News - The Most Advanced Warzone 3 Movement Guide(in Depth Explanation)

best settings

So I got you all with the most anticipated movement guide article of the year. I'm also going to be showcasing all the secret movement techniques in War Zone as of right now. I'm also going to show you how to slide cancel correctly and not get death slides, but let's get into it with my settings.



For my settings, I'm going to go through this really quickly, so pause if I need to. I play on tactical flip, by the way, and these are my dead zones; this is my sense, and to change this, this is this sensitivity, you would have to go to the drop-down and go to custom, and it's going to allow you to adjust this to how you want it to be, but that's how you would have to do that, but I play.

66 Dynamic Aim Response Curve My AIS type is Black Ops; it feels stickier, in my opinion. You can try it if you want. Want gameplay automatic attack sprint, of course. I play on a single-tap run; it feels better for me. As of right now, I am using slide only, but I'm going to go into depth on why you should use slide only for right now.

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Dolphin diving is going to be included in this article, so I'm going to talk more about that.


Later in the article, I also streamed on Twitch. If you guys wanted to watch me on Twitch. I am going to be streaming all of my games live from now on, so if you guys do want to watch me live on Twitch with a FaceCam.

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Slide cancel

This is really simple; it is going to take some practice to get used to, to be honest, but all you have to do is figure out the timing. Just jump, throw a knife, cancel it, and keep running, and you should get a little taxarent. But sometimes it's not going to work, but you could definitely get a tax off of it.

I would say practice the timing because the timing is kind of crazy, but once you get down, it's easy. Money that's My Little Secret on how to get tax with the knife.

Reset tac sprint

Reset tac sprint

I do have another slide cancellation for you guys, but this is another variation. This is basically the long slide cancel, and with this slide cancel, you can catch your opponent off guard. All you would have to do is basically slide it but hold it out for a little longer and tap X so you cancel it, but this is how it would look.

Like, sometimes you can catch your opponent on guard, and that would make it really easy for you to kill them, but don't try to do it too often, because I will say you will get headshotted, and it is easy to get headshotted in this game, but just slide X; all right now we have snaking, of course.

Long slide cancel

I do know there is a snaking, like, snake Nerf, as of right now in the game, but I don't know. I haven't really tested I hav really tested it out, but to snake, what you would have to do is make sure for sure that your controller sets are correct, so you'll have to go to automatic tack Sprint and put that on and single tap run for your tactical sprint behavior, and what you would have to do is Crouch, but the moment you start crouching, run, so Crouch and move your left stick up.

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Crouch and move your left stick up, and this is how it looks in regular. Motion now the way you time it can, different differentiate the speed of it in a sense, so I mean, if you do it fast, it's going to look a little bit more wonkier, but like. I guess that's a Nerf in a sense, yeah. I guess that's a Nerf, but.

You can slow it down; it doesn't have to be that fast, but you can definitely do it because sometimes to peek at somebody on War Zone or in multiplayer. I'll do it probably slowly and just TR right after that, but you don't have to keep spamming it. I see a lot of people spamming it or overdoing it, but. You can do it like a couple times to get some information from CH or either CH or disengage from you, but that's snaking.



So currently, in this game, we don't have a bunny hop, but I mean, you can still utilize the jump in a sense. My game is about to end, so let me wrap this up. You can jump, but I wouldn't say I wouldn't try bunny-hopping.

I'll just jump once just to get a little farther, but as of right now there's no bunny hops, so I mean, jumping is not as effective, but you can still do it, though I still do it, but as you're doing it, make sure you have the perk. I think the assault gloves I believe yeah assault gloves is going to make your jump a little bit better, but for the most part, there's only one jump.


And my game's about to end nice all right, so now we have an advanced Chow. I like to call this the jump chow. Honestly, I recently started doing this in this game. It feels nice in this game. What you would have to do is basically say if you want to CH this corner. I would run, jump, and slide, and then cancel it out with an X.

If that makes sense, run, jump, and slide X. Run jump slide X, and that will give me like a nice CH, especially around a corner, just running. Someone off guard just chilling, probably right here just camping; you could just do that. They wouldn't expect it coming; it looks really fast from an enemy POV.

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I'd highly recommend starting to do it, but basically, just run and jump. I said run jump, run jump, slide X, which is pretty simple. The moment we get Tim down, it'll be cake. Just run, jump, and slide. X it looks really nice that you combo it up with other things as well, but I'm going to talk more about other combos later in the article, but that is the jump shot, the new jump shot that I do a lot.



So this right here is what I like to do. I don't have a name for it; it's just more like me sliding and throwing something at the same time, but I don't know if a lot of people know how to do this correctly.

So what you would do is basically do the same thing as a jump shot but throw maybe your throwing knife or reload, but I'm going to showcase how it looks, and basically you have to run, jump, and reload with your slide if that makes sense. Same thing for throwing a knife, so all you would have to do is run, jump, slide, and do what you have to do within that slide and cancel it out right after, so if I have to reload.

I will run, jump, slide, and reload. But you're reloading in the midst of sliding, so it basically happens the same thing for the throwing knife. And like the long slide, you could cancel out or you could slide. You could basically cancel the long slide while holding the knife, because you're going to need to do this, so I would highly recommend doing that if you can.

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