News - This Warzone 2 Update Was Awful

Daily, it needs to be included it needs to be talked about, but it just wasn't in this update, and I just don't know what else to say at this point, it's unexcusable that's not a word it's, inexcusable, you needed to address the spawns you needed to address the stability problems that every player faces and you did none of that, you left them all out to dry, it's almost as if you used, the broken war zone and no League Play, to hide this, behind those controversies, because you know if you release this with no other controversies this would have been highlighted by more people but instead it went on the back burner because we were more focused on League player we were more focused on war zone getting fixed, this isn't acceptable guys it's just not, and moving forward like I said in last article I'm going to keep saying it the standard needs to be raised, the expectations are higher now, the stakes are higher now, please follow through, and at least improve this game, you've had two months and you've shown me nothing it's time to show me that you're ready to answer the call to improve this.

Game, but that's all I have for today's article. I hope you enjoyed it.

Also read:
Yes, ranked play and warzone are fixed but so much more was missed in the Season 1 Reloaded Update. Thanks guys and gals for watching.
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