News - The Best Full Auto Shotgun: The Riveter (warzone Class Setup)

I promise you guys, so then we also have incendiary, and we're rocking the demo D50 buffer tube for some extra added mobility.

Trios/quads class

Trios/quads class

Now if you want to go a little bit more crazy, we can use this thing with a 30-round mag, and that's what this class is built out for; it's basically for trios and quads. mainly since you get so much ammo, but you do take a hefty movement penalty with this, so just be mindful of that. Of course, we do have that buffer tube to help offset that, but then we're just taking off that sight I had or one of the underbarrel grips, and we're keeping the choke on.

I think that's sort of the most middle ground and best attachment in general for this gun in particular when it comes to spread. Simply because you have the versatility of aiming down sights and having a super tight spread, you have a better hitfire spread and a better tack stance spread. It does a lot of nice things for this gun that I think are pretty beneficial overall, but of course you can swap that Bryson chokeout for a laser or something if you want better sprints of fire and better TX Dan spread in particular.

modern warfare 3

It's up to you, but this is sort of what I've been going for and had some pretty good results overall.

Overall thoughts

For my thoughts on the Riveter, I actually enjoy this gun quite a bit. I'm not a huge guy into full auto shotguns and semi-auto shotguns generally; I don't normally like them as much as pump action, but this one actually has been a lot of fun.

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It has just the right amount of strength, but it's not also super crazy and overbearing. But it is really, really strong. I don't really necessarily think it's overpowered at this point, but maybe when I die to it more, I'll change my mind, but I do think it is incredibly strong now. I'm not going to say which shotgun is the best out of the three that I've reviewed so far simply because I'm going to save that for a different article, but this one is definitely one that shines, and since the Haymaker did get nerfed and it's no longer Two Shots, well, this thing might just come out on top now; we'll have to see, but with all that being said, guys.

The Riveter is an amazing shotgun in Warzone. After the Haymaker nerf, this shotgun is going to have a great chance to shine, and it has some ridiculous TTK values for CQB.
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