News - Proof Of Cheating/hacking The Dmz



This is going to be a pretty short article because I just want to talk about cheating and hacking in the DMZ, and boy do I have a clip for you to see. I've been saying all along that cheating and hacking weren't really that big of a problem and that I thought the developers had done a decent job at controlling it mostly.

I've heard people say it happens all the time, but I've never really seen any actual proof for myself. We've all been like, Yeah, right, there's no way you just killed me when I just unloaded half a clip into your face, or there's no way you got me down with one shot from across the map. Yeah, I know you're cheating.

We've all felt from time to time that we should have won the face-to-face battle. We were just fighting, but for whatever reason, we were sent back to the lobby, questioning morals and ethics. In most cases, there are so many variables that what you see on your screen isn't always accurate. Remember, the game is actually taking place on a server somewhere else, not on your local device.

Also read:

I would actually love to see the gameplay on the server itself to see how different everything looks when the connection speed or the sync time doesn't matter. So with all of that said, it finally happened. I finally ran across an actual cheater. I don't know if what I recorded was a hack or some sort of game exploit.

But this guy was clearly doing something, and I got it on tape. I know we can shoot through some walls or fences, bang walls, and things like that.



But watch this: the front door is open down here. He grabbed the camera and looked at everything he could see in this image, from the front wall all the way to the street and the cars on the second floor above him, including the room even above the Breezeway next to him.

This is just a article game. Most of us play it just to relax and have some fun from time to time. If a person needs to cheat like this to get kills or to duplicate equipment rather than find it, make it, or kill for it, what's that saying about the person? You need to look inward and fix yourself; you appear to have way bigger problems than sucking at a article game.

This player's name is White Feather 86 blah and I'll put his gamertag and Activision number on the screen so you can go into your own game and first report him for cheating, then block him so you don't happen to get into a match with him. I look forward to seeing you guys on the battlefield

al mazrah

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