News - The Ultimate Guide To Grinding Schematics Warzone 2 Zombies

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Today I'm going to be showing you how to find every single schematic in Modern Warfare 3 zombies. I'm going to be going over every single place that you can find every schematic for you guys to actually be to go and unlock so the majority of the schematics are going to be given to you once you actually complete a contract, but one thing you need to bear in mind is certain schematics, are going to be given to you in different tiers, so what I'm simply going to do is go through tier one tier 2 tier three and all the different ways of getting schematics and all the different areas you guys are going to have to explore to be able to unlock certain schematics throughout this article, so everything's going to come up on screen but you can either choose to write this down if you want to make sure you've got it so when you load into a game you know exactly where you've got to go and what you're looking for or you guys can just keep coming back to this article because like I said it's all going to pop up on screen, and we're going to start off with tier one these are the schematics you will get from tier one simply from just completing contracts and opening the reward Rifts.

flawless crystal schematic

So the schematics that we're going to be looking at, guys, are going to be Deadshot. Speed Cola stamina up the brain Rock and napon burst these are all available simply by just completing contracts in the tier one zone the these should be nice and simple to do and I'm sure the majority of you guys that have been playing zombies have already got all of these unlocked already moving up into the tier 2 Zone this is where you're going to start getting some of the tier 2 schematics, and the tier 2 schematics are the raw AA Crystal allowing you to Pack-A-Punch as soon as you do load in the Juggernog perk the PhD Flopper perk dead wire perk and then the shatter blast ammo mod all of these are available again for completing contracts in the tier 2 zone so you need to go into the tier 2 complete all the contracts as many as you can and you going to start getting the schematic.

Unfortunately just like tier one and tier three, there's no specific way to actually guarantee what schematic you're going to get. You are just going to get these at random. You are going to get randomly dropped a schematic throughout the rewards for completing contracts. Unfortunately, there just isn't a certain way to guarantee.

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You are going to be able to get one, so let's say, for example, you've got four out of the five, and let's use Juggernog as an example that's the last one you're trying to unlock there's no way that you can actually go into the tier 2 Zone do a certain contract or go to a certain place to be guaranteed the Juggernog you're just going to have to carry on complet in contracts until you do get the Juggernog schematic, so that's tier one and tier two out the way Now let's move on to tier three, and the schematics we're going to be getting from the tier three guys are going to be epic ather tools and refined ather crystals.

how to find all schematics mw3

The ray gun schematic, the elemental pop schematic, and then the tombstone schematic, and just like tier one and tier two, it's going to work exactly the same complete contracts in the tier three zone, and we are going to be getting these schematics. Dro, and as I just mentioned, there's no guarantee.

how to find schematics in mw3 zombies

Way of knowing what one you're going to get you're just going to have to complete contracts and until you do get all five of these done, and if you are struggling in the tier three Zone what you might want to do is run into the tier three and try and find a team that is in there and then request to join their squad because a lot of the time people in tier three are just grinding contracts anyway so just try and join their team if you haven't got a team to go in with because it's going to give you a much better chance if you're running around as a three four five man rather than just trying to do it solo, if you're a good player okay you can do it solo if you're a little bit more scared and not too confident, go ahead try and find a team request to join their team and there's a very good chance they're going to be grinding contracts anyway which is going to give you a nice good chance be to get these schematics.

So you now might be thinking Harry we've gone through all three tiers the schematic that I want isn't available, how do I now get this and there are a couple different things that we still need to touch on so obviously with season 1 we did get the new dark ather where we can go into there and there are some schematics dropping there but before we get to that part some of the schematics are going to be linked to missions and the only way that you can get these schematics, is by completing your act missions and there are a few that we're going to go through right now so within act one you guys are going to be a to get the uncommon, ather tool and you're also going to get the Quick Revive schematic.

legendary aether tool schematic

In Act 2, you're going to unlock the rare Ather tool schematic. As well as the cryo freeze ammo mod schematic so both of those are going to be in act two and then in act three you are going to get the death perception perk, and then finally you are also going to get the Wonder WF schematic and there are all the schematics that are available through completing your axe so you are going to have to go through and complete all three AXS if you actually want all the schematics in the game, and then like I said now moving on to the final bit guys we have got the ather storm worm and then of course we've got the Elder dark ather, so we're going to go to the Elder dark Aether ones first and here you're going to be to get the dog bone the golden armor plate and then the a for blade throwing knife.


And unlike all the other ones we've just been through, there's a guaranteed way to know exactly what schematic you're going to get, so to get all of these, what you're going to have to do is get into the Elder Dark Ather and start completing contracts. There's only three contracts available, and each one of these is going to guarantee you a different schematic.

Every single time, the first contract that you complete is going to give you a dog bone. The second contract is going to give you the golden armor plate, and then the third contract is going to give you the AA blade, and this is guaranteed to be done in this way every single time you load in, so if you've got a friend that doesn't have them all, you know exactly what order you need to do them in to actually be a to get those schematics.

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Every single time you do kill it, which is a bit unfortunate, and it's a bit annoying because it's a bit of a setup; it's quite a grind to set up, however, you are going to get all of these schematics eventually by killing the Aether Storm worms, so that guys is how you get every single schematic in Modern Warfare Zombies.

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