News - The New Warzone 2 Content Update Everyone Was Waiting For

The kar98k is returning soon!

Now, as far as weapons go, this is definitely one that people have really been asking for quite some time, but especially with the return of Rebirth Island, we have the car 98k, Sniper. Now this is a sniper that I think people out there thought was going to be added in season three considering it was kind of the meta to use in the original rebirth, and in the season 3 trailer for Rebirth Island there was a sniper that kind of looked like the car 98, but it ended up just being a blueprint for a different sniper in the game. This is probably going to be a battle pass weapon for season 4, since we know as of right now there's only one other weapon coming with season 3 Reloaded, that.

All upcoming dlc weapons found

All upcoming dlc weapons found

We know that at least we also have other weapons that include the what is it the pc9 I believe it's an SMG, and we also have one that looks like a pistol called the KP 50.

mw3 bal 27

Other rumored weapons for upcoming seasons do include the QBZ, 97, and assault rifle. we also have a glass shiv melee weapon and even the arx1.16 the assault rifle which we saw back during Call of Duty ghost there's even rumors about the Ruger pistol carbine which is an SMG, and then the fire ax melee weapons so there's quite a few weapons that reportedly were leaked out references, about them were found in the game's files following the launch of season 3 but keep in mind all this information is subject to change these could be weapons that are planned but get scrapped later or maybe are going to release but maybe not anytime soon could be as far as season 5 even season 6 but just as a reminder it was confirmed in the season 3 Creator call a couple of weeks ago that blue blueprints for the bow 27, are being planned Even something like the obsidian Ste that we saw from Advanced Warfare, which was obviously a supply drop variant of the batt, we also saw the infernal blueprint for that weapon back in 2014 or 2015.

Bal-27 blueprints from advanced warfare?

Bal-27 blueprints from advanced warfare?

Blueprints are apparently being planned that are similar to what we saw back during Advanced Warfare, but it's unclear if they'll be through bundles or some other means. Battle 27 is set to release through the classified sector with season 3 Reloaded, and that mid-season update is going to be around May 1st.

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I'm really looking forward to that one because the assault rifle looks like it's going to be a ton of fun in this new game's ecosystem.

Early gameplay of the ripper amp coming

And it was obviously a blast to use almost 10 years ago here where things get a little interesting, so in the mystery box, if you guys weren't aware the Jack or Revenger after market parts can already be used, this is an amp that isn't set to release until week four of season 3, so about 2 weeks away from now, and this is going to be for the BP50.

Closing statements

Closing statements

This has been the K Dynamite. Leave your thoughts down. I really hope you enjoyed it, and peace out to

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