News - Your Sniping Wrong Warzone 3 Ranked Use This

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Yo, what's going on YouTube, and welcome back to another sniping only the iridescent in war zone ranked A lot of people are quick to say that sniping is completely irrelevant in war zone rank, but it's funny because you know I'm probably a higher rank than you and I probably wiped you, so make sure you pay close attention to this article and maybe you'll be able to do what I do too.

But all right, in case you guys missed it, we are only sniping all the way from bronze to iridescent, and we're going to catch you up on that real quick. YouTube This is a big one for today's article. We are starting my journey to becoming the number one rank sniper in War Zone 3. Yes, that means we are queuing in War Zone, ranked with a big booty sniper.

By the way, snipers don't have a shot in this game mode. So yeah, this should be fun. Now there's a couple different things that we're going to touch on in today's article regarding sniping in war zone rank, number one being what sniper to use and number two being how to use it because snipers cannot one shot in the ranked playlist; you're going to have to play a lot more strategically and positionally than you normally would in regular Resurgence, so the two main snipers that you will find me running a war zone rank are number one, the fjx Imperium Now.

fastest sniper

I did go over this build in my last ranked article, so if you want to get that build, go check it out over there, but the second sniper is the XRK stalker, and that's what we're going to use in today's article. Being a sniper in the High ELO squads. I mean, the majority of the time, you're not going to be soloing; the iridescent, you're probably going to have two teammates that you work well with, so as long as the communication is there and you put yourself in a positional advantage to help your teammates, you truly can make sniping the new meta in War Zone ranked, and that's what I'm going to show you guys in today's article.

So enough of me talking, and let's get right into it. So the biggest thing to take into consideration when running a sniper in those high ELO lobbies is essentially how you can assist your squad in the most effective way. Now, I'll say this a million times: snipers cannot on-shot an enemy player at full health in war zone ranks, but what they can do is 299 damage to their HP.

one shot sniper

Meaning if your teammate puts one round into them and then you hit a well-placed headshot, you will get the knock, and vice versa, if you were to crack an enemy player and ping them, your teammate can get that knock, and that is absolutely huge. Now another thing I want to quickly point out to you before we get into the clips is that when an enemy player redeploys, they only have two plates, which means they are at 250.

HP, so while they are flying in, if you are to hit that head shot, you will get the knock, and you're going to see me do that to a lot of players, so let's roll the clips across the map, man. Land right next to Mey. Destroy the rest of them. Then you get him out of here, Buddy KN. One gas is in the enem dropping.

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Landing in behind me right behind me too, beams free, beams enemies are dropping the I'm out of here, buddy. Get him out of here. I can't fly in my lobster movement here. They R to me, my right above us right above us crack one, shot friendly load out drops on the way. Yeah, I just want to let you know I jumped off the zip and sniped him there.

rebirth island

I knocked on one. I knocked on one. Yeah, there's two teams whose smoke is that behind us, the enemy incom knocked him. The HTI guard has deployed a little late, but I'm here, car-back. You took the real zit all right. I'm going to hit these CRs. Get them back. Get back there's somebody right here.

Give me a call. Stay alive; your squad can redeploy your squadmate, redeploying well, Done locating the one; no, I'm shooting; good weird; he's down rocking the other one. Dro into the area and watch the skies. He went through the door. Yeah, gas is moving. I hear him, Another team or two teams two teams two teams more on my right one's down knocked one knocked one knocked one I don't even think you play in here yet.

rebirth island sniping

I'm going to get him back with these finishes. The enemy destroyed them. Use yours to hunt down the rest of them; it's a fire. I'm out of here; we're alone here, dope. Anyone who landed here right I lied right in front of me. Out of here, he's going to FL back up. Save your ammo or not. Brother, don't get me wrong, like I can R Gun.

I got good guny, you know what I'm saying, but I know you do it's hard right in front of me right in front of me right in front of me two grenades, out I got I got him pressure. I got him. I got one. I got one, there's still three or two right there, what's just happened, down right there in front on the ground, there's another one.

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I got him, or maybe another team box. Outside, one knocked, one knocked, and one fell below us. I got my finish. I got my finish down. The other one went down this alleyway flanking here, right here, one right here. Hostile Mosito is online. Hosti Mosito, a hostile mosquito, is online. He cracked one, I cracked one, his teammate rolled up, and I cracked both of them.


Me got him guy on top by the wall of the cracked them. I cracked them. I cracked them; they're weak; they're weak; the wall bang got shot down; there's another one in there; there's another one in there; I got good [__]; I know they're underground. I know you guys have gas masks, and these kids are underground.

Go, He was probably trying to make a play, and he died all right. Let's get straight into the XRK stalker sniper that I use in today's article. First things first, we're going to head on over to the muzzle. We're going to run the Sonic suppressor, XL. What this suppressor does is add more bullet velocity as well as buff the effective and minimum damage range without taking that much away from the handling, and you know, with it being a suppressor, it's not going to show your Ping.

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On the enemy's mini map all right now, guys, this is completely personal preference. You guys already know what optic I'm going to run, and that is the sx80. The reason I go with this optic again is a completely personal choice, the 6.6-times modification. In my opinion, aim-down sight animation is perfect, and overall, I hit my shots with it.


In this article, I also ran the schogger night view, which allows you to see through smoke. With this being ranked, the majority of the people are running smokes to get that positional advantage, and with it also being a six-times modification, it fits perfectly with my play style all right. Moving on over to the stock guys, we're going to be running the no stock attachment.

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