News - Tombstone Duplication Glitch Season 2 Tutorial Warzone 2 Zombies

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Because you're not doing the tombstone, you're just getting the items and repeating this over and over again. Then you can switch out and dup items for him. You can actually go to the Act Four portal for any of the Mission X fills and dashboards because it'll still keep all your items. The problem in season 2 is that if you dashboard, it doesn't keep your tombstone, but when you're duping items with your buddy, all you're doing is taking his items and X filling, so this process can actually be very quick.

You can do three or four rounds and 20 to 25 minutes, and you're done with all those legendary ether tools. Flawless ethereum crystals and golden armor plates, Wonder Weapons, into your stash, and it'll go above that 10 because all these are duped items. If you don't know what I'm talking about—how to increase your stash—you can check out my article here to get the infinite stash.

modern warfare zombies glitch

It works just the same in season 2. After your friend has already reset his tombstone and given you all those legendary items to xill with, he can just jump off the crane and let G8 die out, then repeat the process again. The last thing is that if you get your essence from your buddy, you can go into Tier 3.

Go pick up your self-revive, your large rucksack, your Juggernaut, and your gas mask so that now all of your operators can be ready to go on the next time. Keep in mind that your friend may need to go by and drink a Tombstone Soda if he doesn't already have those in his rucksack, so it might take slightly longer.

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But that is absolutely true. Everything, As we have figured out about season 2 tombstones, yes, you can tombstone. Yes, you can duplicate; technically, you can do it solo. I'll make a article on that. It's the same method; you just have to find a random person to help you, but the big thing is that you can still duplicate items and put them in your stash.

That's what I would use it primarily for, which would take an hour and two hours. Get that stash up with your buddy. Help him get his stash up to 100 great items, then just run rounds whenever you want. Go into the dark ether if you want. Also, the tombstone does not work if you go into the dark ether.


I've tried many different methods. The only real method, which isn't really a real method, is if you just drink a second Tombstone and die in the dark ether, but that's going to lose every item that you use; it's also going to lose any essence that you use. We'll keep digging into the dark ether to see how we can do this.

I'm sure this method will improve. We are less than 12 hours from when this massive patch hits, and we're already here. And subscribe if this article helped you.

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