News - This Makes You Instantly Better At Warzone 2

how to get better at warzone 2

In and around those buy stations, they're really, really valuable right now. Buy stations can be a little bit difficult to interact with, so make sure you're standing right in front of them. Different buy stations in Warzone 2 have different stocks of items, so some of them will have UAVs for sale, but others won't, and some will have armor-piercing.

Always be aware that you won't necessarily find what you're looking for at a gas station. They are still one of the most powerful objects in the game, and you need to be aware of where they are.

Positioning is really important in warzone 2

Positioning is really important in warzone 2

The overall pacing of War Zone 2 is much slower compared to War Zone 1, so don't go fully sprinting at enemies around a corner; you're just going to die instead. Instead, you should approach corners and doors a little bit slower, and make sure you do plenty of corner peeks with your gun ready in the ads so that you can react quicker.

Taking a few seconds longer to hold an angle might reward you, as I've noticed people tend to wait longer before they go. Elevation is extremely important in any Battle Royale, but in Warzone 2, it's extremely important. Elevating your position gives you a huge advantage in gunfights because you can see more than what the enemy can see of you in general gameplay terms.

how to get better warzone

Warzone 2 features really long-distance bullet traces, which means you're going to be able to see where other players are around the map from a long way away. You might see two teams fighting if you're within striking distance of a parachute off the top of that building that you've just climbed. You can now go down there if you're looking for some action in mid-game.

Get to a high point, have a look around, and you're likely to find some action there. Bounty-filled contracts are brilliant for spicing up the midgame, which at the moment is quite quiet. The Intel collection contracts do attract attention as well, and be aware that you have to sort of stay around that beacon so that you can complete something.

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It will attract attention because it puts a large yellow bar going into the sky, so again, that can spice up the mid-game, but contracts can be really helpful if you're looking for some action. And that's about it, guys—a nice, simple guide to getting started in War Zone 2.

Here's a bunch of Warzone 2 tips, tricks, best practices and settings that will instantly make you better at the game. Warzone 2 is a different beast and requires a bit of adjusting so hopefully these help you out.
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