News - New" Solo How To Set Up Tombstone Glitch After Patch. Warzone 2 Zombie Glitch (full Walk-through)


Com They include tons of legitimate services for the PlayStation, Xbox, and PC, and have over 10,000 Trustpilot page reviews. Be sure to use code eer for 5% off, and don't forget Act. Fast all righty guys, so we made it into a game, and you can see that I still have my Tombstone here prior to the new update coming out, so all I'm going to do is decide whether I want to refresh my Tombstone or start a new Tombstone.

I'm going to go ahead and open it up, go ahead and remove everything out of it, and make sure it crumbles. This is if I'm restarting Tombstone. Obviously, if you guys do not have a tombstone down because you lost it due to the new patch that came out today, you guys won't have anything, so all I'm going to do to make this glitch completely fresh is go ahead and make sure I have my money situation correct.

As you can see, I have 987.000 points. I have my rucksack completely full of what I want to give away, and these are all of the schematics I actually give away live on stream almost every single day, including all of the schematics and the vr11 case. We do not know yet if the vr11 case is going to be a schematic with a new update.


We're still looking to try to figure that out. I'm guessing it's going to be in season 2, but now all I want to do is go ahead and buy Tombstone. If you have the ability to craft it or if you have a whole bunch of tombstones already duplicated for you, go ahead and do that, but from here, all I'm going to do is go ahead and buy Tombstone, and then we'll be right back.

Okay, so we just got done drinking our Tombstone, and you can see in the bottom middle that I have my Tombstone perk prototyped with the same schematics and my money situation corrected. So all I'm going to do now is engage the glitch like you used to, but first things first, we have to make sure we don't have a self-reference when we are engaging in this glitch, so let's go ahead and drop that off.

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Now this is also going to be the solo version, so if you guys are playing with friends, there is going to be another version on my channel here soon, but this will be the solo version on how to do the tombstone. But the thing that's going to be different, and it's going to catch a lot of people off guard this coming week since the new update came out, is that you're going to go ahead and jump off, just like.


Normal bam, we are dead. Hold B to give up. Now we are at a screen where the timer is here. Usually, you would press the pause button, go ahead, and leave the game. We are not going to do that. What we are going to do is actually this time is go ahead and let the timer go down fully all of the way, so give it about six, five, or {448}e we get to this screen, you're going to see a red skull come up and say you were eliminated or failed.

There we go, so we got that. Now we're going to let it go even farther, so we're going to go ahead and wait until we get to the mission progression. Just like that, go ahead and skip over this really fast. Go ahead and get our X gains and all of that, then from here we're going to leave match you're going to see right here we have the leave match icon so we're going to go ahead and leave match go back into and you're going to see that we lost everything considering our gun, our backpack, all that good stuff we just lost, but there's a good sign to this, so we go ahead and skip all.


I'm going to go ahead and change operators really quick. This one has a medium backpack, so try to have another operator with a large backpack if you're duplicating with Tombstone. If not that big of a deal, you can always go back and go grab another one. I'm going to go ahead and equip this one just so that way you guys are aware that I'm going to have a medium backpack.

When we do this, we're going to go ahead and load back up, show you we still have Tombstone, and then show you guys how to keep duplicating it over and over. All right, so we're back into a new game. As you can see, my tombstone is still in the same spot. I went ahead and got a large backpack just to make sure I could clear everything out in one go.

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So, as you can see, the tombstone is crumbling. You need to make sure you do that every time, or else it's not going to work and it's going to flip out—kind of bug out. But, as you can see, we loaded back into our new game. We had our tombstone in our new spot that we placed, and we have all of our schematics.

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We have a little bit less cash since we had to go buy Tombstone and all that, but not a big deal, especially since we have 976,000. Now there are two ways you can do this glitch depending on how you play, so if you guys do not have any of the star X fills, and what I mean by the star X fills, it's going to be any of these missions on your map right here, where you can go ahead and do quote-unquote story missions.

If you guys don't have any of these unlocked, you guys can do the normal X fills as well. Well, they can be a little bit more tricky. You need to make sure you don't have any manglers or any of those kinds of mobs or bosses. Those mini-bosses, I should say, are on the helicopter with you because it will bug out the game.

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Also, I would steer away from having friends xfill with you. A lot of people have said they've had no issues, but I've personally had issues with somebody in the helicopter with me. When I try to xill, it doesn't mean you need to play solo in order to do it, but it does mean you need to xill solo on the helicopter.

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If you don't really care that much, you guys just want to wing it anyways. You guys by far can go ahead and xill with people or randoms; it doesn't matter that's just kind of my little, side note for you guys so that way you guys can go ahead and try doing it with friends or try without doing it with friends if you want to keep it safe that's how I play I like to keep it safe I don't want to lose my Tombstone, especially if I'm in the middle of a live stream trying to drop for people, but all we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and make our way over to the story.

Mission The reason why I like to do the story mission is because, for one, there's going to be pretty much no zombies around. No zombies spawn when you call in the helicopter, either, so you don't have to worry about anything like that. You also don't have to worry about the mini-bosses. Obviously, I'm on foot, so it is going to spawn a little bit of zombies around me, but no big deal.

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We have the ather blade, and then there is going to be the other part of this article as well. This is going to show you guys how to keep the blade sharp every single game. If you saw at the beginning. I went and equipped it, so now I have an ather blade on my second account, and all I'm going to do to keep this ather blade every single time is I'm going to go ahead and close the game out at the perfect time.

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