News - Solo Red Worm & Keep Tombstone Season 2 Warzone 2 Zombies Tombstone Duplication Glitch (full Walk-through)


Don't forget to drop a like on today's article. Let's go ahead and get started on it. So first things first, if you guys are looking for schematics, make sure you guys do hit that sub button, as we are live almost every single day, whether it's on Twitch or YouTube, and we're going to be dropping schematics for all of you guys.

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Be sure to use code EE for 5% off. Don't forget to act fast. So we are at our Tombstone, we're going to go ahead and make sure we have nothing in our ruck sack go ahead and open up our Tombstone and you can see I got a couple of items in here we got some duplicated Tombstone soda cans a scorcher case two of them to be exact then we have a large rug sack now you guys might ask why I have a large rug sack sit into my Tombstone that was because prior to the glitch I was going to go ahead and drop as many large.


As far as I could see, the reason for doing that is that it makes it a lot easier for people than having them go run around and try to find a large rucksack or buy it in Tier 3 and end up getting knocked. So once we do have our tombstone collected and we let it crumble, and we've already purchased the tombstone perk or grabbed it from our stash in the main game, we're going to go ahead and make our way over to Bad Signal.

If you don't have a bad signal on your map, then you haven't completed it or anything like that, and you don't know how to unlock it. All you need to do is go to your Act missions, and then from there, go ahead and click Act 4. Everybody's going to have the bad signal or the Aether Portal to go ahead and go through.

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You guys just need to make sure that instead of whatever AC machine you are seeing on the left side of the screen, you guys just need to make sure it's under Act 4. Once you guys have that set, you will have this portal indefinitely, and you can use it over and over again. So once we get over to the portal, we'll show you guys what to do.


So we're landing over by the portal. We're currently in Tier 3 and about to drop right in front of the anomaly. If you guys want to go ahead and throw a decoy grenade out, all you need to do is enter the anomaly, and then from here, go straight into the water. It doesn't matter if you have a suit or anything on you; just whatever you have on your body, MoneyWise.

If you have item-wise done all of that, this will all transfer over, and we will show you guys what to do. So we're in the water right now. We're going to wait for the Breather to hit the red icon. So right now, go ahead and vote. Yes, to teleport, and then from here you can do one of two things: you can either duplicate your items, which we will show you how to do, or you can stay in the game and we will show you what is going to happen.


So we just got the eliminated screen, and we're on the purple teleporting screen now. From here, with our Tombstone propelled and us going down and getting eliminated, we're actually going into the dark, with our Tombstone already propelled into the old Lobby. What I mean by that is that if we go into here and have fun, do a whole bunch of things, kill zombies, beat red worm, whatever we want to do, we are going to be able to do this perfectly fine with keeping our Tombstone set prior to the next game coming in and wanting to have fun, maybe in the real world or maybe just going back and doing red worm once again over and over and keep farming it for whatever we need, so we're going to see that we're launching in and we will show you guys when we get back.

Tombstone, go ahead and give up. We're going to get that screen eliminated. We're going to go ahead and get our XP. We'll come back in, and we'll show you guys what happened. So we are coming into the next game right here, and you can see that we have no items spawning in on us, but we do have our Tombstone still.

grizz viollent

After going into bad signal, now we're going to go ahead and go over to our tombstone and show you guys that everything is still there. Now that we are near our tombstone, we're just going to go ahead and claim everything and show you guys that we have all of our items. We're still going to go and pull up.

We got somebody else over here with their Tombstone set. We're going to go ahead and open, and you can see that we have our money still, and we can go ahead and pull everything out of the bag, just like when it crumbles, we have ours. 63, 000, we have all of our items that were originally in our Tombstone, and we were able to go and do bad signal or play around in the Aether Portal, so now we can go ahead and get Tombstone again just to make sure that we keep our items, and we will show you how to duplicate them, so we just purchased our Tombstone.

modern warfare 3

To go ahead and duplicate our items, all we need to do is rinse and repeat back to that bad signal portal, so we already, grabbed our Tombstone we've already grabbed our Tombstone. Stone is correct when we've already grabbed our Tombstone, the actual perk where all of our items are, so now all we need to do is go to the bad signal.

We'll go ahead and rinse and repeat and tell you guys how to do all this again. I recommend having a scorcher, especially if you guys are going to be playing solo. Just because of the movement, you don't even need to waste a pack-a-punch of money trying to make it any better. You guys can just float around with a normal scorcher, so I recommend putting that in your Tombstone to go ahead and duplicate so you have one for almost every single game and you can keep stacking them.

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Up so now we're back at the portal, so we'll rinse and repeat everything again, and this is so you can go ahead and duplicate your items. We will talk about the stash glitch here in a second and what is going on with that, but this is going to be mainly for if you guys are looking to take items into the game for the next game or maybe help your friend set up his Tombstone with a whole bunch of different items.

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You can see that our breather is going down, and we're going to wait till it hits red. Yes, and then from here we're going to get the teleportation and the death at the same time, so we're going to let this timer go down. We have our Tombstone perk, we have our money, we have all of our items, and from here we're going to get eliminated, and then the portal animation, and then we're going to close the game.

SOLO RED WORM KEEP TOMBSTONE Season 2 MW3 Zombies Tombstone Duplication Glitch FULL WALK-THROUGH.
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