News - The Zero Recoil Taq 56 Meta On Warzone 2


My little hot Drop Observatory Warson Two's been out for a little bit now and is flying right on top of us; actually, you know what I missed a drop on—they beat me there. ASAP I've been out for a bit now—two or three weeks at the Observatory—and it's definitely my favorite place to land. All right, we're not looking good.

Come on, come on, come on, come on, where's the guns all right? There's always a weapon in here, lol. The guy behind us is on the roof. I don't know if he's on the roof of the other building; check out the guy above me. I need an SMG badly, but Wars and Two's been out for a little bit, like I said wait, above me, yeah, he's definitely on the roof.

I'm going to go back around and try to get an angle over here to see if I can get an angle on him. You have to play this game so much slower than Rebirth. Someone's on my left; I just heard somebody say, "Yep, just went over the fence; he's going to cross over." Three kills all right. This game is so much slower.


There are other moments that I enjoy this game, and there are other moments where I'm like, Okay. I need the Resurgence map back. There was fighting over here earlier, so I'm going to try to figure out where they are. Since the movement is so much slower. This guy should have a fried wing flying in, and if someone else is shooting, drop down on them.

All right, we need this level three armor. I'm going to heal up real quick. I didn't even shoot me. I got this over three armor before we get pushed again. We got two kills and one 124. The dome is definitely my favorite place to land, though we don't have any money. Someone flew in over here, footsteps coming up the stairs; he's going to be on the buy station right here, 100 of the buy station, a little Eagle Chow.

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Get him out; he has a cell. Be careful; remember that the other guy flying in could be behind us somewhere. This game is really all about hearing your audio cues fly in. We saw that guy flying in. Wait another two precisions. What is going on? No, wait for him to come back out. Cluster strike coming in four kills is not too bad.


We might go for that just to get out our loadout guns. So we're going to go, and if you kill the bots or defuse the bomb, you have to kill the boss because they're annoying. We've got to defuse the bomb and then get your load out, and you also get a UAV. I want to do this, and I try to do the strongholds as quickly as possible because, like I said, there are only three strongholds that spawn in each game, and people are going to push towards them, and we get there to loadout, so if you complete this, you actually get a UAV.

If you see the ping okay, the mini map shows the AIS, which are like those triangle-looking diamond things, and then that solid red one, the one with the up arrow, that's a real person. That's why I like doing this as quickly as possible, because a lot of people tend to push toward them. I don't think he's pushing toward us.


Get one more ping. He's just chilling there. Let's go to the right of these. Yeah, look at him running; he should be like right in front of us over here. If I go to this building, he should be right in front of us, running up. Let's see yep, there he is. Pack 50 feels so good. It's actually crazy interesting to me right now because of the attack 56, and, with some LMGs and some ARS right now, people aren't using barrels on the guns; it's kind of ridiculous.

I was using the attack 56 with a barrel on it, and then a couple days ago people were saying, "Hey, take the barrel off, try this build, and this is one of my first games using it, and it feels really, really good." All right, we're back at the top of the observatory. There was a cluster strike. going off over here When we were running up the hill, Zone closed in.

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I don't think anybody else is here. We got to rotate down to the zone. We do not have UAV money. It doesn't sound like anyone else is here. We're going to jump off and rotate. It's ending all the way up at the desert; it looks like so much hydro; it's hot. Spot on the map, so if you guys are looking for rotations.


I like going Dome off the rip and then rotating towards Hydro; there's usually a lot of action over here. There are only 61 people alive still, though, so this map is kind of dying off. I'm going to go on the left side of the river, though, because that is where the zone is going to be pulling eventually, so I might as well go across here and then wait for people to come.

It's a little tricky because the TDK is very fast in this game, so you definitely want to be able to get behind cover if you get caught off guard if possible, and to our right. I mean, someone's over here. I'm going to go on this roof like I said; work High Ground is your advantage. All the time I'm going to climb up, I'm going to look to the right as I'm going look.

Just jump in the window, okay? We saw that guy jump that one over there. He was running from somebody or running at someone. You saw him jump into the back window, and a clutch strike was called in. I'm gonna try to listen for footsteps. I don't hear anything, I don't see anything; I'm just double-checking, then we're going to send it.


We got these dual pistols; these things are going to go crazy. He's right here in the window; hit him twice. He should be weak. These pistols hurt. I'm running after him and missing all my shots. Don't worry about it now; these pistols are like four bullets that will kill him if you hit your shots.

Car pulling up, he got out, so, okay, car got out here. He's either in the left building, this building close to me, or jumped out at the right one, so I'm going to go back up to this roof. We're listening as I'm pushing; there are no footsteps; it's very quiet. It's oddly quiet here. I think we sent it.

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I think we're going for it. If he jumps in the window mantle, I'll hear him. He's just jumped out the window. Pull out the AR just to be safe. Yo, this guy's got a headset. These headsets are backwards-compatible with the Apple AirPods or something. No money nobody has money. I want to get a UAV badly.


It's like you don't really need the minimap in this game, no, uavs you only get one per buy station car, another one pulling up, let's go ahead and beam them, it's in a little bit of my shots. Shaky shots. Listen, I just woke up all right; it came on, literally. He's out of there; he's just gone.

I wonder how people are going to be spectating solo, so just show out this building right here. He's running right at us. He's getting a little aggressive. Let's not jump to conclusions right away. What's he doing? Throwing grenades now we have to jump out and throw two grenades at them and attack them a little bit.

The Taq-56 is the Best AR on Warzone 2 Best Taq-56 Attachments Tuning.
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