News - Sneak Peek: Warzone 2 Zombies Season 3 Dlc Revealed

breaking news

This is DK Dynamite, and this morning we're going to be talking about everything we know regarding the season 3 update for MW3 zombies. Also, as a reminder, we have plenty of brand new content going up over on {650} for those that want additional coverage of multiplayer war zones and zombies, plus plenty of tweets every single hour on detonated.

Twitter with that being said, a couple of days ago I posted a massive news roundup about everything we know so far regarding season 3 for every single game mode, zombies included, but we've learned a little bit more information since then in regards to zombies specifically. So I'll be posting more news roundups as we do learn more information over the next few days, but season 3 marketing is expected to launch around March 27th, which is a week before the start of our third season, but I want to mention this bunker over on Ukhan.

Secret zombie lab in warzone

Secret zombie lab in warzone

You guys have probably known for quite some time that there are just zombies sitting in these tests.

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Is this a hint towards anything we're going to be getting in season 3, considering this was a season 2 update? I wonder if this is referencing anything that we're going to probably see in April or May throughout our third season. I'm not sure what this could mean; maybe it's a zombie event in Ekhan.

But within actual zombies, you can't actually access this bunker, so I'm curious if it's just a war zone-only thing or if it's something that is tied to the actual MWZ. We'll just have to wait and see, but I am hoping that over on Rebirth Island, when that map does come out, presumably in season 3, we get some zombified content of sorts similar to what we got over on Fortune Keep.


I know Season 2 was a bit of a zombie-themed season, hence why we got some zombie content like powerups and contracts, but fingers crossed we get a little bit more zombie-related content in Rebirth Island, even if it is for a limited time.

The dmz updates coming to mwz?

There's a bunch of quality of life updates speaking of War Zone that I believe could be left over information from DMZ and War Zone, but these are features that may end up getting added to zombies at some point soon.

I do feel like MWZ should have followed the same formula that DMZ did for the first couple of seasons, where every other update is a major run with a new map, a new Easter egg, or new rewards, whereas the updates in between are just overhauls with quality of life changes, new features, and upgrade systems.

That's all the zombies should have handled in this game, but that could have happened. Maybe in a perfect world there'd be features like a dead-drop Locker Xville balloon, a citadel, a portable buying station, a weapon trade station, a defib, a decontamination station, and even an ATM. The report is tied to zombie mode. There could be scrap features, maybe things that never end up seeing the light of day, or these could be planned updates for season 3 and beyond, so keep that one in mind, but we also have a leaked image of the wallet system that is going to be coming to zombies at some point in the future.

First preview of mwz wallet system

First preview of mwz wallet system

A couple of months ago, images did surface from the usual data miners on Twitter of both a wallet and even an Xville streak system.

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Luckily, the containment levels are the new versions of Xville streaks. Those came out with season 2 reloaded, but the wallet is still nowhere to be seen. This is a massive feature that also helped DMZ quite a bit, giving you a reason to stack up a ton of cash in your match and allowing you to take it into your next game.

Being able to spawn in with tens of thousands of points really speeds things up pacing-wise, and especially for zombies, instead of having to go in and play 20–30 minutes of öh Stan to really set up before going into the dark ether, imagine spawning in with 30–40–50k. At least just go to Wonderfiz right away.

Buy your Pack-a-Punch once or twice, then play a little bit before going into your objective or whatever it is you want to do; that's massive. That's a huge feature that really would improve the playability of MW zombies and would probably reduce the need for people out there to do a tombstone exploit.

Now before we continue, I just wanted to remind you about Mitch {650}, where you can get assistance grinding camos nukes or schematics in MW3. These guys do not use unlock tools or any banable methods and will actually help you play the game. Mitch Cactus is also supported by Trustpilot, with over 10,000 barfigh reviews.

Pvp mode season 3 update explained

Pvp mode season 3 update explained

You can use go Dynamite for a limited time to save 5% off your order, but I do want to go over an update from Alan the third over on Twitter, who did report on some new information regarding a pvpve. Mode inside of MW3. IES like I mentioned before with this update it's going to be a controversial one right not many folks out there want to see this but let's wait and see how this mode could play out before we judge it right it could be a really fun LTM or a fun permanent mode that sits alongside operation deadbolt, that's just there for a different reason right if you guys don't want to go in and risk your loot or play against other real people you don't have to play it but to me it would be a pretty healthy update just to give a Vibe of DMZ a little bit and maybe a real version of grief like what we had in BO2 but on a much bigger scale I'm optimistic about it right as of right now according to Allan III, new castbox updates were discovered in the game's files that do reference this PVP mode you'll be coming across mercenary loot loots of different Rarity new forms of Intel identified by basic Advanced major and even warlord, so these are things that may be exclusive to just a pvpve. Mode, which also serves as more evidence that whatever this experience is not going to impact the main experience right now, which is MW3, zombies.

Gameplay of mw3 zombies pvp mode

Gameplay of mw3 zombies pvp mode

Don't forget about that clip from a couple of months ago where somebody out there was able to down another player because, for whatever reason, PVP was active for a couple of minutes in their game.

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I am not sure how this happened, but you can argue that it serves as some evidence that PVP does exist somewhere inside of MWZ.

New dark aether rift in season 3

But it looks like we're also getting another section of alaza added to MW3, zombies, which I think is going to end up being a recurring theme for the remaining couple of seasons we have in MW3.

So this time Hydro Electric that we saw last year is going to be added in as a new dark ether Rift, and it'll probably be unlocked through a similar series of steps that we did to go ahead and unlock the Alagar Fortress Rift in season 1 and then the Alaied Shopping Center Rift in season 2 reloaded.

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