News - Warzone 2 Zombies: How To Open The Dark Aether Locked Doors. All Dark Aether Key Locations

Explaining the locked doors and dark aether keys

Explaining the locked doors and dark aether keys

Zombies , explaining the locked doors and dark ether keys There are five different locations that can have locked doorways that are opened with keys that you can discover across the dark ether. Some of these locations have multiple doors that can be unlocked, for a total of eight keys that can be collected per game.

These locations are Alpha Officer Quarters, which have two locked doors; the Albra Munition Store Room, which also has two doors; the Albra barracks, which only have one door; ABF Antiquities, which also only has one door; and finally the South Alpha top-floor bedroom, which also has one door for a total of seven locked doors.

Certain doors are guaranteed to have powerups like max ammo or instakill, but they all have a chance of spawning a weapon case for Wonder Weapons, making this a great way to farm these elusive weapons. Each key will be tied to a certain area and can only open one door. This means you will need to find a second key for that area to open the second door.

dark aether

This isn't a problem since all eight keys will always spawn in the same spot, with six of these locations having the same key every single time. This means that no matter what, you will be able to open ABF Antiquities, the Alpha Barracks, as well as both doors at Alpha Office Quarters and the Alpha Munition Store Room.

The two other keys, while available every match at the same locations, seem to have something wrong with them, as in the games that we've played, and from what we've seen looking at footage of other players, two of these locations do seem to be bugged and not working as intended. One of these locations should be where you find the South Alpha top-floor bedroom key, but there seems to be a glitch where this key will be replaced with another key, which would mean that you won't be able to get the key to this final door, for example, across two back-to-back matches.

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I ended up getting three ABF Antiquity keys and four Al B officer quarter keys without getting the top-floor bedroom key at all. The bug seems to be tied to two keys that require the player to perform a certain action to get the items to spawn, while all the other keys can just be picked up by the player, but as a massive disclaimer, this is just based on our findings as of recording.

It might be possible that some of the other keys are also bugged, but as of yet, we just haven't experienced it. Your best shot at getting all the doors open is to get each and every key and hope that you don't experience this bug. With all of that out of the way, let's start tracking down these.

Al bagra officers quarters key location

Al bagra officers quarters key location

Keys : the albra officer, Quarters. The first key we are going to get is the one closest to the entrance to the dark ether. Go across the bridge that you spawn on and head to sector F4. At the top of the zipline line, you will find yourself in front of some ticket booths. Outside of the Alra fortress's main gate facing the fortress, go into the one on the right, and you will find your first key just sitting on the counter.

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To get the second key, head to the roof of the fortress and go to this tower in sector F5. Here, you will see an excavator floating in the air. You will need to wait for it to lower, then jump onto it, get across the vehicle, and then jump to the next tower to find the key lying on the ground. You can also reach the spot by using the Scorch, a window weapon, or an ether tear.

Go to the officer's quarter doors, make your way into the fortress, and go to the room that you have to survive the Outlast contract in, just above the Pack-a-Punch machine. Entering the room from the side with the Pack-a-Punch machine, immediately turn to the left and go up the stairs through the door and up another staircase to the next floor.

Once here, go to the left, and you will find a walkway with two locked doors. You can look into each room to see what is inside. As you can see in this footage, we found a ray gun weapon case inside the room to the left during our game. That being said, the door on the right will always have Max Ammo behind it.

Al bagra munitions storeroom key location

Al bagra munitions storeroom key location

It, the albra munition store room, the first key we are going to cover is the one that you should already be close to if you've already started your park or course to get the officer's quarter key from the key on top of the tower that you jumped across the excavator to reach you will see an ambulance and a flatbed truck floating in the air jump across these two vehicles to another Tower and this is where you will find your first key, the second key can be found by going all the way to the far west side of the map in this small building just outside of the main Warehouse in sector B4, this key is found on a desk in the northern room facing the area where the ACV will spawn when you start the escort contract You can find these two doors on the ground floor of this building in Sector A5.

Here we found a scorcher weapon case behind the left door, and you will always get instant kills behind the right.

Al bagra barracks key location

Door, the albra , barracks, you can track down this key by heading to the East End of the map head to sector H5 and look for this apartment building on the first floor you can find a kitchen with a dining table on this table is where you can find the albra bar key The barracks door isn't too far from the apartment.

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Go through the big gate that leads into the fortress next to the building where you found the key and go to this location in G4. You will find the door on the first floor of this building inside. You will always get full armor power up, and you might even get yourself a weapon case.

Ab.f antiquities key location

A.b.f antiquities key location

ABF , Antiquities, Go to the south part of the map, just past the last room. You're going to need to make your way. Under the fortress, you can find this key, which you can reach by going to the road just above the beach where you fought. The ether worm gigant in the bad signal Mission: You will find a gate that you can go through to reach this underground area.

You can also find a zip line in Sector H5, which will take you down to the lower level of the fortress. Whether you come down the zip line or come through the gate, you can find the door to the ABF Antiquities room in the Outlast room. Enter the room from the side opposite the Pack-a-Punch machine.

On the same side, you will find the zip line. Once in the room, go up the stairs to the left, and you will find the door at the center of the hallway. Inside, you can find a weapon case as well as full power.

The final 2 keys


Drop the final two keys, as we touched on earlier. The last two keys require the player to perform specific actions to get them to spawn.

Unlocking Aether Doors is essential for getting far in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies. Entering the Aether, you'll find locked doors that require keys -- and there are a total of 8 hidden keys hidden across the map. We're going to break down everything you need to know about this wild and incredibly secret Easter egg quest. 0053 Explaining the Locked Doors and Dark Aether Keys.
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