News - This Coming To Warzone 2 Zombies Could Change Things Forever Leaks And Rumors

While I was playing it, you know what I said? I actually told my friends. I was like, You know, what would make this mode way more fun for me? Like, what if they just took out all of the AI, like all these mercenaries walking around, and just replaced them with zombies? Like, what if there were just zombies walking around?


zombie bosses that we had to defeat while trying to fight off other players. I was like, I think that would be really cool. I had hundreds, if not thousands, of comments from people telling me that sounded like an amazing idea. Now flash to the modern day, and with the way that Modern Warfare Zombies is, do I think that PVP would actually go really well in it?

No, I really don't. I definitely do think it would be like a fun limited-time mode for us to do just to get some special stuff—maybe some weapon cases, things like that. Maybe we end up unlocking blueprints from collecting dogs, from players, and stuff. I think it's like a limited-time mode in this game.

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It would be cool now if this game was a little bit more like DMZ. With zombies sprinkled in it, I think it would actually work better with PVP. Since this game is actually more zombies, with like a tiny bit of DMZ sprinkled in the PVP, it really just isn't going to work very well. I definitely want to see them try new stuff.


I mean, hell, without them actually trying new stuff, we would have never gotten outbreaks, and we would have never gotten Modern Warfare 3 zombies. Keep this in mind, too. This is the first time that Treyarch has actually had a real, long time to cook up something really good. The last game that Treyarch really just had a complete hand in, without another studio in there, would have been Black Ops 4.

Look at the work that they ended up doing with Cold War, and Cold War was already half developed by a different studio. They came in and fixed that up, and we got things like Outbreak. Plus, we got all of those zombie maps. Just think of what they can do when they've had a full four years to develop their game from the ground up.

Yeah, I'm really excited to see what Treyarch is up to. I also don't think that Modern Warfare Zombie is going to be done after this game is over. I think that when Treyarch releases their next title, I have a feeling that their outbreak mode is going to be in Modern Warfare Zombie, and we're just going to have another operation.


Since the rumors are all pointing out that Verdansk is going to be the war zone map that's going to be integrated. With the new Black Ops go 4 game I have a feeling that that's probably going to be where our next zombie map for the open world side is going to be at to think going be pretty cool to be completing contracts on bans, and fighting boss zombies and stuff around and going through ether portals and stuff I think that would be pretty fun especially if Treyarch actually develops on it and supports it all year round and doesn't leave you know three seasons into the game so I guess all in all I did see Mr Dolly JD he uploaded a article on this today so I kind of wanted to talk about this at the end of the day I think the concept, actually sounds really cool like the whole thing about an open world extraction, looter shooter where you got to fight other people and zombies and try to survive like it's actually a zombie apocalypse, like I think that idea sounds really cool I know what some of you are probably thinking well we got Day Z no I mean like a fast arcade, shooter.


You know, in the Call of Duty Battlefield style, the concept does sound really cool, but unfortunately, over here in the Call of Duty Community, we are really set in our ways. Personally, I think the concept does sound really cool and fun. Just maybe not for Call of Duty zombies unless there's a different mode in the future that's maybe you know worked all around specifically, that I don't know maybe we could talk about that in the future.

This is something that I wanted to come out and just talk with you guys about. Just try to keep the comments civil guys again. I greatly appreciate anybody who stopped by the article today, especially if you sat here and listened to me ramble for damn near 10 minutes now. Absolutely, I love zombies.

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I hope you have a wonderful day, and I will catch you in the next.

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