News - Top 10 Meta Loadouts Warzone Rebirth Island. Warzone Best Loadouts - Warzone 2

With any bullet velocity, you're still basically getting the ads at the same speed, except now it's a much stronger SMG. I still don't recommend long range just because I don't think that you're going to win it. I mean, you might be able to win it after you spray all your bullets like I did, but.


I recommend, keeping it short to medium range and getting the job done with that so here is the entire class setup for the ram 9 please use this cuz I think you guys are going to absolutely, love it next is the RAM 7even and this is still the best assault rifle in the game right now throwing the cast as break for horizontal recoil firing aim stability you lose some aim down sight speed but that's not a big deal throwing the Cronin head with long, throwing the Cronin head when long barrel for bullet velocity and range aiming out on SW firing aim stability at the cost of h fire attack stand spread aim walking speed and SM to fire speed none of these things that matter for an assault rifle Ru heavy support grip for gun kick control aiming out s horizontal recoil and firing aim stability at the cost of vertical recoil and aim down sight speed 60 round drum is the best possible choice for this weapon and last but not least the HPS 3.4, pad for gun kick control and Reco control at the cost Sprint speed and Sprint to fire speed as you guys see it just takes no effort to actually use this Weapon It's insanely, broken and Incredibly.

Easy use, so you guys have to have this in your arsenal, and please give it a try because you guys just see how effective it is at every single range. In fact, I would even argue to say that it's probably even effective at super close range as long as you hit all your shots. But here is the class right here.

top 10 loadouts

Make sure you guys take a screenshot. Next is the WASP 9 now I absolutely love this SMG, and it is a fantastic, hybrid that I highly recommend, anybody that tries it throwing the Z 35 compensated flasher for the shorter radar pings vertical recoil horizontal recoil and firing aim stability at the cost of aim downside speed and some bullet velocity now the reason I'm not worried for the bullet velocity for this weapon is because it already has high bullet velocity but I'm also going to take care of it anyway put on the dr6 hand stop for aim walking speed aim downside speed spread to fire speed and movement speed at the cost of hip fire attack stand spread and aim walking stain, put on the 9 millimet high grain rounds for bu of velocity and damage r that cause some recoil control now the reason I don't care about the recoil control is because, this recoil pattern is very interesting I feel like no matter what you really do with this I mean it's going to be pretty well controlled or pretty consistent overall put on the 40 round mag unless you think you can handle the 50 it's just the cons are pretty high pretty significant.


Overall, I think that 40 is more than enough if you want to use 50. Feel free last but not least, I chose a Nider model for 2023. This is my personal preference. If you just want to use the iron sights, go ahead. I like using the optic; it feels easier for me. This weapon is absolutely amazing at short to medium range.

I'm not going to lie to you guys; I would say it's amazing at long range as well, but the downside to long range is that the recoil pattern for long range is kind of inconsistent. So that's why I'm kind of scared to say, Feel free to use long range. I would recommend just keeping it short to medium range, and if you really have to use long range, then make sure you have plenty of cover because you guys saw how many bullets it took me to actually get the kill.

warzone 3

And I just don't want you guys to be in a bad situation, so here's the entire class setup, for the WASP 9 please use this I think you guys will do exceptionally, well with it the last weapon I have to show you guys is the SOA subverter, it is so easy to use and one of my favorite weapons overall especially if you don't want to use the ram 7 throwing the cast is break L for horizontal recall and firing aim stability of cost from aim down sight speed now if you don't want to use this I actually do have an alternative for you guys we're going to go all the way to the front and we're going to put on the bt7 spirit fire suppressor L this helps with being undetectable, by the radar, control bullet velocity and damage range at the cost of aim down side speed aim lock can stay and Sprint to fire speed now if you want to stay off the map bt7 speier suppressor, if you want low recoil.

warzone 3 best loadouts

Then you can use the Cassis I still think that it has very low recoil even with the bt7 spear fire suppressor, so it's really just your preference put on the Dozer 90 long barrel for bullet velocity and range firing aim stability gun kick control and recoil control at the cost of aim walking speed Sprint to fire speed aim walking sness and aim downside speed put on the Brun heavy support grip for Gunk control aiming out sway horizontal recoil and fire aim stability at the cost of vertical recoil and aim down sights, 50 round drum I mean this is just my personal preference I don't really see any case where you would actually want to use a 30 round mag but if you want to be my guess and last but not least the motion V to heavy stock for gun control and recoil control the cost of aim downside speed and Sprint to fire speed this weapon is ridiculously.

Easy to use, it's absurd. How easy this weapon is. I'm not going to lie to you guys; it's probably one of the lowest recoil weapons in the game right now, so if you guys want a very easy weapon that'll get the job done knocking people off head glitches and handling them long range, this is definitely the go-to for you.

warzone 3 best weapons

Here's the entire class setup that I mentioned earlier, but if you guys also wanted to see the VT7 spirit fire suppressor, like I said, the VT7 spirit fire suppressor is actually pretty amazing. It keeps you off the radar, and you guys see super low recoil, so if you just wanted to, you know, stay off the map, then this is definitely the one for you.

TOP 10 META Loadouts in Warzone Rebirth Island! Warzone Best Loadouts - MW3.
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