News - The Entire History Of The Warzone Meta

With just an absolute hodgepodge of guns in that range, we have the mg 82, the Swiss K3 OTS 9, the bullfrog randomly xm4 cre 6, the Cold War AK-47, and the Cold War MP5. Honestly, I would say there are only a few guns worth breaking down here, the first being the Mg82cx Magazine. This made it a lot of fun to use and made big team wipes at range easier than ever.

Then you had the Swiss K3, which was just as good, if not better, than the car 98 and made for a great substitute. It was honestly a lot of fun having two really good bolt action marks and rifles to choose from at the time. Then there was the XM4, which I'm pretty sure remained relevant for the rest of the game's life cycle.


It was pretty much the M4 for Modern Warfare 2019, but just the Cold War version. There was not much to say about this meta other than the Swiss K being introduced, which was the most important thing going on here. Now we have the Vanguard merge, which completely changed the entire game. The Vanguard guns obviously supported 10 attachments, and pretty much all of them were broken.

I know a lot of people love this state of the game, but me personally, I could not stand it. The metad defining guns at the time were the MP40, the Owen gun, the Bren LMG, the Cooper carbine, the well gun, and the stg44. And the ppsh, I kid you, not every gun on this list has zero recoil. Like I said, I personally started to take a backseat around this game because I just hated the Vanguard Meta.

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Even though I owned the game, I had absolutely no desire to play it to level up the guns. The MP-40 Owen gun, ppsh, and well gun were some of the most broken SMGs we've ever seen in war zones; they all had insane ttks, and specifically, the Owen gun held its own at mid-range with a 72-round magazine.


Then you have the Cooper STG and Bren, which again dominated every other gun from the Cold War and Modern Warfare 2019. If you weren't using any of the guns listed above during this time, you simply had no chance. I know a lot of sweaty Resurgence players love this state of the game, but I simply could not get into it.

Now we'll take, like, spring 2022, all the way up into the launch of Modern Warfare 2, which is honestly the same story as the last meta saw another Vanguard circle jerk of guns that included the type 100, the nz41, the Marco 5 H4 blixen, and UGM 8. Like I said, these were all meta and overpowered, but definitely not near as toxic as The Meta before.


Somewhere in this window. Fortune's Keep was released, which I think Infinity Ward wanted to go with from SMGs for a little bit and enable the more like mid- to long-range guns to have some time in the spotlight, but around this time, like I said, this is about when I stopped playing the game or really caring, so I don't really have much to say about it other than this is when Cod really started to go downhill, which brings you to the launch of War Zone 2 and fall of 2022.

The metas in War Zone 2 honestly only revolved around a couple of guns at a time; it never was like a super wide range, like at launch we had the RPK, the FN, the TAC V, and the TAC 56. There were seriously no other guns you could use in this meta, while the RPK and Fenick were dominating everything and were very easy to use.

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The TAC V, I would argue, was much better but just required a little more precision to use. Tac 56 was also very user-friendly, and I think everyone just loves the iron sights on this of all the guns during this meta, though the fenick was definitely the most broken if you had any gun, but the fenick in a close-range situation, you always die.

warzone 3

Fast forward a couple months, and we had Resurgence introduced to War Zone 2, where once again we had a very narrow window of good guns to choose from. We had the Ral lmg the saen lmg, the hemlock AR, Vasnev, and SMG. The lockman sub you can say what you want about War Zone 2, but I honestly love just about every meta this game has to offer.

The Ratt was a textbook definition of this gun. You control the recoil, and you're going to do well, but most players could not do that because of how much recoil it had. Then you had the Hemlock, which was a very good AR but only supported a 45-round magazine Max to balance it out. The Lochman Sub and Vasnev were both very fun to use, but even after, Nerf still remained viable throughout War Zone 2's entirety.

Now I'm just going to cover the rest of the game's life cycle, which to me honestly, we didn't really see anything too crazy in the meta besides like two really standout guns to me, starting off with the cron and Squall, yet another one of my favorite metas because it was a high recoil damage gun that I think rewarded good players you paired that with the iso SMG and you were Unstoppable, after a Nerf to that we saw the lockman 556 which people were calling the grow 2.0 because of its zero recoil build once that was nerfed we kind of entered this weird state of the game where you could really use anything but I would say most people were using the castoff 762 which was aka the AK-47.

I really couldn't tell exactly what the meta was from Summer 22 all the way up until War Zone 3. So now that brings us to the modern day where we're playing War Zone 3 on Ukhan, and honestly, there's a lot of guns in The Meta right now as we approach the season 1 reloaded update, which I'm sure is about to change.

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We're probably going to get some crazy Nerfs here first, but these are the guns that we have right now: the MTZ Interceptor, the Pymont LMG, the Bass Battle Rifle, the WSP 9 Striker Ram 7, and the MTZ 762. With a lot to choose from right now, I think most would agree that the Interceptor, Poont, and Swarm are at the forefront.

The interceptor has already seen a nerf, but it's still broken. I mean, all they really changed was that it can't twap anymore instead of being a three-tap, which is still ridiculous. The Swarm shreds at close range, and the Pymont has insane mobility and accuracy with the conversion kit; however, the other two SMGs offer a little bit more options at mid-range, which I think are better with the Interceptor.

And you also have the bass B, which is also seen as a Nerf already, but this thing is also still ridiculous. Maybe not at long range, but at mid-to-close, this also makes a great pair for the interceptor, or the cat AMR, which I would also go ahead and throw in the meta since it's the only sniper that will guarantee one shot to the head even without explosive ammo.

Just a few honorable mentions I'd like to go over are the snake shots, which I kid you were only in the game for like 48 hours. Honestly, it's really crazy how fast Infinity Ward got these out of the game, and similarly, the Lockwood 300. Somehow, through all the patches, I got reverted to the broken war zone 2 state where the dual trigger has insane range and one tap also, but that is the entire war zone meta history in one article.

Like I said.

Today we look at the entire warzone meta history from launch until Warzone 3. We've seen a lot of different guns make an appearance and it always seems to be changing. Since season 1 reloaded launches today I thought it would be appropriate to post this video since we're also about to get some balance updates today to the warzone meta.
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