News - The Best Smg Warzone 2. 1 Best Vel 46 Class Setup For Warzone 2

best smg in mw3

The Vel 46 is an absolute demon in this game with its damages that range from a four- to six-shot kill and its fire rate that's one of the highest in the category, along with its pretty predictable recoil pattern. You can stack this thing with movement attachments. The Vel 46 was one of my favorite weapons in Modern Warfare 2.

I think it was better than the Vas by the time the game's life cycle was over, and in this game it sits really nicely between the Rival 9 and the Swarm. Let's look at the attachment. The Vel has an extremely manageable recoil, in my opinion, so with that said, we're going to start off with the Vel A568.

best vel 46 class

Collapse stock per usual since it's basically a stockless mod it is the fastest buff you're going to add to this weapon and if you come into your stats and look at all the Buffs you getting the ads speed and Sprint to fire speed are now basically on par with the wsp Swarm down to the rear grip we are using the zlr, combat grip to offset The Recoil penalties a little bit coming into the stats once again you can see it's a straight buff to The Recoil and there's no downsides to anything else except accuracy which it's not showing up as a stat so man going to the laser I'm using the VK, lzr 7mw, laser it's another speed attachment to kind of just find a nice balance between The Recoil attachments and the speed attachments, onto the under Barrel I have on the ftac MSP 98 hand stop you could use this one or the Phantom 5 if you'd like but I think this one's the better choice just because it offers a little bit better recoil and you don't really need more Sprint to fire aimed down sight speed with this attachment, and then finally for the muzzle device I'm using the lock shot KT8.

Muzzle this attachment rounds out the recoil pretty nicely for those of you who may not like the collapsed stock. If you don't like it, just take it off and don't use a different stock. Try out a different attachment. None of the other stocks really do anything that's worth wasting an attachment spot on.

best vel 46 class mw3

T ho Lads using the V 46 today, honestly. I'm just getting bored of using the Modern Warfare 3 weapons because a lot of them aren't that good; the metal ones are the best ones in the game, and then if they're not the metal ones, what's the point? So we're using the V-46. Because by the end of Modern Warfare 2's life cycle, especially in ranked play, this was like the best gun in the game.

I thought it was way better than the Vasnev; it had more applications; it was better for movement and everything like that, so give us a slide cancel now, and yeah, the gun got better because now we have a slide cancel that works, so per usual, this is my first game. We're just trying to get a one-and-one game play, no warmed up, just seeing what goes where and how it happens, but I did take the time to do the math on the V; it has a four-shot kill, and then it has a six-shot kill at its maximum distance.

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I don't really know the math on the damage ranges, but at normal gunfight ranges, you'd be taken with this thing. Four to six shots is pretty standard; it doesn't go below a five shot as long as you hit chest, so aim higher and we'll be fine. Yep, skid away from that guy who thinks he's going to get me.

best vel 46 class mw3 movement

No one gets me, but my parents never do. Understand that the Vel also comes with 40 bullets by default, which is very nice considering the damage to the gun. Do I somehow get a grenade? Yeah, I did throw a grenade, right? That's a thing I do. These spawns are [__] everywhere right now; there is no set spawn.

Placement: I need medical Yeah, I have no idea what's going on. I think what I'm doing is good, but I have no idea there's just one on the other team sniping that's making the spawns goofy because they should be flipping like way more than they are, but they just aren't because Homeboy is in the back of the map with a sniper literally just anchoring him, but since he's anchoring the spawns for himself in a goofy place, the rest of the lobby is going to spawn in places we shouldn't be spawning in, so we can't push.

best vel 46 class setup

It's just such an odd concept, because if I sit here, the enemies can't spawn behind me if I sit like in that exact corner, but they'll spawn in parallel. Of course, he no scopes me because there's no shot; he got the AMR to aim in that quickly, and like parallel to where he is, he's just spawning his team tees like parallel to where we are, and then it's just a really weird combat.

Dumb, like this is another game where I'll probably finish with like a decent amount of kills, but I just can't get anything going every time I push to their side of the map. I just get sniped because the map isn't moving. It's really tragic that I can push to their spawn and kill most of them, but the one just yeah, he's just he's there, and then we like parallel spawned, Him.

modern warfare 3

Let my teammate go get that guy. As far as the Vel goes, it's very similar to the Rival 9 in the sense that it has a high fire rate and has the potential for a decent shot kill, but the lower leg damage is what really balances the weapon out because if you just happen to not hit the multipliers on the Chester head of the game, the gun, excuse me, does get a little odd with its time to kill, but there are not a lot of situations unless you're like doing that where you're drop shotting and shooting people in the ankles, but for the most part, the gun is, like, pretty standard to be like a normal four-five-shot kill.

I really need that grenade to kill the guy that's camping on that backside. Buck reload Yeah, having this gun with a slide cancel is borderline a war, a crime that was close. Homie, there is no shot. You spawned 3 feet away from where I killed you, and then you watched me. Spawn, there's a bad guy here.

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What the hello? He's dead all right, for sure. I don't know where they're spawning now. Yep, right beside me, fantastic MCW. By the way, we love that. Yeah, that definitely didn't kill that guy when I slid by him, but it is what it is. Yeah, like, I can't do anything anytime I make a play; it's just like a bee protecting their nest, enim.

modern warfare 3 gameplay

Money damn, so unfortunate, so much potential in this Lobby for it to be a good game because the V 46 is just literally buttery smooth in this game; it has a great fire rate; it has very controllable recoil; even with the movement build that I'm using, it just sucks whenever every engagement you have to do is storming the beaches of Normandy.

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