News - The Ultimate Warzone 3 Sniping Guide

best sniper

In today's article, we're going to go over snipers, sniper supports we're going to go over settings, and so much more, so kick back.

Best sniper for warzone 3

Best sniper for warzone 3

So obviously, before we load into any war zone games, we're going to have to pick a sniper, and there's a lot of different snipers to choose from, so if you guys haven't been doing this for a while, it's definitely going to be kind of confusing. One thing you need to know about sniping in War Zone 3 is that not every single sniper that should be is a one-shot, and when I say one shot.

I mean that you're able to knock these guys at full plates. There is no reason that a 50-caliber sniper rifle cannot do this. Make it make sense. Call of Duty comes on now, but anyway, guys, at this very moment, I have three go-to snipers, and the reason I say go to is because they're reliable and consistent, for example, this mcpr.

I'm going to be solely using this MCPR 300, and for good reason as of right now between these MCPR. I guess that forces us to trade the aim-down sight speed builds for the bullet velocity builds, and what I have right here is pretty much the best of both worlds. I have every ad and attachment that I could get, and then with the 22-in. Barrel i add a little bit of bowet velocity back into the mix, but if you guys watch my gam playay, you're going to have to get a lot of plate time to really start to pick up on the bullet drop cuz at 50 m it's about hit scan now you push out around 65 to 80 m and you're going to really have to start leading your shots, but once you get that muscle memory down and you start hitting your shots, man, you're going to you.

Warzone 3 gameplay

Warzone 3 gameplay

Is this what you are doing? Hell, this shot is insane.

Best sniper supports

All right, so As you guys just saw, the sniper that you're running isn't the only part of becoming a good War Zone 3 sniper. You're also going to need pretty dope sniper support, and don't you worry, because I got the best in the game, so don't get me wrong.

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Wiping a squad with four well-placed head shots is awesome, but for all the other times that you're not doing all that, you're going to need some gun skill to go with it. Now, granted, this guide is definitely more tailored towards aggressive snipers. This still applies to all the different sniping play styles there are, so if you're that passive snipe at range kind of guy, you're going to have a much slower sniper, so you're going to need an SMG, but if you're an aggressive sniper like myself, then go ahead and equip this boomstick.


This is the Lockwood 680 shotgun. Not only is it the fastest mobility load out in the game, this thing slaps, and since everybody and their mother likes to hold hands on this game right now, this is probably your best bet at having fun, but like I was saying before, if you're an SMG kind of guy. I got that for you as well.

This is the ISO 9mm. Yes, it is a Modern Warfare 2 gun, but I don't care. I do not care. I want ability, and I want to get you down too. Many of these players are holding each other's pockets in all four corners of any building I push into, so if I'm going to use an MW2 gun, I'm going to use an MW2 gun.

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Hey, while we're on the topic of four stacking this clip right here, this has got to stop, guys. I am so tired of going up against the off-brand Navy SEAL teams. This kid is a weirdo. I'm not weird why they're four y'all. Chill, you got that he ran outside; he's outside on the right, right? Now, as far as sniper supports go, here's a couple other ones that I have been running, but honestly, it's all based off of your personal play style.

I mean, if you guys want to run an AR, that's secondary by all means, but again, this guy's a little bit more tailored towards somebody whose play style is just like that. Mine, all right, so.

10:15 - best warzone 3 settings

10:15 - best warzone 3 settings

Now, in my opinion, we're about to get into the boring stuff. Now again. I am on mouse and keyboard, guys, but I'm also going to go over all the graphic settings and all that stuff that I use, so if you're a controller player hanging around, you could use this stuff, but for my mouse and keyboard players.

I am going to go over my keybinds, so let's get into it all, right? So I'm going to do the graphic settings because it does play a major role with sniping in War Zone because, for the most part, you're aiming at people that are far away, so you're going to want to be able to see what you know you're aiming at.

So for the display mode, I'm running full-screen borderless, which saves a ton of energy on my PC because I'm always tabbing out everything else, which is pretty self-explanatory. Although, for some reason, War Zone 3 is extremely dark, I went ahead and turned up the brightness to about 54 again, based on personal preference.

fastest sniper

Nidia reflex AOW latency on plus boost eco mode preset custom vsync off unlimited for the frame rate Focus mode zero, and then HDR, of course. All right, let's get funky with it. For the upscaling and sharpening. I have Fidelity FX cast, and for the Fidelity cast strength. I have it turned all the way up to 100, but some people like to run it around 85 to 90 to save, you know, their PC.

This Fidelity could be a little taxing, but a lot of people have been running the article DLSS because they're losing frames, but DLSS does add a ton of mouse and key input delay, and by ton. I mean 8 milliseconds. Or smaller or something, but enough to really notice Ray tracing and all that stuff.

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I have it off now for texture resolution. I am on a dual PC setup, and I also went back down to 1080p, 240 HZ, so I put it up to normal, and if I'm feeling frisky, I put it up to high. But for the most part, a lot of you guys are going to be on a single PC setup, so go ahead and run it on low regardless.

one shot sniper

The texture resolution really isn't going to make a difference. The text your filter anistropic is really where you're going to see your graphics be more defined, so go ahead and run it on high because it really doesn't change much on your vram. Guys, now this is huge. Make sure you have depth in the field.

There's absolutely no reason to be running this. I changed it to a thumbnail. I'm going to put it back down to normal particle resolution with low bullet impacts on it so you can see your tracing. Off, high because you want to actually enjoy the camos that you grinded for on demand texture streaming off.

low, off, low. Save your frames. Bada bing bada boom baby, now for the view tab for the FI view guys, I run 120. I love the way it looks; it is what it is. Some people run at 115. I prefer the 120-degree field of view; please don't be that guy that's running independently; everybody's going to know they'll probably make fun of you.

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