News - Sony Helping To End Cheating Warzone 2



In today's article, we're going to be discussing how Sony is taking the first step in a positive way toward dealing with cheating. Here in Modern Warfare 3 in Call of Duty, it's not specifically aimed at Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, but it is more aimed at a device, a certain device called the cronis, which everyone would probably know about right now.

That is plag in games like Call of Duty, and specifically more Call of Duty. It is very notorious, and right now, with crossplay and stuff, people are using the cronis and that and the cronis.

Cronus banned on ps5

It has been played in the game for a while, but recently, I wanted to talk about it. Sony added an update to the PS5.


That appears to block the controversial Crona Send device from actually being used at all now. This is a great thing. This is great. This is fantastic to hear. Hopefully Xbox follows suit, and we can now You obviously have the Crona band on the console; obviously. Activision has an anti-che, of course, which is supposed to stop; and you know, you can detect the use of Corona.

Which I do believe is just getting worked around anyway. I do believe the Corona company itself has actually made workarounds to make sure it doesn't get detected by activition antiche and it's kind of a battle back and forth that activis has to keep activ you know what you call it updating the antiche in order to stop the Crona s but there's definitely people still using the Crona scent in Call of Duty that's why there's about 3, 000 to 5, 000 sales every single month for the Crona scent on Amazon.

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At least I don't know about the official company site and stuff, but I believe on the company site it says half a million people have already bought the Cron Zen. Obviously, that's a lot of people. If there's half a million Crona Zen users out there, who knows how many of them are in Call of Duty right now?


You know, using the Cronos, you know you're basically using your stronger aim assist with no low recoil. All that good stuff—all the stuff that everyone uses the Cronos for—and it's a horrible device. It shouldn't exist. I don't know why. There isn't a way for, like, you know, Activision to go after this company and just stop them from making it.

I know it's not specifically targeted at Call of Duty, and it does have uses that are actually good, but there are also bad things with the bonus. Like I said, it is good to be able to say use an Xbox controller on Playstation, etc., which is a great usage. It makes great sense, but it comes with a lot of things, like anti-recoil scripts, you know, stronger aim assist, and stuff—all these horrible cheating things—and it's hard to detect; it's hard to tell what players are using it and what players aren't.

Obviously, it doesn't have Aimbot and stuff; like, an actual hacker would know where they have Wall hacks and stuff but low recoil. You know you can have faster fire rates like that. You can also fully auto-single-fire weapons. There's all these crazy things that the Cronis can do, and it's out of order; it needs to go; it should just not exist, but it does exist again. There's half a million people who you know got a Crona and used a Crona, and there's about 3, 000 to 4, 000 players each month who are buying a Crona, and again, mostly I am talking about from a Call of Duty perspective because it does seem to be the most notorious game for it.

Cronus isn't actually banned on ps5

Cronus isn't actually banned on ps5

But this is all great news, and the only thing that I have seen is that there is one issue with this PS5 update.

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It's great that this does actually block out the Crona Send device, but currently this update for the PlayStation 5 isn't actually mandatory, so you can still use your PS5. Without having to do the update, it's a bit of a halfhearted, sort of fix at the moment, so most people will of course update their consoles, but the people who do have these Chona devices will probably just not update their consoles until PlayStation forces that update, of course, so they will do that eventually, of course, there will be an update that probably forces them to use You know, download the update so they can continue using an online or offline experience on Playstation.


So eventually this will stop the cronis usage, but at the same time, there was a statement put out by the cronis Zen company itself that does actually say that yes, their device is being stopped at the moment, but they are working on a fix. And what that means is, of course, that cronis, the company that makes you know the cro well the company that makes the cronis, is going to work on getting around this, and they probably will find a way again.

Activision Anti-che doesn't seem to do a great job the moment it was supposed to detect and stop people from using it. At one point. I do believe you should actually start with just saying that you're using a device and you know to stop using it, but it doesn't actually stop you, and you could just continue using the Crona send device free willingly; it would just tell you, and I think eventually it would stop you from playing with that device.

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However, I haven't seen much of that recently, and I do believe that this has been worked around already, like I said about the anti-che. It's great for stopping it for so long, but then eventually the companies that make these, you know, cheat devices and stuff do find ways around it all the time.

You know, I've already discussed how the antiche is pretty easy to work around. From cheaters who do use Aimbot and stuff and wall hacks, they do just find ways around with their software, and that they do just get on other accounts when they are banned and stuff or get Shadow banned, and that's probably the same thing with cronis users.

When they get shadowbanned or not, they probably just get on another account again. I don't know if that's what actually happens with the chronology as well. Do they get shadow banned? Do they get permanently banned? I imagine they just get Shadow banned from lobbies for using the device. I don't actually imagine they get banned at all for using the device.

Step forward to preventing mw3 cheaters

Step forward to preventing mw3 cheaters

So this is a step forward. Of course, you definitely have to take it as a positive that they are trying to do this again. Hopefully, Microsoft follows suit. Hopefully, Microsoft has something in the works. I know Microsoft is quiet, you know.

On top of things, when it comes to this, they're a lot stricter with Sony compared to the PlayStation. When it comes to dealing with cheating devices, you know, enforcing certain things, and so on. Yeah, they did this to put it out there; they basically just wanted to stop people from using it, but yeah, at the moment, it's going to be an issue.

SONY Helping To END CHEATING In MW3! Hope u enjoyed today's video discussing cheating in modern warfare 3 and how sony is helping to stop cheating in mw3 with their new ps5 console update targeting the use of the cronuscronus zen on the ps5 and how this is a good start to helping prevent cheating in modern warfare 3.
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