News - These "new" Meta Loadouts Must Be Stopped. Warzone 3. 0

I'll do better next time. Pass it on, Sean; take it away, but it's still absolutely shred. It has almost no recoil, to the point where it's still a top-tier meta. For the mule. I want the Jack BFB for the Barry, the 16.5. MCW Cyclone long barrel for the magazine, the 60 round drum for the optic, and the MK3 reflector for the stock with the RB Regal heavy stock.

Next up is the AR9. This has been a gun that's been competing with the Herm 9 for the best SMG in the game. The Striker 9 and the Rival 9 are all up there too, but the main top two guns I've been seeing people go back and forth about are the AR9 and the Herman 9, and so I have an AR9 build here for y'all.

That'll put in some serious work for the mozu. You want the Jack BFB for the bar. You want the AR9's long barrel for the ammunition. You want the 9-mm-high green rounds for the magazine. You want the 100-round drum for the optic. You want the MK3 reflector. I don't really need to say much about these; I mean, I talked about them in my Loadout article.

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But the MCW is absolutely broken. I actually have a whole article of me getting a win with it, and this gun is just. There's really no recoil at all. As I miss all my shots, don't mind that I'm just bad at the game; you all will do better than I will. Amr9 does really good damage, and you can go medium range with it too.

I'm not going to attempt to go long range with it; y'all got that, but this loadout is really good. Next up, we have Baz B and the Swarm. The Bass B has been a battle rifle that's also been running rampant in War Zone since it got its buff, and it's one of those guns that is just absolutely nasty; it does really good damage on top of not having a lot of cool at all for the Muzzy with Jack BFB.

For the barel with the Brewing Venom long barrel, for the underbar with the Brewing heavy support grip, for the magazine with the 45-round mag, then for the optic with the MK3 reflector, next we have the Swarm. This has been a weapon that has been pretty damn good since it came out in the war zone.

I say came out; it's been out for the war zone, but recently I think I got a Nerf. That's what I heard, but I really haven't seen much of a difference in the gun anyway. This is more of an up-close and personal shredding build, so you can go medium-range with it. I want to suggest it, though this is more of an up-close and personal shredding build for the barrel.

We have an optic-long barrel for the underbarrel, and you want the Brewing Heavy Sport grip for the magazine with the 100-round drum. Where did my [__] Go for the optic you want. SZ, for the optics, you want the MK3 reflector, and then for the stock with the FSS Fortress heavy stop, like I said, the BB has been a gun that's been running rampant in the war zone for like the longest time, and it's a gun.

That's a gun that doesn't have a lot of coil at all and can also just melt your opponents left and right, but the swarm This is like I said up close to personal build you can go medium range with it, but I only suggest really going long short range cuz that's what you have the bad B for the bad, but yeah, these two guns together are.

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I say, really, really good. I say don't go medium range and immediately go medium range, but what is wrong with me? Next up, we have the Hog War 556, and the secondary may surprise some of y'all, but we'll get there when we get there. For the MZ, we want the Jack BFB for the bear, the Crow 6 match for the underbar, we want the Brew heavy sport grip for the magazine, the 40-round mag, and then for the stocking with the RB out assault.

Stock. Yeah, boy, war zone 2.0. I loved this gun after its silent buff. Was it allowed? Was it allowed as [__]? After its latest buff, this gun is super viable in today's meta; it's essentially the Mac 10 pretty much, but better. I don't know; let's get into it for the most part. You want the Jack BFB for the barrel, the Tango 228 barrel for the underbarrel, and the Dr.

6 hand stop for the magazine. You want the 60-round mag, and then for the rear grip, you want the ZLR combat grip. I said in my last article, but I feel like the hog G isn't really talked about enough, but this gun is really, really good. The only downside I have about it is that it's maximum magazine and only 22 bullets, so when you suck at the game like I do when you miss half your shots, you kind of want more bullets in your mag to go ahead and help you out now.

For V, this gun is absolutely a decim, medium range. I don't really recommend going because, as you see, if you're not missing half your shots, it does pretty modest damage at medium range, but this is really a gun that can shred up close. Last but not least, we have a personal favorite gun of mine; I love the sbaa so much, and I feel like this is kind of slept on too; it's not there with like the Ram 7 or something, the MCW.

Maybe like that, but this is like your next best thing. This reminds me of something like the XM4. It's just really Old Reliable pretty much for the mo; you want the Jack BFB for the bar; you want the STV Precision barrel for the stock; you want the main V6 stock for the magazine; the 160-round mag; and then for the rear grip, the N Z3 grip; and for the secondary, we have the Herman.

This is the other SMG that they've been arguing number one SMG between AM-9 and Herm-9. I personally don't have a say in it. My personal favorite SMG is a striker. I just love how it has no recoil and does a good amount of damage, but the Herm-9 is certainly broken. For the Muzz. I want the Jack BFB for the bar, the Princess long barrel for the underbarrel, the Brewing heavy support grip for the magazine with the 50-round drum, and then the stock with the folding stop.

Now, like I said, I feel the SBA has been really, really slept on. It's one of those guns that, like, has not a lot of recoil at all, if you're not bad at the game like I am. And it does a pretty good amount of damage at medium to close range, and then obviously, as you can see, you can go long. As you can see, you can go long range with it, and then for the Herman 9, it doesn't have a lot of recoil either, but it does a pretty damn good amount of damage at close and medium range, so it's an overall build that can go ahead and assist you in every single gunfight situation now that I know how to make these articles a little bit better than the last Loadout article I made.

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