News - The Best Pro Warzone 2 Classes For Ranked Play (season 1 Reloaded)

The higher time to kill in this game also promotes using the knife in close-range gunfights to take your enemies by surprise for that instant kill Laro with a knife, turning out our attention to equipment and gear in MW3. Certainly has some choices that drastically impact how you play the game for lethal Frags and sexes are your friends.

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Frag grenades are generally used by AR players, especially in Search and Destroy, where you can carefully line up grenade spots at the beginning of rounds, potentially leading to early man advantages. Kobe for Hardo and control, though sxas are used by nearly every player due to their faster explosion time being more suited to the chaos of respawn modes.

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iCal usage also differs between respawn and search and destroy in Hardo, and control-only stun grenades are used by the pros. Look, he killed me with the stun. While in Search and Destroy, one smoke per team is allowed. the smoke grenade is generally used by a fast submachine gun player mainly using it to plant bombs fake out enemies or just gain some space on the map once again though the official CDL rules are different technically meaning everyone can use smokes in any mode, unless this is changed anytime soon this could mean ranked plays rather differently compared to the CDL pro games so unless this is changed we would consider switching between stuns and smokes regardless of mode due to the potential of getting users out of sticky situations, or blocking important lines of sight when trying to break into a Hardo, before getting into the rest of the utility we've got to talk about the best vest to use in competitive and it's got to be the Infantry vest it essentially acts as your double time from previous games since it boosts tax Sprint duration and refresh time are a must for any player to get into the action and help out their team.

Now for the rest of this year's new wearable perk system featuring gloves, boots, and gear Despite the plentiful number of clothing options, I'd still say advanced warfare has the edge. There are a few main options for gloves, with the assault Marksman or Quick Grip generally preferred. The assault gloves can be the best all-around option for most players because of the improved accuracy in ads while jumping, which is very beneficial for faster-paced players trying to maneuver around the map as freely as possible a swap out though to The Marksman gloves can definitely be used for the main AR player, the slower guy on the team, as they'll be the ones locking down Lanes most of the time.

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Less flinching and swaying can be more valuable to them, so keep the Marksman gloves in mind. However, the Quick Grip gloves have been gaining more favor lately in order to reload and throw equipment faster, allowing the player to almost always have their gun up and at the ready. Next up are the boots.

There's only two main options: first, the tactical pads, which allow its users to slide faster and farther all while being able to aim down their weapon sight, so for all you want to be shotty out there, these kicks might be right up your alley to use in the respawn mode due to the increased movement often catching your enemies off guard.

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However, with the return of a permanent Dead Silence perk in the form of the covert sneakers. Say, this is what you want to have equipped most of the time in the respawn modes and all of the time when playing Search and Destroy. With regards to gear, there's only one real option: the EOD. With padding, you'll be able to survive even the most pointless of grenades, just not Simex, which is stuck to your character.

And last but not least, the best field upgrades to equip. Although in the CDL only two trophy players per team are allowed in a match, there is no such limitation in ranked play, so for every player already running the covert sneakers perk, you'll also want to run a trophy system to block all of the equipment span, but if you're using the tactical pad boots, you'll want to put the Dead Silence field upgrade on as at least it gives you completely silent footsteps for a good few seconds, and there we have it, the best pro-class setups you guys can be using right now.

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Following the pro rule set, looking to improve communication is required, and there's opportunities to get better and even play the pros if you rise up the ranks quickly enough, so get involved with that.

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