News - Top 10 Meta Loadouts Warzone Season 6. Warzone 2 Best Loadouts - Mw2

Warzone best fjx imperium loadout

Sprint speed, crou movement speed, aim walking speed, and aim down sight speed at the cost of aiming stability and recoil control for the tuning set the aiming out stability to 1.94 and the A out high speed to negative 1.94.

O fjx Imperium is honestly the best sniper, in my opinion. This is the easiest weapon I've used in the war zone when it comes to sniping. Put on the nil sound 90 for sound suppression, bullet velocity damage range, and recall smoothness, at the cost of aim-down speed aiming stability. Set the bullet velocity at 45 in.

best class setups

and aim downside speed to net 1.40 in. put on the 48, Explosive for explosive impact Basically, this just gets the job done in one shot. You don't actually have to tune this because, as you guys see, it doesn't really make much of a difference. If you want to tune it, feel free. I mean, in my opinion, it didn't make a difference whether I tuned this in or not.

I feel like it just has more cons when you tune it P on the Fahrenheit. 29 in, damage range, hip fire accuracy, bullet velocity at the cost, aim down sight speed, and hip recoil control. To be honest, you can take this either way if you want more damage range or more aim-down sight speed, and more aim-down sight speed is not going to make that much of a difference.

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At the same time, more damage range is also not going to make much of a difference, so I would recommend just keeping it balanced. FJX Blast for rechambering speed. Now, this is just my personal preference. If you want to use more accuracy, feel free, but I think that the chambering speed is much more important than the accuracy if you're already accur fjx kilo attack for Coss movement speed.

best loadouts

Sprint speed aim downside speed, and Sprint to fire speed at the cost of recoil control and blitch resistance for the tuning. I set the aim down sight speed to 93, and I did not change the weight if you want to hit help the Sprint the fire speed you can; I mean, it's your preference. I just didn't think that it was that noticeable.

Warzone 2 best vel 46 loadout

Warzone 2 best vel 46 loadout

Next is the Vel 46, aka MP7. This thing is absolutely amazing. Still in the war zone. Put on the x10 R40 for sound suppression bullet velocity damage range and recoil smoothness at the cost of aim-down sight speed and aiming stability so that the bullet velocity is 32 in and do not change the weight put on the slagger.

l203, Barrel for damage range hip fire ACC bullet velocity at the cost of aim-down speed and hip recoil control Set the damage range at 30 inches, and once again, do not change the weight. VK laser 7 mW for aim-down sight speed, aim stability, and spread-fire speed at the cost of the laser being visible in ads; unless you just want to use the flashlight, that's fine too.


The aim-down sight speed you set it to is 2040 ft, and the sprint of fire speed is 37. Sprint speed, aim down, sight speed at the cost of some recoil control for the tuning set, the aiming out stability of 1.70 Ines, and the aim down side speed of netive 1.42. Osler Soldier grip for sprint of fire speed and aim down side speed The cost of recoil control set the Sprint fire speed at 20 and the Aon sight speed at 48.

Warzone taq 56 loadout

Oz Next to Tac 56, put on the harbinger D20 for sound suppression, B velocity damage range, and recoil smoothness at the cost of aim-down sight speed, aiming stability, and aim-walking speed. For the tuning, set the bullet velocity to 65 in. and the recoil smoothness to 72 to 17.5 tons of pro-barel for damage range.


HIIT fire accuracy bullet velocity at the cost aim down side speed and hip reco control for the tunics at the damage range of 7, in and The Recoil St. is 5 lbs. Ft ripper 56 for aiming aisle stability, hip fire accuracy, recoil stabilization, the cost of walking speed and aim down sight speed set, aiming out stability of 22 in, and the weight of 23 Oz 60-round mag TV Cardinal stock for aim walking speed and Sprint speed at the cost of aiming stability set the aim walking speed to 1.16 and the weight to 1.16. Oz, you want an optic; just take off the TV Cardinal stock and put on the Amot V4.

Warzone 2 cronen squall loadout

Warzone 2 cronen squall loadout

Next is the Cronin Squall. This thing has basically a limited range, so you have to try it out. Put on the second tread 40 for vertical and horizontal recoil control at the cost, aim down sight speed, aim stability for the tuning, and set the recoil control to 28 in.

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G, and the damage range at 50 g. This is a very precise 50-round drum because there's no better alternative unless you're playing multiplayer and AOT V4. This is my personal preference. If you want to use something else, feel free, but this is what works for me. I max out the far distance.

Warzone kastov 545 best class setup

The cast, all 545, is absolutely amazing, so make sure you guys try this out. Harbage your D20 for sound suppression, Bu velocity damage range, and recoil smoothness at the cost of aim-down sight speed, aiming stability, and aim-walking speed. Set the bu velocity at 39 in and reco smothness at 59 o igk 3406, Mm for recoil control, bullet velocity damage range, and hip fire accuracy at the cost.

cod 2 best loadout

aim, down-side speed, movement speed, and hip recoil control set the damage range to 23 in and the recoil stess to 8, lbs 5455, velocity for bl of velocity, the cost Some damage range set the bullet velocity at 4.94 gr and the damage range of 60-round mag, so this already makes it better than the cast Sol 762 because you have way more bullets, a better fire rate, and a V4.

This is my personal preference; you can use anything you want to and just max out the fire distance.

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TOP 10 META Loadouts in Warzone Season 6! Warzone 2 Best Loadouts - MW2.
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