News - Top 10 Guns From Warzone 2 Real Life (part 2)


We decided to go up a little bit, so we ejected that, but who cares? That's it i love this thing. How does it feel? It kicks you, but you know if you hit somebody, they're going down anyway. Let's get back to the article room and check out that ISO Hemlock with Clint.

Apc 223

Apc 223

arguably the best AR in the game is the ISO Hemlock, and yes, you guys already know. I got to go ahead and get that aim down sight speed up and also my recoil up with that ISO stockist mod that you see right here. This is, of course, actually the B&T APC223, which is also a fantastic rifle in real life, and no, it's not an AR AR-15 or anything like that because it does utilize a short-stroke piston-driven system that is also adjustable, which probably doesn't mean much to you if you're just using it in game, but in real life it makes it a really pleasurable shooter.

In fact, let's take it to the range and show just that. Remember, aim down sight, speed man. There is something so soft shooting feels so good about the APC 223 or the Iso Hemlock, however you want to call it. Of course, in real life, BNT made this gun for military standards and contracts, but I can tell you right now that this thing, even without a stock, just feels so good.

real guns call of duty

Shoot, perfect there's not too much I can say about that. If you want a soft-shooting 556 gun, this is where it's at. It's going to keep your rounds on target and obliterate your opponents, which is exactly what you're looking for. Anyway.



I think K's got something like the finic 45 to talk about, so let's go see that fast-shooting little guy, the finic 45, also known as the Chris Vector chamber 45 caliber, and when you look at this gun, a lot of us are very familiar with this look because it's very unique, it's been featured in a lot of article games, it's been adopted by many militaries around the world for tqc applications, and it's done the job really well.

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It's known to have one of the highest fire rates in the world when it comes to weapon systems, and in the game, I'd say one of the highest as well. I'm that guy who sits in a room and camps. Yes, I do camp and take out noobs who run by. You know what? It gets the job done. They don't know what to hit him with.

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Anyway, let's take it to the range and have some fun with this thing. It's semi-automatic, so don't expect a full automatic rate of fire; it'll still be fun, all right. Fenic 45, or else known as Chris Vector, is chambered in 45 caliber and is known for its high fire rate. Let's see if I can replicate that with the semi-automatic gun with this let's do.

Rog, you know it's too bad; it's the end of August. Get it, Sty. Rog that's what I'm talking about, otherwise known as in the game the stb 556 chambered in 556, and you'll also notice this magazine looks pretty unique. That's because it's inherent to the styro, or at least this model now. With that being said, you'll notice that this gun looks a little bit more compact than the others, but it doesn't sacrifice velocity or barrel length because of its bullpup design.

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Ultimately, the firing, chambering, and extracting of the previous round all take place back here, which is Way Beyond or way beyond the actual trigger. It's very unique; it's also a fantastic rifle, as it is one of my personal favorites, and you'll see why, when we take it to the range and shoot it, the It's beautiful, and it's great for room clearing, which is ideal at Nakomi.

real guns mw2

Plaza, again, that compact design of the Bullpup nature, as I've already explained back in the article room, is just so awesome. It just makes it so maneuverable, nice, and light recoiling because a lot of the weight is actually close to the shooter, so you're able to just keep on Target managing that recoil just like you are in the game.

It's an impressive little gun anyway. Let's head it back over to Ka because now he's got the Bryson, 890, Bryson 800, also known as the Mosberg 590.

Bryson 890

Bryson 890

Now this is a pretty cool pump-action shotgun, but Call of Duty gave us something even cooler, the Bryson 890. Mossberg 590m magazine fed Mossberg is known to be one of the most reliable pump-action shotguns out there, and there's a reason for that.

Now let me ask you: have you ever been one pump chumped I one pump chump Clint all the time, with a shotgun, in the game? Anyway, let's go to the range and have some fun and see how this thing does. The Bryson 890, also known as the Mossberg 590m for magazine, is right here a pump-action shotgun, one of the most reliable shotguns in the world.

Pop-pump action anyways, my mag. Let's do it. I love this thing. How does it feel? It feels amazing. It is perfect for one pump chump; stuff is in the game with this thing. I'm sure you've been there anyway. Let's get back to the studio, and I think Clint is waiting for us over there. You know what?

I'm glad there were no AKs in this article. I don't like them. Man, that was a good time. Did you have a good time? I had a blast—literally a blast. The RPK, 76539, And the bass man, okay? Well, first of all, do you even play the game? I mean, not as much as I'd like, but you're afraid to win if you win.

I'm not Afra One V; I have better things to do than play a article game. I mean, what do you play by yourself? Well, probably not at all. I mean, are you even a fan of the game? Yeah, I love the old school. Call of Duties, man, well, the old school Call of Duty, Old School Call of Duty, Have you played Modern Warfare?

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No, because I have kids and I don't have time. Okay, all right, all right, that's fair. That's right, but these are the things you are going to say are in the game that are your favorites. Yes, that's right. The RPK 76 x 39, the bass p, i mean, these are some really fantastic weapons, you know what Clint, just finish the article.

I can't believe you left me out of it, man. Well, thanks for barging in like that. You don't even play. Yeah, all right. Anyway, yeah, the MPX is freaking awesome. 9 mm—what more could you ask for a little short stroke guy and, ultimately, compact? I mean, I haven't. I haven't actually played with this in the game.

Is it actually any good? It's pretty good if you're camping in a room like mine. I love to just camp in a corner, and I bet you do anyway. The RPK also has 762 by 39. I do love it, and I do have to agree with the point that we didn't feature any AK article and needed more. Got it all, we're strong over here anyway.

What are your favorite guns to use in the game, and have you shot any of these guns in real life? Let us know. Well, maybe your favorite in the game differs from your favorite in life. That would be pretty interesting, right? We hope you enjoyed this one. I am the real-life guns of Modern Warfare 3 on this channel; hopefully, we'll have some full autos anyway.

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