News - Lobbies Disbanding May Be For The Best - Mwiii & Warzone 2

carry forward

I'm sure you've seen the trailer released a little bit ago, basically advertising the fact that Lobbies will again be staying together, but I'm sorry to say this. I just don't think it's going to be the same. What I know is that I know Scotty, the pessimist. Scotty, the downer—I get it. My very first reason this feature won't live up to the hype is because you won't even want to stay in these lobbies you're going to be put in.

Skill-based matchmaking makes your lobbies feel like you're burning calories just to unlock a freaking suppressor. Do you really think you're going to want to play more games against TTB Demonic Genan after Pogo stuck around 37 corners and slit his back pockets off? I think in some cases, this can play to your advantage.

For example, let's say you get in the lobby and you're the top dog. You put your big boy pants on and whoop the lobby up and down the scoreboard. This could be great because staying in this lobby allows you to escape the matchmaking for a little while still playing against those plebs. Although, more often than not, you're going to want to put some distance between yourself and your clones and just back out anyway.

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The lobby sticking together was really fun when people varied in skill and background, and it just created this mixed, dynamic I don't think it'll be the same when you're competing in Cod's Champ match after match. Another thing people aren't taking into consideration is that it's 2023, and like 70% of the lobby isn't even actually in game chat.

Most of the fun of sticking around with the same players and continuing to compete, laugh, and troll is exactly that you talk to them, you interact with them time to nut up or shut. Typically now people are playing in party chat or since they might be playing crossplatform there in Discord. I'm not blaming crossplatform.

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I'm not smashing it, and I'm really glad it's in the game, but due to that function, players have been finding other ways to speak to each other. I also hate using game chat with my friends because it's like, is it just us or is it always buggy as hell? Like, when we're loading into a game, it's cutting out, or one of us can't hear the others until we get ingame, or it just randomly disconnects.

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I know my friends and I are not the only ones who experience that. Now people are scared to talk because they don't want to get their feelings hurt, scared to talk [__] because of the AI mod moderation, and unable to interact because the game chat is more unreliable than the iPhone weather app. If you live in Florida, you know what I'm talking about.

The reason I'm bringing up these potential issues is because I just don't want people to lose hope. I'm not some pessimist that stays in his room and just hopes the worst for a franchise that I love. I just don't want people getting their hopes of players hype up a feature like Lobbies not disbanding, and for good reason.

It led to some really enjoyable moments, but unfortunately, due to the reasons I've already stated and this next point, I just don't think it's going to be the same for us. Drop a like if you've enjoyed it so far, and consider, you know, weding for future content. Now, my last and final reason it just won't be the same is because I doubt the lobbies will actually stay together for much more than just a few games.

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After playing the beta, this is based on limited evidence. I guess you could say I didn't really experience many lobbies that stuck together, and when I did, it was only for two to three games, and then I was reshuffled. Now this could have simply been because it was the beta, not a completed product, and it's still getting the finishing touches on it, but I think that where it stands.

Activision just doesn't want to pull away from skillbase matchmaking, and keeping lobbies together will hinder their ability to reshuffle you against players based on your previous game's performance because of their desire to try and manipulate the matches and our ability to filter playlists with multiple modes.

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MWIII and the new warzone are ALMOSThere and bringing back the classic Lobby take in between matches. The lobbies wont be disbanding after every lobby, thats a good thing right.
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