News - Top 10 Best "dmz" Weapon Loadouts You Need To Use. Best Dmz Insured Weapons

best dmz guns

In this article, I'm going to teach you the 10 best weapons to use in the DMZ with your insured weapon. Loadouts finally tuned weapons with the gunsmith attachments that you need in order to take down that pesky AI but also to give you the best competitive edge against real players, so let's get straight into it with our first weapon being the absolute gold-tier weapon that you all should be running right now.

You've used it a hundred times over from AI dropping them, but this is going to be the perfectly tuned long-range, gold-tier rpk. This build is going to be incredible for short-range, medium-range, and extremely long-range gunfights. This RPK build will do it all. Jumping in, we're going to have the Polar Fire S muzzle, the F-Tac Ripper under the barrel, the Demo X2 rear grip, the heavy support stock, and the Aim OP V4 optics.

So the tuning on the muzzle is that we're going to set the left to favor a return smoothness of 0.45 and bullet velocity at 0.52. Jumping over to the F-TAC Ripper, we're going to tune it again up to 0.54, for recore stabilization, and 0.17, for idle stability. Going over to the rear, I'm going to tune it so it's favorable for aiming down sight speed at minus 0.65 and over aiming idle stability at 0.23.

best loadout dmz

The heavy support stopped going to tune it at 1.94. Minus for the aim down sight speed and plus one for three and two for aiming idle stability, and for the optic, we're going to tune it at -1.5 for the aim down sight speed and 0.165. Minus for the eye position, so it's a far position as, you can see putting this thing in the firing range if you have very little visual recoil, and it's incredibly good up close and at mid-range, which is really important and something which you wouldn't expect an lmg to do being so good up close, but as you can see, it's incredibly accurate with very little recoil only when you get to that far distance that it's a little bit more noticeable, but it's still very easy to control, and the rpk is such a common gun to find dropped by the AI inside of DMZ, so you're going to be using that.

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The RPK only has 30 bullets in a MAG, but with this, we're not adding a magazine onto it, but we're going to have 75. Bullets to use in a magazine, which is great for taking out entire teams of three if you need to without having to reload, and this thing is just so hard hitting from a very far distance, which makes this one of the best overall guns to run in the DMZ period like I said, snipers are very good, but if you don't want to run a sniper, then this is definitely the best alternative to running snipers.

Let's jump into my two absolute favorite snipers for DMZ, which are the SPX 80 and the XMR rapid fire through these attachments. So we're picking the nilsound 90 muzzle; it's going to be suppressed so it's going to keep the AI from being alerted to our shots and it's also going to increase the damage range, and we're going to tune this so it's -63 on the left and then 0.9 on the right for bullet velocity, and we're going to put on the FSS OLED laser.

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the store where we're going to put the PVZ890. I'm going to tune it so on the left it is minus four, and then on the right we're going to put it at plus 1.39. The ammunition is going to be in the high-velocity magazine. I'm going to tune it to 0.54 on the left and then 3.77 on the right for that bullet velocity, and then we're going to add the FSS, ST87, and Bolt altogether.

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This game especially is an absolute monster, and let me show you why the most important thing with snipers to me in this game especially is that you want something that's going to snap really quickly if you get into a situation where the AI starts shooting at you or if you're being sniped by other real players.

You want to be able to very quickly get into that situation, and this sniper will help you do that. I also really like the Signal 50 and the Victus XMR snipers, but I feel like the ads on them are still just a little bit too slow. In my opinion, this thing has the best of all of what you'd want the sniper to be: fast attacks and fast mobility.

best loadouts dmz

With this thing as well, and in this specific example, here I am spawned right near another team of three, and if I didn't have this sniper, I don't think I'd have been able to get myself out. Of the situation as I handled it. I just got a really quick snipe, very quickly off, and got a quick down, but something important to know about snipers in the DMZ is that they share the same attributes as in Warzone 2.

If a player has two armor plates or less, it will be a one short head shot to down them, but if they have three plays you're going to have to shoot them twice in the head, once to break that armor and another to down them, but with this build right here it increases all of the max attributes of what you want the sniper to have, being able to have that incredible bullet velocity and damage range whilst being very easy to use and something which I think you should be rocking as your primary weapon along with an SMG or an AR and if you have that second insured, slot then you should be putting a different weapon along with this sniper the victors XMR.

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It is really important that you have this specific optic to unlock the Raptor Fe M40. You need to get this thing to rank 28, and in order to get it, this thing has 13 times magnification, which essentially makes you one of the most accurate snipers in the DMZ. We're going to pair this with the Mac 33.5 super barrel, and we'll tune this to 0.4 on the recoil steadiness and minus 0.4 so we've got faster aim down sight speed.

We're going to put on the XRK, rise 50, which tunes that for this to be more towards aim down sight speed than up for aiming island stability, and then for muzzle we're going to put on the Bruin counter. Ops for the tune, we're going to go all the way on bullet velocity, minus 0.8 for aim down sight speed, and for ammo, we're going to put on the 50 cal high velocity and we're going to tune that so we've got all the way on bullet velocity and then all the way down for recourse, smoothness, taking this thing into the firing range, you can just see how deadly this thing is but, insane ranges on DMZ whilst.

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This XMR is definitely a little bit slower between shots than the SPX 80, but it makes up for it in its incredible damage across range, and with this particular scope on, it makes this the absolute deadliest sniper in all of the DMZ because this has a particularly broken effect that allows you to lock on the precise meters that a target is away, so the gun can automatically have the bullet drop at the perfect measurement, so you can always get a very accurate shot.

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