News - The Most Advanced Warzone 3 Movement Guide(in Depth Explanation)

Edge run

As a final example, I'm just going to show it real quick, just so you know how it looks. Say somebody's over here by this white truck you're right here you're kind of stuck plating whatever you can just trying to jump CH them see if they crossed past this path right here if they're going up the stairs so if you see that now you have some information you can back up, and you can rechallenge probably in like this position you probably catch them off guard so that's just a better understanding of the jump Peak all right so now we have the shoulder Peak pretty simple honestly if, let's say somebody shooting me in this corner right here I'll use my left stick and just slowly peek and go back to the left slowly peek and go back to the left just so I can get some information on where he is or what he's doing if he's not showing any face then I know that he's not pushing or.

Jump peak

Jump peak

As I'm peeking. I can see him trying to run up on me so I can either keep peeking and use that to my advantage or disengage or just probably fake him out and CH him the moment he CHS me, but honestly, shoulder picking is very advanced. Only comfortable and confident players do this, so I'll say get comfortable doing it, practice doing it, and you would see a big difference all right next move of technique.

Shoulder peak

I mean. I see. I mean. I see some doors, so I'm pretty sure they just look familiar, but of course, if you don't know already, doors are very overpowered in War Zone and Call of Duty as a whole, so I would highly recommend learning how to use doors correctly. In a sense, let's say you have somebody chasing you from right here, and you see these.

movement guide

You can do it quickly. I can't do it really quickly, as right now I don't know if it's bugged or not, but it just doesn't feel as easy to use if you get the chance. Close the door, like you can close the door while you're running towards it, and you can reach out with a SL cancel so you can break that person's camera immediately.

And also, when you use the doors, you get a massive speed boost, so it's kind of like you're hopping out to party; you're just like, okay, type; you feel what I'm saying, so I would highly recommend using the doors. Doors are very overpowered. There's nothing new. I'm pretty sure I know this already, but for the people who don't know, try to utilize doors in gunfights the majority of the time.

Use doors

Use doors

So another thing I have for you guys is basically a tip. Please utilize the cover as much as possible. This is the war zone. You don't want to get caught lacking.

Also read:

You have the chance to engage in a fight, but you see some cover. I would highly advise basically taking over that area that has cover, so you have a better chance of getting information, and just challenging stuff a little bit better because if you're in a wide open, you can get shot at. Simple tips that people won't necessarily tell you, but I mean these kinds of help out big time, so you see some cover, utilize it.

Also read:

It's not going to hurt you. That's my advice to any new players as well.

Use cover

That is all I have for today's war zone movement guide. Comment i don't know what to say.

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