News - Tombstone Duplication Glitch Fastest Item Dupe Season 2 Warzone 2 Zombies

Now, don't plead for help this time, and so as soon as he gets out, you can just rejoin and repeat the process again. The, So one thing that we did confirm is that if you use the Act Four portal, all of those items count as non-real items, meaning they won't count towards that 10-stash limit and get your stash full.

modern warfare zombies glitch

So if you don't know what I'm talking about, check out my article, where I explain what real items are versus what duplicated items are. That's how you get that infinite stash where you can have 200 items plus versus only having 10, and so we did confirm that now this time I'm going to show you how fast it can be if you bring in a Tombstone soda, so if you have a Tombstone soda, you don't have to go in and get 2, 000 Essence and go buy one.

It's extremely fast, so we're just going to craft the Tombstone Soda, and we'll bring that in with us. So now you're just going to repeat that over and over again. Go in and drink a tombstone. Get the items and set a new tombstone. Give all the items to your friend; they leave, and they just keep putting those items in their stash.

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That's how you're going to duplicate to set your friend up with a huge stash. The next part is that we're going to use that same Tombstone to transfer that Tombstone to my friend, and then my friend will start giving me the items to X fill with so I can put those same items in my stash, so we both have a massive legendary item stash.


Now, okay, so now we're here. My buddy brought in a Tombstone soda; if not, you would just go get your own Tombstone as always, so I'm going to go grab everything out of my. Tombstone, and then I'm going to drop everything for him and drink my Tombstone. Yeah, you can drink your Tombstone, so he's going to drink that Tombstone, or if you haven't, just go do 2, 000 Essence and buy your own Tombstone to drink.

Now he's going to pick up all those items, so make sure you don't use them. Put them in his rucksack and then start a tombstone himself so you can see he switches over off of his gun that way he doesn't accidentally apply them, so now he's going to get downed and then bleed out. Plead for help. Let's leave i got it, leave, make sure you leave party, yeah, so also get rid of any self-revivals if you have those, okay, so now that he has drank the tombstone, he has all the items to duplicate, so now he's going to go get himself killed either by zombies or he can jump off the crane and just set up the tombstone the traditional way, so just full die out.

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The squad eliminated the classic. While he does that. I'm going to go leave through the Act 4 portal, just because it's a lot faster, and he's not going to plead for help this time because he wants to actually set that tombstone for the next round. Okay, so now that he has fully died out, let all the XP stuff roll, and then you can leave the match.

Now my friend has reset the tombstone using those same items, and he's going to now duplicate them for me to fill with, but it's quicker to do this because I'm not keeping a tombstone now. You may be on your own, with the Windows dashboard on the black screen, so what we're doing now is he's got his Tombstone.

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Now with my items that we swapped over last round, he's going to pull everything out of the tombstone like normal, and then drink that Tombstone soda if he hasn't already drank one, or if you get one from the by station or from, you know. Tier 3 der Wonder Fizz here, and then he'll die reset his Tombstone, and I'll Alex fill with the items, so go ahead, there you go.

mw3 zombies

He's drinking his Tombstone. You can drink the tombstone before or after you empty it; it doesn't affect it. Okay, so now he's got all the items in his pack and he's reset, so let's leave Squad. He's going to let himself get down; he'll bleed out, and then plead for help, so that's going to reset that tombstone with all those same items in.

Okay, so now the only difference is where you would normally go and play a normal match and then die at the end, so you reset your tombstone. He's going to give me all of his items, and then I'm going to leave with all of them, so make sure you don't equip them. There we go, so now he's going to give me all the items.

Now he's just going to die and fully die, and I'm going to leave through the act for the portal, so now he's going to reset his tombstone. He has all these items now in that tombstone, so when he dies, it'll be their next round, and I can fill them with them and put them in my stash for the long term.

mw3 zombies duplication glitch

Also, because we're specifically using Act 4. Portal here, it'll automatically count as non-real items; therefore, we can go up to that 200 plus item limit, so you can just do this three times in a row, and then you have eight flawless ethereum crystals and eight gold ether tools. There are four golden shields just sitting in your inventory for whenever you want to use them, and the one important thing too is to make sure that if he is the party leader, that when he leaves the game he doesn't pull out the party cuz that'll jack it up.

And then, fill, there we go. I'm good now, so then take all these items and put them away. And boom, now you keep increasing your stash. Then keep going back in with your buddy and have him get the tombstone. Take the items out and do this until you feel you have enough stash for a couple days.

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So in summary, I set up a tombstone with the five items that I wanted to duplicate for my buddy. I did three or four rounds with him, so now he has 1620 legendary items to set him up for future matches. And now that we just came in, I gave him all the items. He set up his own tombstone and died.


He's going to share those same duplicated items from that tombstone with me for three, four, and five rounds, so now I can have 20+ legendary items to be ready for the next few days of playing zombies. Really, I only took out five legendary items. two flawless ethereum crystals, two ether tools, and a golden armor, and with that, he turned them into 20 for him; he made the tombstone he made 20 for me.

It only took us roughly an hour to do that, and now we're set up for the next couple days, so this is the best method by far for just duplicating items. In fact. I would recommend doing this versus doing the double tombstone with essence, where you have to redo it every single match, then go and then die at the end, because now you can play matches completely normal.


Keep your insured weapon. Use an xfill to get the experience. Go into the dark ether; none of that matters; you just do an hour of duplicating for each other and then play the zombies game like normal, using your stash like we used to in season 1. This is only day two of season two, and we are already finding excellent ways to bypass these patches so that we can enjoy Zombies did not have to do that 20–30 minute grind every single round, only leaving us 15 minutes at the end.

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