News - 1 "best" Controller Settings Warzone 3. Sensitivity. Deadzone

best controller settings mw3

In today's article, I gave you guys my updated War Zone 3 controller settings. I gave you guys my movement settings, my dead zone settings, and my sensitivity. Settings are basically everything you guys need to be cracked at War Zone, and I got you guys a 30-kill game playay as well, so let's go ahead and jump straight into it so really quick before we jump into my controller settings.

I want to give you guys my audio settings. I've had a few comments asking me how I hear footsteps so well, so for my audio mix. I rock a PC speaker; that's just what I have felt the sound of the best, and for the speaker output. I rock stereo. I rock an 80 master volume, and then I believe everything else is going to be default.

Feel free to pause the article, rewind, and screenshot whatever it is you guys need. Now, getting straight into my controller settings, for my button layout, I play tactically flipped. If you guys don't know what that is, basically that flips the triggers and the bumpers in the war zone, so I aim and shoot with the bumpers and not the triggers.

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The reason I do that is for the response time. If you think about it, the amount of time the game recognizes you pressing down a button versus the amount of time it takes for you to press a trigger all the way down means the game is going to respond a lot faster, so I highly recommend playing on a flip, but for now.

best controller settings warzone 3

I have this off-flip. L1 and L2 are basically what I just said: flipping the triggers and the bumpers. I play on a default stick layout preset with no controller vibration. I hate when my controller vibrates. I have this off, for my dead zone inputs I rock a zero on my left stick because the left stick is what you do to move so I want that to respond as fast as possible now if you do have stick drift do not put this on zero or your character is going to be looking around without you even touching the stick so if you have stick drift maybe go to like four or five I would not go any lower than that for the max I have a 50 again just so my left stick responds as fast as possible so that my movement feels super smooth, and then for my right stick I have an eight because the right stick is your aiming stick so I don't want that to be too sensitive to where it messes up my aim and then left trigger and right trigger I have both at zero I want the triggers to respond, as fast as possible obviously.

best settings modern warfare 3

And now we're going to go over to aiming. I rocked 1515 on War Zone 3, and now in War Zone 2. I rocked the lower since we didn't really have fast movement, so I rocked 155 on this game to keep up with tracking people that are sliding around for my ad multiplier. I rock a 65. This is just what feels best to me: sensitivity multipliers.

I've never changed any of these. I believe this is all default. Vertical aim is all default as well. I've never messed with any of this. Tag stance multiplier I have tag stance disabled, so this really doesn't even apply for my aim response curve type. I do rock dynamic; that is just what I have felt to respond the best and for the curve slope scale.

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I rock a 090. I've been playing around with this right now. The 90 feels really good, and then everything else, I believe, is going to be default. I do have instant transition timing, and I have custom sensitivity off. I just want one universal sensitivity for all scopes; I don't want to have a different sense for every scope.

best warzone 3 settings

Aim-assist type We do have a default now. I was trying out Black Ops earlier in War Zone 3, and now I believe default is definitely the move. My aim feels way better, and then the rest of these are going to be default. Again, like I said, feel free to pause the article screenshot. Whatever you guys need for gameplay, this is going to be a lot of my movement settings, so make sure you guys do have these.

So for automatic sprint, you definitely want automatic tactical sprint so that whenever you push the stick forward, your character automatically starts sprinting as fast as possible with the tack sprint. We have a slide-maintain sprint. I have this on so that you don't get something weird like stuttering when you slide cancel.

best warzone 3 settings controller

I have single-tapped Sprint, like I said before, to just push the stick forward, and you automatically start sprinting. You don't have to click the stick in or do any of that weird stuff. Slide-SL dive behavior I have this on slide only because, if you guys didn't know, if you have this on tap to dive tap to slide, basically if you have this setting on anything besides slide only, you are going to have a delay when you slide cancel, so I definitely recommend having slide only.

Dive really is not useful in War Zone 3 now that the slide has canceled and the fast movement is back, so I would definitely make sure you guys put on slide only. Sprinting door bash I have this on aim down sight Behavior hold: I believe everything else is going to be default until we get down to the interaction and reload.

modern warfare 3 best settings

Behavior: I have prioritized interaction because I want to be able to tap to pick things up in a war zone if I'm in a rush. If the storm's coming, I want to be able to just tap to pick things up, not hold them down, and that just makes your game feel really clunky. I feel like if you have prioritized reload or tap to interact, we have prioritized interact, and then armor plate behavior, of course we have applied all you always want to apply all on, and then I believe everything else down here is default.

I don't think I've changed any of these, so that's going to be my updated War Zone 3 controller settings, and like I said, man. I got you guys a 30-kill game as well, so make sure you guys stick around for that.

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Warzone 3 Best Controller Settings Best Controller Settings Warzone 3.
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