News - The Top 3 Best Cdl Pro Class Setups For Ranked Play Warzone 2


It's your boy F here bringing you yet another article here today, and today we finally have ranked play. We're going over class setups; we got your AR; we got your subs; we got your tacticals; Lethals perks; everything you need to be successful in rank play. Today we had three classes to go over two ARs and one sub for the AR.

We obviously have the MCW. We have two variants of the class, so we have two MCWs. We have my style, which I will also have the pro style, which I will also show first. We're going to start off with my class, so to start off, almost everything is the exact same as a pro-style class. I'll show you later on, so obviously I've run the Cyclone long barrel, also have the bity break, and you can also use a different muzzle if you wanted to bed.

For me, it just seems better, so I like the bed, and for under barrel, we have the Phantom 5 hand stop, and in my opinion, there's not really other under barrels that you could run, and the X1 Phantom is the most well-rounded. And it just seems the best; it just feels the best. Next, we have the optics.

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We have the MK3 reflector. You can also run the reflex site. The reflector is just for me personally. I don't like the bar on top of the Red Dot site that they normally have. The MK3 just has more viewing space. If that makes any sense to you guys, and lastly, we have the RB claw PSL grips. This is what makes my class different from the pro class that I will show you later on.

Next, we're moving on to the vernetti. My retti class is far, far from what a pro would use in a competitive match. I like to have fun. I play, so the stuff that I have on my retti, you guys do not have to run. I personally will be running it when I'm playing rank play, so we have no optics, no stock, no laser, and we have a short competition.

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Barrel: This does increase movement speed, so my gun has the maxed-out settings for movement speed, but I also slow it down with my 24-round mag for muzzle. We have the XRK Ventor 900. You don't you don't have to run a muzzle. You actually don't. I prefer running a muzzle just because it helps with recoil control.


Next in the class, we do have tacticals and lethals, so I run a stun and/or a smoke grenade, so I switch between stuns and smokes. That's personally me. You guys can always run stuns or smokes, but most people in rank play are probably going to run stuns. Next time you have the fragment grenade, you can also run Simex.

I personally don't like the sex in this game; it feels wonky to me. Frag grenades are a lot better, in my opinion. You'll see later on because of the gloves that I have on. We have a trophy system; it is a given unless you are running lightweight and you put on dead silence, but not many people do that.

Gloves We have the ordinance gloves; they make you throw stuff F farther and at a straighter line, like you're absolutely throwing cannons out of your arm. Whenever you have ordinance gloves on, you don't have to run with them by any means. You can also run with Marksman gloves if you want them. You can run assault gloves if you want them next; it is a given to run covert sneakers for dead silence.


You don't really need anything else. If you do want to go loud, what most people say is lightweight boots. That's when you put on dead silence as a fi upgrade. Lastly, there is EOD padding. Maybe put on the tack mask one, but EOD, nades in this game were brolic, and a lot of people are going to be throwing them.

Next, I'm going to show you the pro version of MCW. So we have three things that are the same: the MK3 reflector, which is the same, the cyclone barrel, and the ability to break. The only things that are different are that you don't have the claw grip, your underbarrel is different, and you have a stock, so for the underbarrel, you put on the Dr.

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6 hand stop, so the DR6 hand stop makes you stray faster, making you harder to hit personally. For me, it's not my thing. Next, we have the Regal heavy stock, so the stock, as you do, sort of replaces the rear grip, and it also makes the gun kick less, so it doesn't go vertically a lot; it's more stationary.


That's the pro version of MCW, with the lethal tax trophy system and all the same perks. Everything's the same in this class, even though Retti is the same. MCW is just the only thing I have different about this class. The last class that we're going to do today is the Rival 9 class. The Meta is only two guns at the moment; hopefully they add another gun that you can use in rank play, but at the moment it is just the Rival 9 and MCW, so ret is the same, stun lethal is the same trophy system, and all perks are the same.

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Here we go, shouting out to Jake, a.k.a. Lunchtime he helped me out with making this class, but for now, we have the Rival 9 clear shot. Barrel muzzle we have the purify muzzle break under Barrel we have the xrk edge for ver grip we have the Rival Vice assault grip and then for stock we have the MTZ Marauder stock that is the Rival 9 class, yeah guys that is all the classes that I have for you today there will probably be snipers later on in rank play that I'll make a class for and I'll make a article separate for that but as of right now I haven't really used a sniper at all and search to destroy so I don't have a class to make remember to check out the twitch we will be live all day today, whenever rank play does drop cuz I know it will be a little bit later than 12:00 p.

M eastern Standard time but yeah come by and check me out we'll be grinding all day remember to like and sub if you haven't already we're trying to hit 15, 000 subs and I'll talk to you guys later this has been your boy effective AK Dallas, peace out,

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