News - The Best Gun To Use Warzone 2 Zombies Still. Lockwood 680


Well, I was on the third one, and I was out of everything. But I remembered that the scorcher was actually buffed up to do a lot more damage to the zombies and the range. Acquisitions as much as if you guys really want to be farming up like those ether blades like the golden armor plates and dog bones and things like that, it's going to be really a good idea for you guys to be going into the Elder more because after the season two ofate, man just coming in here to the regular dark ether, those classified acquisitions are a lot more rare now we're going to start this holdout mission, and this is where this Lockwood is going to shine here in the dark ether a bit.


We're going to set up our turrets, which are definitely going to help us out. I don't know if you guys have come in here too much after the season 2 update, but the dark ether has been buffed up a lot, like even just the tier four there is just a lot more zombies in here, and if you really got to watch your back more and having something like that ether blade is really going to help you guys out when being in here and if you do plan on coming into the dark ether just bring in one of the best guns in the game; Lockwood is always a great option.

You got the tier of Kimbo pistols. The akimbo swarms, the akimbo, and the stingers—there's plenty of really good options for you guys to choose from. I'm definitely going to be checking all those out. Yeah, before the update. I really kind of felt like you could hang out on each side of the balcony for a while and just take out a bunch of zombies that were heading towards you before you jumped over the railing and went to the other side.


Now i kind of feel like you're just kind of constantly moving. Yeah, this Lockwood's still having no problem taking out these zombies, and these zombies are definitely, no joke in here now either. I swear it actually used to feel to me like these used to be like tier 2 zombies now these definitely feel like tier 3 zombies, if not even a little tougher than tier 3 zombies, and there's just more of them.

We're still taking out like this mangler in here and this disciple with absolute ease. Yes, I would say this Lockwood is probably still one of the best guns in the game, if not the number one best gun in the game. We're just going to have to take a look into those tiers again. We ended up getting this contract done, and like I said, man, those acquisitions.

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We are way more rare in here, but we did end up with another Elder sigil, which is cool; we can have one in the stash while we take this one in. I'd at least figured we would go around and see if we could get a wonder weapon to extract. With us, we were able to pull a Wonder Wolf out of the barracks room, which is pretty cool.


I do love this wonder weapon that we're going to go ahead and extract, and we ended up with two Elder sigils. Three refined crystals and a Wonder W case with an epic ether tool—not a bad run at all. I will definitely take that. That's some decent loot if you guys want to know where anything is in the dark ether or if you're struggling to find anything.

I'm going to throw up a map on the screen right here that shows you where all of the contracts are, where the harvesting orb is, and where you can find all the key locations. A big shout out to Mwz and Hub. All their maps are fully interactive, and they are definitely helpful. Here's going to be that loadout for the Lockwood on the screen right here.

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I would definitely say this gun is still one of the kings of this mode. You guys want to run some easy red zone or easy dark ether contracts, and if you're running solo, this is one of the best weapons that you guys should definitely be rocking. You guys made it this far in the article. You are awesome.

I appreciate each and every single one of you. A big, huge extra shout out to all of my channel members. You guys are like the absolute backbone of this channel.

Today we look at the Lockwood 680 in Modern Warfare Zombies. This gun has been known to be one of the best in the game, lets see if it still holds up. I appreciate all the support everyone! - Ghost.
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