News - The Warzone 2 Ui Has Some Problems

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Yeah, I'm actually pretty surprised. I didn't really expect to enjoy hardcore that much, but I'm actually having a lot of fun with it. What a nice spawn Infinity Ward is. yo, I'm okay, well. Hey, you're all just in time for another ranting article. Although, actually, before we get into all that quick update on progress here, since the last time I ended up finishing out gold for all the base assault rifles and I unlocked the platinum camo challenge, now I just gotta get a bunch of long shots.

I guess, which actually. I guess I should do this thing up for like long-range engagements. I was going to try and do these in ground war like I did with the snipers, but I actually ended up seeing a article that said that the best way to do it is actually in hardcore, which, by the way, yes. I know it's called Tier 1 and it's not hardcore, but the way that we knew it before is basically the same thing, honestly.

Who cares, but yeah, apparently doing it in hardcore is actually easier, and it's made better with this optic here because it actually tells you like the distance that you're aiming to so you can see if you're aiming at a distance where it'll like be a long shot. I think for ARS it's like 38 meters or something also.

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Since I'm getting out of shipment, should I take off the Ryan shield? You think, "Nah, I'm not really feeling that honorable today," so yeah, that's what we're going to do today: just sit and grind for some long shots. Probably not the most enthralling gameplay, but don't worry. I think that counts, so anyway, it's no secret to anybody at this point that this game's UI is not very good.

I'm pretty sure we've been talking about this since the beta. At this point, you know the menus are goofy, a lot of the systems aren't very intuitive, and overall, this game's menus are just kind of clunky to navigate through, even for somebody who's been playing the game a lot, let alone for a new player.

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And I know that for a while there. Infinity Ward was promising some kind of UI overhaul, but honestly, it's been so long since we've heard anything about that I'm wondering if it's even happening anymore. Also, this is a little bit trickier than I expected it to be. The menus in this game are not very good.

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Generally speaking, they are not very intuitive and could really use some work in terms of simplification. I don't think that counting so naturally since the UI has been a hot topic since pretty much day one on this game, you would expect them to be working on it to some degree right, and as it turns out.

Infinity Ward actually ended up following through recently and adding an interesting little update to the pause menu that, to be completely honest, might be one of the worst things I've ever seen in my life. Now, I'd like to add a quick disclaimer to this complaint. This is actually something I did ask for, and for those of you who saw my Double XP rant article.

I was talking about how It is annoying that before this update, you had to pop a double XP token before you were queued and then essentially hope you were able to find a decent lobby in a reasonable amount of time so you didn't waste a whole bunch of your double XP. So in theory, this update is actually really good, but here's the thing: because of the way that this menu is positioned, it is actually incredibly beautiful.


It's easy to miss click into this menu and accidentally activate one of your double XP tokens, whether it's because you're trying to back out of a lobby quickly or you're trying to access one of the other menu tabs. It's especially easy for a player who's been playing this game for a while and sort of has the muscle memory of the menu in your fingers or whatever it is.

It's really easy to make a mistake and just waste a double XP token that you didn't mean to activate. I mean. Like when somebody ends up getting into a hotel lobby and they think, Man, spmm, This one really blessed me. Let me just activate a double XP token as fast as physically and humanly possible.

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No one cares; give us some extra menu prompts so that we don't end up there accidentally. Miss clicking our Double XP tokens because I literally ended up wasting two hours on this for no reason; granted. I don't really use Double XP all that much right now, but still, this is still pissing me off.

modern warfare 2

Imagine how bad it must be for somebody who actually cares about their double XP tokens. Also, those are the last two games that have been terrible. I really hope that they're not all like this. Yeah, honestly, it might be back to ground zero for me. I mean, yeah, I've gotten three in the last three games, so I'm just going to try and do it like an invasion, man.

I'm sure hardcore is great and all for people who actually play hardcore, but honestly, I have absolutely no interest in sitting in lobbies where 10 out of the 12 players are exclusively hardcore. Sitting in the back, going for long shots like, I don't know, maybe tier one was the move at some point, but I don't really think it is now granted.

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Invasion may not be all that much more efficient considering I'm going to be shooting at bots half the time, but at least I'll be able to have fun while I'm doing it. Although, in fairness to all the creators that were like "pushing hardcore" as the way to get your long shots done in an efficient manner.


Man, how are these not long shots? Although that's been said, it's not really like I'm making a whole lot of progress doing this either. I don't know; maybe hardcore is the way to go. Honestly, get me back to shooting houses 24 hours a day. I'll have this challenge done tomorrow. I'll do exactly what I did in Modern Warfare 2019.

Sit on the head glitch, throw a smoke down mid, and put a thermal scope on. Guaranteed, I will have the whole thing done in like 10 hours or less. What, how is that not a long shot? Having this Opticon is nice for being able to see how long it is, but honestly, it's so hard to see out of this thing, I don't know.

There are just snipers everywhere. I mean, this is honestly barely better than playing hardcore. Okay, I know what it is. Honestly, it's like two in the morning, and I'm way too tired to be doing this anyway, so yeah, that's about it for this one. We'll head back to the main topic of this article in a little bit.

I mean, the UI in this game will never cease to baffle me. I don't know who looked at these menus and said, "Yeah, that looks pretty good." I mean. I mean. That's about it.

Sorry this one's a little short. I was playing Hardcore and 7 minutes was all I could handle. Regardless, the MW2 UI sucks, I don't really know what else needs to be said.
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