News - Unlock Camos & Keep Tombstone Items Season 2 After Patch Tombstone Glitch Warzone 2 Zombies -warzone 2 Glitch


As you can see, we are making our way over to our Tombstone currently, and you can see that a lot of players over here are already getting their tombstones all set up for the game, so if you guys already have a tombstone set down, this is going to be for today's article if you guys do not know how to set up Tombstone.

Don't forget to drop a like. Let's go on with it. You guys are looking for a Discord to join. I'm going to have a whole bunch of my members popping up on screen right now. You guys are watching this article. Don't forget to comment down. Tomstone, if you guys are looking to unlock the new MW3 camos, such as Interstellar Borealis, hard-unlocked, or even play in bot lobbies where you can level up your guns and unlock camos rapidly, or even the instant delivery pre-made accounts, be sure to check out Mitch {594}.

They include tons of legitimate services for Playstation, Xbox, and PC and have over 10,000 Trustpilot page reviews. Be sure to use code EE for 5% off. Don't forget to act fast. So guys, all you need to do is open up your Tombstone stash. If you already have a Tombstone set up, I'm going to go ahead and equip this large bag and make my Tombstone even bigger.


This is going to be a cool thing that you guys can do because you can actually upgrade your Tombstone whenever you wish or downsize it if you really want to. So we're going to go and equip, and you can see that we have a large bag, and these are going to be all of the items that I'm going to be duplicating.

Being able to use for the next game to make weapon leveling super easy, so once you guys do pick up your old tombstone, all you guys need to do is go ahead and pop a tombstone perk if you already have some in your tombstone or any from your stash from the old glitches, or if you guys don't have any, just make your way over to a tombstone it for 2, 000 Essence.


So I'm going to go ahead and pop a tombstone perk, and then we're going to show you guys how to keep this for next game when we are trying to level up our weapons. One thing I will say is that if you guys are trying to use up your weapons and you don't want to lose them, your insured slots You guys need to make sure first game every time you are refreshing this, you need to go in with no weapons at all, get a car, you know, pick up some weapons off the floor, maybe kill a mer, and it will help you get weapons for free without having to use your insured slot.

And then next game we will show you what we are trying to talk about, so let's go ahead and make our way over to the bad signal portal, and we're going to show you guys how to duplicate your Tombstone to keep it for the next game. So we are coming up with the anomaly, and if you guys do not have the bad signal portal, you just need to make sure that you change it to your act for Mission.

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You can see over here, on the left side of my screen, that it says bad signal. This is going to be the act for the mission, and you guys can change this super easily. You guys don't have to worry about completing any of your Acts one, two, or three missions in order to unlock this portal. You guys just have to manually click over to Act 4 to get this option.


So you can see that all of the items that we have in our bag are what we are going to have in our new tombstone, including our essence. So from here, all I need to do is enter the anomaly, and we're going to go ahead and down ourselves. So enter the anomaly. Now we're going to go straight into the water.

Once we go into the water, we're going to wait for our breather to go down. The reason why I'm having you guys not bring any weapons for the first time is because we will lose our insured slot. I'm going to show you guys a method on how to keep your Tombstone and your insured slot to get weapon camos.

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So as soon as that breather hits that red screen or you start taking damage from being underwater for too long, you want to go ahead and vote. Yes, as you can see, the timer's going down. We have our Tombstone per bot, and we're going to get the eliminated screen with a purple animation. From here, we want to go ahead and close out the game.

grizz viollent

If you guys are on the console, you want to close out the game on the purple screen, whether that's the PlayStation or Xbox. You guys need to close out on the purple screen. If you guys are on the PC, you want to close out on the black screen. So you guys are going to have to wait a little bit, but don't worry, you still have a good 7 to 8 seconds no matter where you are closing out, whether it's on the console or PC.

Now I will say one thing about the stash glitch: if your items are not coming back into the game, like if they're not popping up on screen right here, that means you have too many items in your stash. With the new update, you don't want to store any items in your stash. Technically, you don't want to go over the limit of 10, because of the fact that you will start magically losing items, and that's not a very good thing to have, and I know it does suck, but you guys need to make sure you keep some space in your stash so that way you don't have these issues.

modern warfare 3

I started this glitch with 33 out of 10 in my stash, so I'm at 38 now, with 39. 40ish being my Max, so I want to make sure I don't put any items in my stash. That way, I don't lose any. I can always pull them out and put some in later on, but there is just whatever specific amount you started season 2, mid patch on, you cannot overfill it to that level because you will start losing items out of your rug attack if that makes sense, but now that we got all of our items and they're all duplicated right here, we did lose our tacticals, our lethals, and our field upgrades, so if you need a field upgrade for a specific camo to unlock, make sure you guys put that on or whatever lethal tacticals you guys end up needing, and then from here we are good to put our weapon on, so if we go and look at the gunsmith, in order for me to get a camo on this weapon.

I need to get 250. Kills: I'm at 193 out of 250, so this one's going to be super easy for me to get, so what we're going to do is go ahead and put this weapon on, and I'm going to show you guys how to get the camo and save your progression, so we go ahead and equip, and then we're going to hop into a game and show you guys what to do.

modern warfare 3 easter egg

So we just got done loading into game number two. Now here's where the fun part starts. So the reason why we did a first game of using no weapons and collecting stuff out of our Tombstone is that we do keep our Tombstone from doing this method, and all of our items that we just brought in we are actually able to use freely without losing anything in our Tombstone.

UNLOCK CAMOS KEEP Tombstone Items Season 2 AFTER PATCH Tombstone Glitch MW3 Zombies -MW3 GLITCH.
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