News - The New "pro" Mcw Class Is Unstoppable Warzone 2. Best Mcw Class Setup Warzone 2 Gameplay

best mcw class mw3

Today I have two MCW classes for you guys that are going to completely help you guys get to the top of the leaderboard in every single lobby you get to, so if you guys need to be in first place in every single game, you came to the right article to find these class setups. Now one of these class setups is built to have absolutely no recoil whatsoever, and the other one is built to have no recoil but also be really good at close-quarter combat.

Let's check it out. The other class is built for every single range close range as well; that's where it does best. But it also has such a low recoil that you won't even believe this is the MCW. Now guys, these class setups are great; they're insane before we do them. You guys could drop a like on this article; it'll save you from this little critter right here.

If you don't drop a like, man, it's me all over you. If you had to rate it from 1 to 10, how would you rate it? I'm going to give it back a nine. It lasts like before the update. Before this mid-season update, it was out of seven, and now it's back to nine since they buffed it again. This thing's insane.


Let's get into that first class. We're going to look at the long range class first, and then we're going to get into my favorite one, the Clos quarter combat one. First off, there's two major differences with these class setups. As you guys can see right here, one of them has a field upgrade; one of them doesn't, but it does have a secondary, like I said in this MCW.

Right here is the long-range one, so we're going to go for a secondary in this class, and it's going to be the striker, not the striker 9, just the striker. I'll put my face in the bottom corner, just so you guys can see what I'm talking about here. I don't know why it's glitching. Give me a sec.

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There we go. We got it all right. So this is the striker class setup. You guys can go ahead and use it, abuse it, and do what you have to do with it. It's a good class. It's really good. I use this one mostly for up close. I still use the MCW up close, as you guys will see in the gameplay. I barely take out the striker, but it is what it is, and then we got stim shot thermite.

mcw class mw3

No munition box on this one, but we got the assault gloves, cover sneakers, ghost, and then on the other class, instead of having a secondary weapon, which is a primary like the striker, we're running a pistol basically, and it's going to be the retes right here as you guys can see this class. I've shared it with you a thousand times already.

You don't really need to talk about it too much. We got stim shot thermite; we got the same things here, but pretty much we got a munition box, so we put on the infantry vest to get that munition box back. That's pretty much it, but let's get into the actual attachments for this long-range class.

I want to show you guys just how good this thing is, so we're using the long-range one right now, basically. When you take your shots at this, there's going to be no recoil, all right? It's going to feel like this gun is so easy to control, no matter what range you're shooting at. It shoots; every shot it hits, and it does a really nice job.

mw3 best class

And then you go ahead and you want to change, go to the closer range class, and you guys will see right here. This one as well doesn't have any recoil and is practically really easy to control, except when you get to that long range; that's where it gets a little bit tougher and the shots become a little bit harder to hit, as you guys are able to see there, but up close, it's fast, the sprint to fire is fast, and the ads are fast anyhow.

Stop wasting your time. Let's get into the attachments. Let's go so the first one in the long-range class is going to be the Zan muzzle. Now this one's always a little hard to find; you have to kind of go towards the middle here somewhere, and you'll end up popping up right there. So the Z 35, compensated flash, is going to give you shorten radar ping so they won't stay on the map as long as your red dot won't be visible for too long.

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It gives you vertical recoil, horizontal recoil, and really important stuff right there: vertical at 15, horizontal at 5. I would say that's nice. Let's throw that on the barrel, which is going to be the 16.5. In MCW, Cyclone, long barrel again, this one's going to be really good for range. Like I said, this is the long-range class, so we need that minimum and that effective damage range.

We get it up to 15%. We get bullet velocity at 18, so even if you're playing War Zone, this is a good option for the barrel, and we don't lose ads; we only lose five sprints of fire. I don't see why you should definitely throw that onto your class right here, and then for the underbarrel, we're going to go for the Brewin heavy.

I think it's called It's Somewhere Here. I just know it by looking there. It is the brew and heavy support grip. This one again, it's going to give you gun kick control; it's also going to give you horizontal recoil, which is nice to have on the MCW 8%, horizontal recoil 10%, recoil gun kick vertical goes down four, but the vertical is such an easy thing to control that you don't even notice it.

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Let's be honest with you guys; the next one is optional. I would say that you could run the 40-round mags if you wanted. I run the 40-round mags to be honest with you guys, but you don't need to run them, so I'm going to show you guys the optional attachment instead. But then we got the rear grip, which is going to be the RB Rapid Strike grip.

We need some ads, and we need some Sprints to fire. It gives a lot; it gives 19%. Sprint of Fire 9%, ads take away 10 from every single recoil category, but it's worth it just for the fact that with this gun, it needs to be a little bit quicker so it could be good at close range as well now remember I said this is an optional one you could run an optic I would recommend the Moors or the Slate reflector or anything like that or you could run a stock as well and if you want to have a little something better, that doesn't take away too much recoil.

Recoil control What's going on with my words here is the MCW, or iron bark tactical stock. This one takes away four from everything, but it gives you five ads and six sprints of fire, like I said, though I ran the 40-round mags. This class right here works for me, and you guys are going to see the gameplay.

I'll show the gameplay for this one first, and then I'll show the gameplay for the second. No, actually, I don't know. We'll see what happens; we'll see whatever I decide to use; it all depends on the maps, but basically, this is the class for this one, and then let's get into the short range class now, which is also really good at long range, but we'll get into that one now quickly.

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