News - Top 10 Meta Loadouts Warzone Season 6. Warzone 2 Best Loadouts - Mw2

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Oz, put on the 18inch Precision six barrel for damage range hire accuracy and bullet velocity at the cost of aim down side speed and hit recoil control I didn't change the tuning because it's genuinely not worth it as you guys see the bar just doesn't really benefit if you switch it over it hurts more the damage and range, recoil, steadiness it doesn't really help that much either aim walking speed helps but it hurts The Recoil put on the VX pineapple for hip fire accuracy hip recoil control recoil steadiness and aim walking steadiness at the cost of hip walking speed aim down sight speed this thing is basically all about the amazing, accuracy and recoil control provides 50 round drum because 30 is not it the base is not it 50 is just perfect and last but not least a out V4 cuz it's my ideal optic max out the far distance and look how easy this thing is to actually use.

Close range is AB good medium; it is a little more difficult, but long range really gets the job done with 300, and it is a one-shot. We start out with the Bryson Series 9 choke for a tighter pellet spread and damage range. Don't worry about the recoil steadiness; honestly, it doesn't even matter.

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But the tuning set the damage range at 30 in, and the tighter the pet spread, the more you can max it out put on the manta. 812, Barrel, for damage range bullet velocity recoil control and tighter pellet spread, make sure the tuning is set to 22 in for damage range and do not change the weight; it's not necessary.


I put on the VK laser 7 mw for aim down sight speed, aiming stability, and sprint of fire speed, but remember that while you're ading, the laser is visible, so be prepared. I would only recommend aiming when you're about to fire. For the two inings, I set the aim-down sight speed to -. Oz, I put on the high stock mod for aim down sight speed, sprint to fire speed, movement speed, and hip recoil control absolutely amazing attachment.


You need this, believe me, and last but not least, the main thing that makes this shotgun great is the Mailstrom dual trigger for dual shot damage and reload quickness. Now I tuned this to increase the sprint to fire speed by a negative 6. Ines and I changed the weight to negative 07 ounces for aim downside speed and it actually makes a massive difference the lockman sub so we're going to actually start out with the under Barrel this time switch it up a little bit we're going to throw in the Merc forgrip, this is amazing for vertical recoil control you want to have this helps with hip fire accuracy recoil stess hip recoil control and aim walking stiness at the cost of hip walking speed and aim downside speed not a big deal for the tuning I actually changed the aim on sight speed so it's around the 20s if you want to keep going it's just going to hurt it so I'd say keep it around like low 20s maybe netive, 28 in, and then hip walking speed I also increased that just because I think that's optimal, keep it around the 40s ne48.

For me, next is the ammunition I put on the 9mm. Hollow point this helps concuss the enemy whenever you shoot them in the leg, so if your shots aren't perfect, this might be ideal; everything else is just not really worth it. You don't really need high velocity anyway, so just put on the 9mm hollow point with plenty of bullet velocity.

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Plus, this actually helps tune bullet velocity. I would put it to around the three range if you want to lose recoil control, then you can go a bit further, but as you guys see. I don't think it's really the best choice; it doesn't help that much more, so I will keep it around the three range to keep all your benefits, all your reco control, and everything else.

warzone 2

Also, you can increase the damage to around 20 GS if you go a bit further. I mean, it'll be completely fine, but I think I want to keep it around here just to keep the recoil control on point if you want to max it out 52 G's 40 round Ma just because 50 is too much and it gives you too much of a con, 40 is perfect, 15 is not worth it, and 30 is just not it either for war zone 2 for the laser I put on the VK laser 7 mw.

warzone 2 best

For aim-down sight speed, aiming stability, and sprint-to-fire speed at the cost of the laser being visible in ads, it's not a bad trade-off. For having a super fast aiming ASG, for the aim-down side speed, I set it to around negative, we'll say. Oz you can go a bit lower if you want to but I just think that this is The Sweet Spot and for a weapon that melts this quick with very little recoil, honestly what more could you ask for so this is the best cast off 762 class despite anyone trying to Nerf it it's still overpowered my class setups are Nerf proof they cannot be nerfed they're way too good so starting out with the recoil control we set the recoil control to 11 in and The Recoil stabilization you can kind of have fun with it but set it to around the0 40 region, the next thing that we're going to do is we are going to put the barrel to the cast 10 584, mm barrel for damage range bullet velocity hip fire accuracy and recoil control I know you see the cons I out side speed hip recoil control movement speed don't worry about that it's not a big deal we're going to put the damage range to around 21 in The Recoil stud we're going to increase that once again to around the3 range that's a sweet spot I don't think you should go beyond that like if you do feel free but you're going to lose more Mobility, so it's whatever you want to do if you want to tradeoff have more recoil control for Less Mobility whatever you want to do completely fine next out of all of these under barrels and is completely your choice whichever one you really want to use I love using the VX pineapple just because I think it has the best results out of all of them so it helps with the hip fire accuracy hip recoil control recoil steadiness and aim walking steadiness, and it reduces hip walking speed and aim downside speed I think that's a pretty fair trade-off for basically the best Reco control under Barrel out of all of them for the tuning.

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I actually didn't tune this at all. If you want to increase the aim-down sight speed, then feel free you can it doesn't have much of an effect on recoil, but I don't really think that you should because you do get a reduction in accuracy easily if you put the 40-round mag on because 30 is not it, and neither is 20.

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Last but not least, this is a personal preference, but I love using the AOT V4, and I love to tune it so that the far distance is maxed out, and here's the end product right here. I don't know maybe it's just me but it feels like ever since like the recent Nerf, actually has less recoil because my shots are just perfect the bass spe getting a buff I had to show you guys this class setup start out with the x10 R40 for sound suppression bullet velocity damage range every recall smoothness at the cost of aim down side speed and aiming stability for the bullet veloc he set at to0 55 in and do not change the weight it just does not help it's not worth it just leave it alone BLK laser 7mw, for aim down sight speed aiming stability and Sprint of fire speed at the cost of the laser being visible in ads not a big deal aim down sight speed is set to 9.74.

TOP 10 META Loadouts in Warzone Season 6! Warzone 2 Best Loadouts - MW2.
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