News - Tips To Prepare For Season 2 Reloaded Warzone 2 Zombies

It's going to be similar; it's going to be similar objectives; it's either going to be a different contract that we're going to be doing; I don't think they're going to be doing the ACV; all over again, maybe not the Outlast; it might be the weapon stash; it might be a new contract, but it's going to be the same thing all about grabbing the contract, having enough ammo with you, having enough armor placed with you, definitely having a dog with you, and pretty much make sure you guys go there with a legendary tool.

mw3 zombies red zone

Epic Tool Pack-a-Punch 3, and don't have a secondary weapon unless you're going to be running like this. You know the VR1, or you're going to be running. The scores are definitely helpful now. The next thing that we're going to be doing to prepare for the new season is making sure that all three of you Strike Team operators are fully maxed out, so you can see all my operators are not maxed out because I was doing some of the glitch and I got rid of all my stuff, or whatever the case might be.

Also, we're going to get a news story mission, so make sure you guys complete all your acts one, two, three, and four before we actually get to the new season reload. Now, as you can see right here, we got my stuff maxed out with this operator. Right here, I'm going to show you guys exactly how we got to the rest zone before we actually went into the dark ether.

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Now, this is prior to that, so we're going into the dark ether. But this is prior to that, so we're going to be heading to the red zone. I'm going to show you guys exactly how I met with these people and all the loot that we actually found before I had to go to the dark, but first things first, usually I do this contract to get chunks of flesh to have a dog; this is one of the best contracts that you can do to actually get the dog.

mw3 zombies season 2 reloaded

As you can see, I already have four chunks of flesh right here, as you can see in my inventory. Just by doing this one contract, I also got close to $5, 000. Already, just by doing that first contract, the next thing that you do after that, I'll be running the regular bounties. The regular bounty on the level one zone is simple and easy because if you jump in there with a weapon Pack-a-Punch level two, level three, or even Pack-a-Punch one with an epic or legendary tool, you guys, you can pretty much defeat these bounty in less than 60 seconds, and after that, you can just go ahead and keep doing them over and over, and you can probably complete like 10 bounty in less than five minutes if you're moving fast, get on an ATV, or use the scores to actually navigate.

mw3 zombies what to expect in season 2 reloaded

Moving into the Red Zone, you guys, so once you get to the Red Zone once again, you want to go ahead and move fast and easy. If you guys, this is a list of tips and tricks right here. Really, really fast and simple. Also, another thing is that defeating the Mega Abomination is going to become a lot easier and a lot quicker because there's going to be so many other players.

I'm not saying you have to jump into a match with a group of six or a group of four or whatever. I'm just saying that when you jump into a match solo and just play solo, you get an invite from a large group. I'm not asking for an invitation from one or two players; I'm talking about a large group.

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Accept it because then you're going to go ahead and do these contracts, and you're going to be getting this stuff fast and easy again. A lot of people don't understand that this is the best way to get schematics. The best way to get the best drops is by actually completing these contracts fast so you can complete many contracts instead of doing one contract slowly, and then next thing you know, you are actually spending way too much time on one contract, and then you run out of time.

mwz jithegamer

If you complete a contract fast, then you can go ahead and do another contract, and then another one, and then another one, and then the chances of you actually getting schematics and those weapons acquisitions and things like that become fast, so if you guys made it this far into the article. I'm going to share a few things with you guys to prepare for the season to reload, as far as the five top weapons in New Zealand.

Those weapons right there will definitely carry you to the Red Zone: the dark ether and the elder dark ether, the WSP swor, which is one of my favorite weapons. This weapon is absolutely legit. We're talking about the bass, and we're talking about the Lockwood. And there are a few other weapons, which I will be doing a top 10 list of after season 2 reloads, so you guys can check that out, so again, be aware of which is the best weapon.

mwz season 2 reloaded

Also, be aware of certain strategies that you can use. We're talking about the dog bone; if you don't have the dog bone or schematic, make sure you guys always carry it. Or do the chunks so you can get the dog because he's going to help you be a decoy. Make sure you guys always run the decoy grenade.

Make sure you guys always try to get that LT 53. If you're going to go to the dark ether, you don't need it in the red zone, but you definitely need it in the dark ether. If you guys can pack and pretty much stash a whole bunch of the Scorch weapon because going to the new zone, we're probably going to be using the Scorch a lot, so if you guys made it far to this article right here, as you can see, we're going to go ahead and get the dog since I already have four.

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One of the things I like to do is definitely throw a deco grenade right here. If I have some of these zombies around me again, I will always carry a decco grenade. I tell some of my friends sometimes, like, throw a decco grenade. He tells me I don't have one. I don't have one. Always reload your decco grenade.

mwz season 2 reloaded update

If you run out of it, go to the weapon stash. You know, repack on that Deco grenade or ammo. Keep track of your mood and your movements. A lot of people feel like they know they can just stand there and shoot the zombies. Always be aware of your surroundings, your movements, and things like that.

All that stuff can get you prepared for the season to reload. The main thing is not dying, you guys. So, as you can see right here, once we got to the Red Zone, we went and bought four of the LT 53, so I'm going to go ahead. I can only buy a sentry gun, as you can see right here, so now we have two LT 53 right here, so now we're going to go ahead and buy two more.

Unfortunately, I can only buy one more, so now that we have three, I will get another one later on. You guys will see, but then I'll equip. My decco grenade on my, you know, primary use right now, and the LT 53 is actually on my backpack, so basically, once I get to the D eater, I can use my Decco grenade first, and then right after that.

mwz tips and tricks

I can go ahead and switch to my LT 53. Once I get to the extractor, I throw it, and that's it. That's it it's simple so as far as the dark zone, I recommend you guys always running and gunning. Running and gunning, run as fast as you can as soon as you collect one of these bounties, unequip your weapon, and just run to the location where you need to go, get it done, get it done with it, and then right after that, go ahead and do the next one.

Today we going to be looking at how you can get ready and prepare for the new MW3 season 2 Reloaded in zombies and everything you need to be ready before heading there. I appreciate all the support lately. Thanks everyone! Jithegamer, check my previous video.
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