News - Top 10 Best Warzone Loadouts. Meta Long Range And Close Range Weapons For Warzone 2 Warzone

best weapons warzone

And then all of a sudden your arms will come up and you will tax Sprint and then you keep sprinting you do not need to slide cancel to reset tax Sprint in fact while you are slide cancelling, it causes that tack Sprint timer to regen you basically have an invisible stamina bar and while you're slide cancelling it pauses that stamina bar from there I recommend rocking slide of hand because it helps us reload faster there are some options if like too many people start rocking those breacher drones I would probably start rocking EOD, and same thing battle hard maybe if too many people rocking stuns but outside of that I really don't see the point in running too many of these other ones it radiated is a cool one you move faster while in the gas but I for me personally a more aggressive player I rock double time and slide of hand, from there over on the third perk I suggest two one of them is either Quick Fix because your Health Region doesn't, start.

Until like 5 seconds after you take damage, which is a really long time in this game, but if you're using Quick Fix, the second you throw in a plate, it starts your health regen, which is awesome. Obviously, when you kill someone and down someone, it renews your health as well, and you have 150 base health, so that's great news.


The other option that I might suggest is tempered, which gives you 75. Per plate instead of 50 per plate, so you have two plates worth 75 instead of three plates worth 50, and then finally, I suggest rocking high alert. It's a new map, and you don't typically know where people like to hold and where people like to camp.

If you're a more advanced Battle Royale player, you can kind of predict some of that stuff, but worst of all, right now footstep audio is worse than ever, so I'm not relying on hearing someone on my flank. I'm relying on the high alert showing that they're aiming at me, and I'll have that orange perimeter kind of warning me that someone's aiming at me, and that right now is my advanced warning rather than audio.

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You can also rck ghost, but keep in mind you have to be moving in order for ghost to be active, so if you're posting it up in a building and you're wondering how he knows it's because ghost you have to be moving, we'll cover that in more detail. In a future article, okay, I hope you guys learned a lot there, but without further ado, let's get into the second build, and that is the bass B SMG.

This thing shocked me with how good it is. It is more mobile than most SMGs, and the best thing is that it has an insane damage range and great damage for mag. As you can still see. I can move around the map really, really well, but I mean, it smokes people up close faster, takes longer to kill than most SMGs, and has a damage range out to, like, 30 or 45 M.

meta weapons warzone

The nice thing is that you can actually tell before the drop-off even hits. As you see here, it has a damage range drop-off of 37. M before that damage drop off hit so you're getting that full effective damage range, at that and it's just insane so Sonic suppressor for the same reasons that we mentioned earlier we have the brew and Barrel to help us out with our aimed on sight speed the hand stop helps us out loads with our aimed on sight and movement speed, we have the 45 round mag which gives us a lot of damage per mag but you can rock the 30 round if you're rocking solos, you don't need a this has really clean iron sights even though I think most guns in this game look pretty bad without iron sights and then we throw on the no stock which look at all that green it makes you scream across the map absolutely love using this gun make sure to take a screenshot.

Thank goodness we no longer have to tune our attachments anymore. Those days are finally gone. Let's go ahead and take a look over here at the PKM. Bullpup once again all these weapons I would consider viable on both the mouse, key, and controller. This gun, despite being a 100-round lmg, you are moving and zooming with it, which is most important.

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Importantly, you are shooting very, very straight. It is a dangerous and deadly gun on the map, and it's becoming a lot of people's favorites. Okay, so we have the standard Sonic suppressor over here to help out with that bullet velocity without hurting our ads. The long barrel helps out with our damage range in ads.

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The hound grip helps out a lot, not only with recoil but with aiming idle stability. I stressed this in a previous article. Make sure you're not just looking at these advanced stats, but look over where it says aiming idle sway and aiming idle statiness. That's where we're aiming. That gun is not swaying on us, which is a really important stat, especially for snipers and ARS.

From here, I threw on the Precision two and a half times once again. There are a lot of people who like that Eagle's Eye, but I'm not a fan because it doesn't have a DOT. When I throw on this KR Mortise Precision, it allows me to have that really clean dot, but you also have that kind of lens cover up top, so if you want, you can either opt for something like the classic amop scope or the SZ recharge.


Or if you want even more range, you can go with something that I suggested earlier, which is the Schogger 3.4; it's only 3.4 times magnification, and it doesn't have that annoying lens cap, so you can still see pretty dang easily. Make sure you guys take a screenshot; you're going to have a lot of screenshots of me on your phone doing thumbs up.

Get used to it, ladies and gentlemen. Next up, we have the WSP Swarm, one of the fastest-killing SMGs inside the game. Crazy movement speed, and most importantly, with this build, it actually shoots really straight, so with the WSP Swarm, you're actually able to reach out to those midranges. Typically, especially with other builds, you are not able to hit people out there consistently.

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Most builds that I've seen with the WC WSP Swarm only use iron sights and don't mitigate for recoil, and I think for the average player, it's like impossible to use, so keep in mind two things: one, it is an absolute demon up close, but it does not have that benefit that the bass B does because it has a damage range drop off.

top 10 loadouts warzone

Okay, so you'll see the effective damage range here is 8 m, so up close inside buildings, this gun will slam almost anything in the game, but as it starts to reach out, you see that middle target. It's not as good at mid-range. Here's the thing to keep in mind: for all guns, we want to rock a suppressor because red dots are now on the mini map.

If you were shooting unsuppressed, you will show up on the mini map, so in almost all of my guns, you will see a suppressor. We have a long barrel, which helps extend that damage range a little bit to bring out that effective damage range and also helps with both velocity. I would not suggest going all the way to the 100-round mag; as you can see, it adds not from 12% but up to 22%, Ads, but I mean, frankly.

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