continue the top five Friday series and go over what the top five assault rifles are in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3: Zombie.

The assault rifle is probably the most versatile gun class in the entire game, so you want to make sure you are using the best ARS in this game to take your gameplay to the next level. With that, let's go ahead and hop right into the top five. Coming in at the number five spot is going to be the holder.

The holder has the best in-class damage, making the gun feel like an LMG. It also holds 120 rounds of Win Pack-a-Punch, which makes this gun amazing at taking down large groups of zombies and big game bounties. My biggest issue with this gun is that it is rather slow, with one of the worst mobilities of all of the ARs, which can be an issue in a zombie game with a time limit, but since this gun has amazing damage with a large ammo magazine, it has earned itself the number five spot on this list.


And this is a setup I'm using on the holder, so for the optics. I am using the slate reflector for the barrel. I am using the six-match to help with bullet velocity and range for the underbarrel. I am using the DR6 hand stop; this is really going to help with your strafing speed; for the ammunition, we are using the high grain rounds to help with bullet velocity and damage range; and then obviously, for the magazine, we're going to throw on the 40-round mag; coming in at the number four spot is going to be the MTZ.

My favorite thing about the MTZ is that it is like a hybrid between an assault rifle and an SMG. When packed-a-punch, this gun holds 100 rounds, which is extremely good for taking out larger groups of zombies and minimizing the times you have to reload. But where this gun really stands out as an assault rifle is in its mobility.

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This weapon has the best in-class mobility for an assault rifle and one of the best fire rates. The main reason I have this weapon above the holder is because its damage output is on par, but due to the massive buff you get in fire rate and mobility, this gun is just slightly better for me, which has earned itself the number four spot on this list.

And this is the load out that I am using on the MTZ, so for the optics, we are using the Slate reflector, and for the barrel. I am using the MTZ clinch Pro Barrel to help with bullet velocity and damage range. The ammunition is the high-grain rounds, which also help with bullet velocity and damage range.

For the magazine, we are going to use the 50-round drum, and then finally, for the stock, we're going to use the MTZ, Light Strike Telescopic Stock. This is really going to help make this gun feel like an SMG and increase its mobility. Coming in at the number three spot is going to be the SVA. This gun does way better than the stats give it credit for.

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If you were only looking at the stats, you would think this is a gun that has a horrible fire rate and terrible recoil and nothing more than that, but in reality, this gun has one of, if not the best, damage outputs in the class and does the absolute best at taking out special zombies and big game bounties.

This is definitely the most underrated assault rifle in the entire game, and if you guys haven't given this gun a shot, go ahead and put it on and try it out, but due to how well this gun does against special zombies, it has earned itself the number three spot on this list. And this is the load-out I recommend putting on the SVA, so for the optic, I put on the Slate reflector, but this comes down to personal preference.

For the barrel, you want to put on the STV Precision Barrel to help with that bullet velocity and damage output; for the ammunition, you want to use the high-grain rounds to get better damage range and bullet velocity; for the magazine, you want to use the 60-round mag; and finally, for the stock, you want to use the Ft.

Tac Elite V3 stock to help with that recoil and control. Coming in at the number two spot is the brand new assault rifle, the BP50. This gun is just overall amazing, and there truly is nothing too bad I can say about it. It has one of the best fire rates, little to no recoil, and amazing damage.

Plus, the gun just looks futuristic, which is always a plus. This is extremely versatile and does well in virtually all situations. It is good up close, mid-range, and far-range. Good for taking out large groups of zombies and good at taking out the big game bounties. My biggest complaint is that this gun has a rather small magazine coming in at only 100 rounds, and it is easy to deplete your ammo extremely fast with the fire rate on this gun, but the damage really does make up for that, making it not a big issue.

So, due to how great and versatile this weapon is, it has earned itself the number two spot on this list. And this is going to be the loadout I would use on the BP50, so for the barrel, I am using the Lore 9 heavy barrel, which maximizes the damage output on the weapon. For the underbarrel, I threw on the DR6 hand stop, which is to help me with that strafing speed so I can move a lot quicker while aiming down sights.

For the ammunition, I threw on the high-grain rounds to also help with bullet velocity and damage range. Obviously, for zombies, you're going to want to put on the biggest magazine, which is the 45-round mag, and if you enjoy the iron sight, you could go ahead and remove this and pick another attachment, probably like a rear grip or a stock, but for me.

I do not like the iron sight, so I use the slate. Reflector and coming in at the number one spot and still holding the title as the best assault rifle in the game is the MCW. You guys have heard me say it before, but the best way to describe this gun is that it is a must-have type of weapon. This is by far the most versatile gun in the entire game.

It has the best recoil pattern, making it basically a laser beam with an extremely fast fire rate and very good damage, mowing down the big game bounties. The MCW and the BP50 are extremely similar, but the main reason I give this gun The Edge is because it holds 120 rounds, which can be the difference in taking out a larger group of zombies, but at the end of the day, you really can't go wrong with either weapon, and no matter which one you choose, you will be destroying all of the zombies in the lobby.

In this video I go over what the top 5 guns are in call of duty modern warfare three zombies.
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