News - All 26 Dmz Spawn Locations And How To Deploy Strategically. Call Of Duty Warzone 2. 0 Dmz

all 26 dmz spawn locations and how to deploy strategically warzone 2.0 dmz

Less on that and more on actually hunting players, we are starting to see a sort of meta develop around people trying to poach players in the early game, and the early game is starting to become increasingly difficult for new beginners of the DMZ as well as players in general to progress from. On the screen right now is a map of all of the spawn locations that are currently in the DMZ.

That means that when you drop into the DMZ, you and your team or just you alone are going to spawn at one of these locations. Now, there are a couple of things that we have to keep in mind here: the amount of play is the maximum number of players that should be in a DMZ game at any given time, which is 60.

Now, we previously thought, as well as when I was doing the research to create this article, that this was 66, but with the latest patch and with the reloaded season one patch notes that we got, we were able to see that the focus here is actually on 60 players in a DMZ match at once. Now, this will be a mix and match of solos.


There are duos and trios, and so oftentimes you'll find that some of these spawns will not be utilized because, of course, there are 26 spawn locations, and turning 26 into 60 doesn't necessarily translate to all of them being used. As you can see on this map and in the example that I'm showing you in the background right now, it is possible to spawn in better locations than others, although some of these spawn locations are heavily compromised in terms of being in direct sight lines of other players.

other players, and if those players roll into the match with sniper rifles now that people are starting to know the DMZ better, they will be focusing on those lanes and trying to see if they can get an easy clap and an easy kill on someone that's standing there. Most of the time I find that new players as soon as they launch into a DMZ they think that for those first couple of seconds, at least a half minute, they might be safe and they can tie themselves up and sort of like orient themselves and see, O I have a key and I want to go to the marsh, so okay, cool, the weapon case for, you know, the camera so I can get my M13 is over here, so I have to go there, and they might be inside their map looking and trying to figure out where they're going to go, and that is exactly the time that players are going to pounce on you and kill you, so this is 100 percent.

call of duty dmz spawn locations

Super-good advice Point here: as soon as you spawn into the map, the smartest thing you can do is find yourself a safe little area generally, perhaps even have a battle plan before you launch into the DMZ so that you kind of have an idea of what to do as soon as you spawn, no matter where you are, is the general direction that I want to be going in, and then start moving for that now, whether this means you running and finding the nearest vehicle.

jumping into that and driving off or just finding a bathroom to hide in while you figure out what you want to do next, the bottom line and the main reason for this article is that I want to advise you not to hang around the spawn point where you are at the beginning. Instead, move out of that area as fast as possible.

call of duty warzone 2 dmz

We also know that some of the later faction quests specifically task players with hunting players, taking their dog tags, and extracting them. So this is the state of the game that we're in right now, and this is something that can really, really upset you if you actually launch into the game, have your insured weapon, and are ready to get something done.

Perhaps you're going in solo like I mostly do, and then essentially a team of three rolls up on your spawn immediately at the beginning of this; this is also something that will develop over time as you get to know the map better, and that's going to give you a general idea of where people can be coming from as soon as you spawn.

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That's going to be it for the article. I have more articles coming to the channel specifically looking at faction missions as well as key locations, but I tend to also look at doing little articles like this specifically around one particular topic and hopefully help a few folk artists, but that's it. It's just super important to me that you have a fantastic morning, afternoon, and evening wherever you are.

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You are in the world, and until the next article,

All 26 DMZ Spawn Locations and how to deploy strategically | Call of Duty Warzone 2. 0 DMZ.
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