News - The New "pro" Mcw Class Is Unstoppable Warzone 2. Best Mcw Class Setup Warzone 2 Gameplay

This one is going to be the Jack Raven kit. You're going to need to run this 100% of the time, all right, because not only is it a great kit, but it gives you good options for a class setup, so basically, right here we're going to have this; it gives you a higher rate of fire; it gives you mobility and handling.

Damage at close range, which is why it's so nice at close range, it only does 49 to the head though not 50, which I wish it was 50 to the head cuz then it would be a three-shotgun, but as it stands right now, it's like four shots, then it gives you also hipfire and tack standand spread. This one's really nice.

There's a lot of stuff to look at here; I won't even get into it, but pretty much the nicest one is the Sprint of Fire at 23, the ads at 8, and then you guys can kind of pause it here and just look at it; it's green and red everywhere; everything is touched on this one right here. Besides reload quickness, Target Flinch empty reload quickness, and swap speed, everything else is touched, so that's pretty cool now because of this one right here.

We're also going to be running the bruan till grip, and what I recommend with this one is to just have it on because of how useless it is, and this might sound really bad to say because it doesn't sound too great, right? You're getting a minimum hip spread. Max and then you're getting tactical stand spread, but basically I'm using this because it's not taking away any recoil, it's not taking away any handling it is taking away some Mobility a little bit of movement speed and Crouch movement speed but it's so good when you're using this and I always recommend to people start shooting before you ads your gun and then you'll hit some shots in that hip fire and this is going to make basically guarantee that all right, so you're going to drop your enemies really fast, just because of this attachment right here if you start shooting before you ads.

You'll hit a lot of your shots just because of this attachment, and you'll be able to drop people quickly, so I recommend this. I think it's good, and I would always recommend running it in this class setup. Then we got the muzzle, and for the muzzle, we're going to use it again. We're going to use the zon; I hate looking for this one because of how far it is, but it's pretty much a good muzzle to use.

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I don't like it; it's not my favorite muzzle, but it just works on the class right now; you're getting 5 ads, you're getting 5 horizontal and 15 vertical. It works for that because it makes it good at mid- and long-range That's why I'm going to throw it into this class for the barrel. Right here, we're going to run that Chimera, Black Iron, heavy, short barrel.

It's heavy and short, which makes no sense, but it is what it is now. It's taking away the bull of velocity and range, which kind of stinks. Like I said, this gun is still really good at long range, but it's not made for that. Basically, you're getting four movement speeds. Crouch movement speed at 8 ads movement speed at 10 Sprint to fire speed at 8 definitely worth it in my opinion.

And then, basically, for the final attachment, you're going to either want to run the rear grip right here, which is the RB Rapid Strike grip, for even more sprints of fire and ads, or you could go ahead and run a magazine again. You can run the 40-round mags just in case you want that. I forgot which one I ran in the game.

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I think it was the 40-round mags, but just in case it wasn't, we're going to put on the rapid strike right here, just CU. Whatever it's, it's still good, so let's get into the gameplay, guys. You guys will see how good these guns actually are, and don't forget to drop a like on the channel. Let's get into the gameplay.

Map, you got how do you get to these places yo I don't even, know I don't even know how these people get to these places. Someone tell me how to do that. I'm going for the tag. I just want streaks at the. damn, one more streak before the game ends. I don't think it's going to happen. Don't do it, guys.

Don't do it. Don't do it. I was so close, I could have had to double-sh*t that game. I was like, 25 points off; that's so close; that's nothing. You know, Grime 29 and 11 is not bad; it's not great, but this kind of sucks, so I'm going to take it. It didn't even give me a millisecond to back out; it's seen D house say, No, you're playing it; you're I don't want to play it; it's all good.

I don't like this map. I don't like this map at all. I'm just going to chill here. Someone's bound to come. It's kind of weird because I should have used a long range class last game and I should have used a close range class this game, but kind of swapping. Don't ask me why; just that's the way it is.

Is there anywhere we go, man? The Packers always like to come in mid-gun fights. Have you noticed that, like, it won't be there, and then you get into a gunfight and it just comes out? I don't know what I just did, but it got me the heilo, so I'm not. Mad probably should call that in. I normally wait a little too long, but this time we're just going to call out and kind of chill.

Snap, they're already waiting for me out. They know I'm, here come on Hilo do your magic. There you go; come through the truck. One of you: yes, let's go. You should probably call this He's Here. Come on, peek out, peek out. He's actually stressing me out. What's he doing? No, I just got CAU timed.

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Kill him, kill him, kill him. I want my swarm. Now I should probably get out there. I knew it. I way oversaid my welcome in that area. What was that? I didn't know what that thing was flashing; it scared the heck out of me. I don't want to go near it. I probably should have. Way, what are the odds, and the game's over?

At least we got all our streaks right in the end. There were twice in this game, not even that many like in the last game, which was like 29; this one was like 30. There's slow today, man, these games, so there you guys have it, both MCW class setups.

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