News - This Is Really Hurting Warzone 2

You know, no other factors, none of this reticular sway while you're strafing or looking around, and stuff of that sort. Yeah, you had your, you know, normal weapon sway that would naturally happen across the board, but all these other very fine tun features weren't really relevant back then, and it just felt so much.

modern warfare 3 reticle shift

Lowkey snappier, because even though these more recent games clearly are very Snappy they look good compared to previous games it just doesn't have that feel and I think this is definitely one of the main reasons on why it feels off and again I know that this is mostly a PC problem, because you know clearly Amis does counter this just a tad bit but not completely, not completely at all because once you get into to ranged engagements and your strafing, a assist is not going to be relevant as much for you and it's going to be a massive problem where once again your reticle is going to be shifting around, and you know on PC yeah I could shift around a bit more but I can't even imagine on an analog stick trying to control recoil and on top of that trying to make sure you can control your reticle from you know moving away from the center of the screen while strafing.

modern warfare 3 strafe aim sway

It's probably just an absolute nightmare. This is a problem for everybody across the board, and honestly, I'm very curious to see if Sledgehammer will go ahead and address it. I really am, and I honestly feel like they won't. I think this is going to be something that is swept under the rug. I hope they prove me wrong on that, but I can't lie when I say I'm getting a tad bit worried.

I know that they are. You know, I think they're still on their break right now, so you know I'm not expecting anything crazy. But even when it comes down to the experimental playlist, we haven't even seen a second wave of anything being done. We don't know what you know is going on when it comes to the red outlines on players.

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We have no word; you know they made it extraordinarily complex to even talk about, you know, the experiment Al playlist. You had to go through a whole website or something like that to even you know put through your vote, so you know it was pretty much irrelevant to the mass majority of players. People just hopped in to try it out, and that's it.

modern warfare 3 strafe reticle shift

I don't know. I guess we'll see how they handle more core features, but I definitely think that this is one of them they should focus on, and if they do nail this, that would help the feeling of this game tremendously for a lot of players across the board. But as always, ladies and gentlemen. It is a really good watch.

You know, it's 28 minutes long, but seriously, every last bit of it is worth your time, and it's really going to showcase. A lot's wrong here, and honestly. I think it's going to open your guys' eyes when you know, because again. I see a lot of people complain about either missing shots or you know blaming connections, or you know again being manipulated again, but honestly.

I feel like this is a massive culprit when it comes to inconsistent gunfights having this just unnatural scope sway while you're trying to be in engagements. And again, it's due to strafing, a core feature that pretty much everybody does because it's crucial in COD. If you hated it, leave a dislike.

mw3 aim sway

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I've been really waiting for that game. I feel like a lot of people's interest has fallen off for that title. I'm really excited to give that game another try. No skill-based matchmaking, so you know, you can't go wrong with that, but of course subscribe. Make sure you're notified of all that stuff, and last but not least, we do stream over on Kick as well.

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