News - The Origin 12 Reincarnated. Fastest Ttk Warzone. Haymaker Best Class For Warzone

haymaker shotgun modern warfare

The how's it going, Vos, and welcome to my first episode covering the shotguns of War Zone 3, and we are starting off incredibly wrong because today's episode is talking about the Origin 12 reincarnate. And then we are going to talk about my favorite class you guys need to try and my overall thoughts, so if that sounds good to you, let's just go ahead and get right into it.

Close range ttk and meta choices

Close range ttk and meta choices

So first, I want to put some numbers in perspective. This is pulled from J. God's latest article, so shout out to him as always fantastic.

As you can see in yellow, those are some SMGs from Modern Warfare 3, and then the blue ones are from Modern Warfare 2, and as you can see, the general pattern is that from about 500 to 600 milliseconds, that's sort of the range where a good SMG is going to be for time to kill, so generally it's going to kill around that 600 millisecond.

Haymaker stats and ttk

lockwood 680

Mark that's pretty average what we saw in war zone 2 so the reason that's important is because it gives good perspective on where this shotgun sits now if we take a look at the Haymaker numbers I was able to come up with this is what I was able to find the Haymaker of course has about a 250 rounds per minute rate of fire and now the damage up close out to about 2.8 m is, 200 that means you were dealing about 52 damage per pellet based on the in-game stats but it's capped at 200 and this is absurd because this is pump action levels worth of damage and you have a very fast firing semi-auto shotgun this is basically only a few rounds per minute off of the KV broadside with its bolt attachment and so our shots to kill is going to be two and with the rate of fire we have the time to kill for this gun up close is, 240.

Milliseconds that is absurd. Compared to 5 to 600 m to kill on some of these SMGs that are very strong, 240 milliseconds is a blink of an eye compared to that, which is absurdly quick. Now it gets even better, of course, because out to about 5.5 m, you still do about 120 damage, which is still very good, and your three-shot time to kill is sitting at about 480 milliseconds.

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Still much better than a lot of the SMGs. Now it does get a little bit worse off here, of course, from 5.5 to 9.3. You're dealing about 92 points worth of damage. This is chest and stomach level, by the way. Keep that in mind, so you're at about a four-shot kill and your time to kill is roughly 720, so you can see that's kind of where it starts to fall off, and that's where the drop-off starts to get a little more unforgiving.

But with these numbers coupled with how easy this thing is to use, where you just go up to someone and sort of spam the hell out of them This is insane. These numbers are incredibly good, and even though the range is very short, if you have a good build, focus on some mobility. You can make quick work of people, and I'm telling you this thing is absurd.

Best hipfire mobility class

Best hipfire mobility class

As for the class, this is the build that I've been using in solos. This is good for solos and duos. If you want a build for trios or quads, you can use the same one but swap out the mag for the 20-round magazine. Now this build is going to be focused, of course, on hit firing and mobility, as well as some tack stance, because a lot of these attachments kind of help and bleed into the tack stance realm.

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Of course, the crownbreaker choke is probably the best choke for tax. Dan, and it's very similar to the Bryson choke, but it doesn't give you aim-down side pellet spread; rather, it just gives you a better tax. Dan spread, and now with the laser, I'm using the FTAc Grim line. There are other lasers you could use, but this one I use because it gives you the best benefit for your sprint to fire speed, which is very important for a shotgun, as well as having some really good benefits for your sort of Min and Max hitfire spreads and T stance.

If you're going with a pure-tack stance, there are better lasers, but we're not focusing on just that; we want to be quick and have a good sprint of fire as well. Of course, no stock because we can dance and hit fire; it doesn't really matter with recoil. And we're rocking the Brewin Bastion angled grip because this is a fantastic grip for keeping our spreads nice and tight.

Dragon's breath worth it?

Now another question you guys are probably wondering is: should you bother with dragon's breath? While dragon's breath is good because it extends your three-shot range, it basically has a steeper drop-off, so after its three-shot range, it drops to a five-shot, and up close, you cannot twoot; it's basically going to take three shots.

You do have some burn damage, which is very nice. But right now, the base ammo is absolutely the way to go. Don't touch the dragon's breath; this is by far the best way to run it, and to be honest, this gun might be a little overtuned , given that it can deal 200 damage like a pump action up close and personal.

Overall thoughts

Overall thoughts

Is insane The twoot is so blazingly fast that it's probably going to get patched. I mean, it's just ridiculously easy to use and ridiculously ridiculous.

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In my opinion, it's probably going to get patched, and I wouldn't mind that it does feel a bit strong currently, and I think a lot of people aren't using it because they're looking for the next best SMG or what's the meta AR SMG or LMG or whatever. No one really touches the shotguns, unlike me, so I figured I'd give you guys a scoop.

This is probably going to get the Gallow treatment, where it goes untouched for maybe a couple patches, and then boom, out of nowhere, everyone's using it. It's super strong; everybody's got attention to it, and then it gets nerfed; it's probably going to get the same treatment. Who knows, but this is definitely a call back to Origin 12 from the OG ver dance days; it is really that strong, even though it's got limited range.

modern warfare 2023

Man, in that range, you got to focus on getting as close as you can, and you're going to be unbelievably unstoppable. I mean, you were going to shred people, send them to the ether, send them to the shadow realm, and just banish them completely. As always, I want to know. Because to me, this really is a very strong shotgun, and I do see it getting a Nerf.

There's just no way it can do this much damage and get away with it. There's no freaking way, and I know they've been working so hard to cut that time to kill down, or rather make it longer so it's not as fast, so this is just an outlier.

The Haymaker is the Origin 12 from the OG Warzone days reincarnated. Not only in looks, but with the power. The Haymaker has an insane 2 shot potential that has one of, if not the fastest TTKs in the close range meta. This is a must use shotgun.
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