News - Top 5 Most Beloved Metas Warzone History

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As always, this is my opinion, but I like to think that for the most part, these are kind of universally loved by all players in one way or another, and if you're wondering what I mean by loved. I'm not talking about the best metas that we've seen; I'm talking more about when the community, or in this case, me, were really enjoying the game with that current meta.

Started at number five, we have the FF. This is probably the most versatile gun on this list; it's got you covered at close, mid, and sometimes even long range, which is extremely rare. If we're talking about the best sniper support guns, this has to be one of, if not the best, that we've ever seen in a war zone.

It's an AR with all the benefits of an SMG while still having all the benefits of an AR. This made it perfect for rebirth, considering these came out around the same time. Being able to run this with the sniper on rebirth with no sacrifices was a very rare occurrence. Another major plus to this gun was the absolute beauty of an iron sight that allowed you to not have to waste an attachment slot on an optic, which is always a nice plus.

best meta

I made it clear that after the Cold War merge, I was pretty disappointed in how many guns there were in the game, like Vanguard, but this is probably my favorite Cold War gun that they added. Some might argue that it stayed in the meta for a little bit too long, and even after several Nerfs, it was still pretty good for the rest of War Zone.

And at number four, we have the Cronin Squall from War Zone 2. This was one of my favorite metas for the sole purpose of being very balanced. No matter how you set this gun out, it would always have some recoil, which is okay since it hit very hard. Compare that to something like the poon that we have today, which still has no recoil and still hits really hard.

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Basically, the Squall was a gun that rewarded a player's ability to control recoil, which wasn't exactly easy. This unfortunately had one of the most disgusting iron sights we've ever seen in Call of Duty, which meant you had to use an attachment slot on an optic. Having a fifth attachment for recoil would have been really nice, but whatever since long-range situations were still possible but much more difficult than most guns This is the perfect gun to run on Aik Island, which was dominating the metaph for a while.

best metas

Unfortunately, after just one or two Nerfs, this gun is now completely useless. There's a ground loot five attachment Cronin currently in the rotation, and it might be the worst gold gun in the game. Seriously, I think I would just rather keep my spawn pistol rifle. But well, the Cronin will always be, Missed, at number three we have the ax, so basically everything that was said about the Cronin can also be said about the ax.

However, there are a few differences. The first, and probably most notable, is that they existed in different games. As we all know. War Zone 1 had no visual recoil, which made using this gun a whole lot easier since you could actually use the three-time scope most people use with the VK, and it was actually viable at range.


compare that to war zone 2 where if you used any optic other than a 1x you were not going to be hitting your shots still not a cakewalk but much more forgiven than the Cronin while still hitting very hard on top of that you had some actually decent mobility for a gun so heavy hitting a big part of that mobility was the gun only supporting a 45, round mag which was fine since you could still get multiple kills with a 45 bullet since the damage was insane, when it was first introduced to the game it was severely broken but people still really didn't despise it after two separate Nerfs it was still kind of at the front of the game At number two, we have the RPK from War Zone 2.

I know this is going to get so much hate, but just hear me out. I've expressed my love for a lot of the metas in War Zone 2, and honestly, I think for the most part it's because they're fairly balanced. The RPK was one of the easiest guns to use, but it came with some consequences. For starters, it had awful mobility.


Aside from weighing you down, the default 75-round drum mag resulted in an incident between reloads. Also, the close-range encounters with this gun were nearly impossible to handle. Other than that, this gun was a laser at mid- to long-range and also hit harder than anything else in the game at the time.

With all the hate surrounding the launch of War Zone 2, I personally think the med at the time was so much fun, and the RPK being at the center of it all was an absolute blast. Also, I want to mention that during this state of the game, we had backpacks, which allowed for a third weapon slot, which made for a ton of fun situations.

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Running an RPG and Fenic, then a sniper for your backpack slot, made for a lot of fun. Sniper had you covered at long rpk had you covered at mid and long and fenic had you covered it short beautiful, literally no sacrifice to any range whatsoever, lowkey what am I if they brought backpacks back but just like the Cronin the rpk got nerfed into Oblivion and is now down there with one of the worst guns you could pick up off ground loot but it was fun while it lasted, just a couple honorable mentions I want to be listed real quick before we get to the number one spot.


At number one, we have kar98k. The only reason I'm not putting this on this list is because it was kind of like always meta, which I feel like is kind of cheating. I know a couple months before they removed Resurgence from War Zone 1, they got rid of the damage range, but other than that, this gun was always usable, mine, and probably your favorite sniper to use in War Zone.

Ever since then, we have had the Cold War AK-47, which falls under the same umbrella as the Aax and the Cronin Squall. High recoil, high damage If you were good at the game, you did well with it. If you weren't well enough, then there was the Kila, which was pretty much a pellet gun but was still really good.

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It had no recoil; you just had to hit your shots. super, Fun, At number one, the growl 556, If you've been playing War Zone since launch, you probably saw this coming. This was just about everybody's favorite meta, and I'm very confident in saying that whenever we used to get on. I had a friend who would just call War Zone Grow Simulator, and that couldn't be any more accurate, and the crazy thing is.


I don't think anyone even had a problem with it. The beauty of the grow was 60-round magazine support, the sexiest iron sight in war zone history, damn near hit-scan bullet velocity, and zero recoil. If you notice, I didn't say anything about the damage, and that's because it was certainly above average but nothing too out of pocket, like guns we would see in the future.

Today we are looking at the most loved warzone metas of all time. This includes warzone 1, 2, and 3 and is more so focusing on what the community enjoyed and not necessarily what was powerful. Grab your nostalgia caps bc you're in for a treat once we get to the number one spot.
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